Just Games said:
TheRealCallie said:
Who wants to mow my lawn?
Sythe it

.It will keep you fit :club:
Jesus what is going on in British gardens letting everything grow wild ,planting wild flowers,letting grass grow long encouraging bees and wildlife,alright I get that but now not killing slugs and snails..just let them eat your veg and tender plants ,we should just live with them and watch them trash our gardens. Even my neighbours at it asking me to cut half the lawn and leave the rest wild.Trends eh :club:
I have 2 acres. :club: I wouldn't be fit, I'd be dead. Lol. Goats would be a better option.
Also, they have to get the snails nice and fat to ship off to France. They enjoy their snails.
Lol no Alpacas and Llamas there all the rage in Britain but they can spit at you..but look cuddly so thats alright.Just let your grass grow wild and run through it,about time you lot copied us instead of the other way round. Flowers in your hair at 4.50a.m before your coffee

it will keep you fit aswell instead of dead