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Some people seem to "wake up" in an instant. For others it's a long, painful, drawn-out process.
I was trying to figure out what the new era of kpop buzz was about, it's 20min later and I'm in love with every BTS member.
lnlflwr said:
I was trying to figure out what the new era of kpop buzz was about, it's 20min later and I'm in love with every BTS member.

Have you heard of BabyMetal?  lol

TheRealCallie said:
lnlflwr said:
I was trying to figure out what the new era of kpop buzz was about, it's 20min later and I'm in love with every BTS member.

Have you heard of BabyMetal?  lol


Never heard of it, but I love their outfits. Gothic Lolita stuff, really cute. The music is just weird! hahaha

edit: actually, the music is pretty awesome too!
TheRealCallie said:
Have you heard of BabyMetal?  lol


Good lord, even to this day, I still don't know what to think of that.  I guess I just got too accustomed to stuff like this:
So weird don't feel worried about the wedding atall think I've finally beaten my fear.Wife said she's nervous about small talk at the wedding,cant believe it she has always been the popular one .
what a waste life is without anyone to share & enjoy it with. very envious of those who are good enough to experinece a healthy, loving long term partnership.
TheSkaFish said:
Not feeling that happy right now, but I pulled a lot of weeds yesterday, so I guess it was nice to get something done.

How many weeds do you have?  :O  Are you sure you aren't yanking up the grass?  lol

Sorry you aren't happy.
Son of a mother ******* bitch. This is utter ******** and what you said in it.... Are you kidding me? Wow.....

(and no, this doesn't have to do with anyone here...check your ego)
Surah al-Hadid (The Iron ) 57 : 27

Then We sent in succession on their footsteps Our messengers, and We followed [them] with Jesus, the son of Mary, and gave him the Gospel. And We placed in the hearts of those who followed him compassion and mercy and monasticism, which they innovated; We did not prescribe it for them except [that they did so] seeking the pleasure of Allāh. But they did not observe it with due observance. So We gave the ones who believed among them their reward, but many of them are defiantly disobedient.

This is new to me , why have i not seen this verse before  ?

Stop freely giving vast amounts of our ancient ground water to foreigners. We live in the desert. The Colorado River is drying up. We are going to need that ground water to survive.
59 today, never thought I'd make it this far, lol... can't sleep right now, so I reckon I'll toss out a few questions which have been perplexing me.

Y'all have heard of werewolves, right? Well, what about lesser-known were-Chihuahuas? Are they equally dangerous? Or can ya simply DROP-KICK them like you're STARRIN' in the motherf#%ng NFL?

These are the serious posers which have been keeping me awake... thanks in advance for any & all observations. Cheers!!!  :rolleyes:

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