What are you thinking right now?

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mink said:
toxic-tears said:
Its currently 7:21am. Its is my usual time to be awake.. But I'm still tired.. I want to go back sleep since I don't have class. But I can't go back to sleep coz my ayes are all awake!. Man!
Good morning! It's 8:25pm here though lol. Night for me..
Hope the day goes great for you though!

Good morning/ good evening!.

Thank you, hope you have a good night there mink:)
Right now I'm thinking/worrying about that 3 hour sponge lab today, it might be fun, but dang why does it have to be 3 hours?
How I would rather have someone call me to talk to instead of doing this blasted bibliography assignment!
Are you using www.bibme.org to help you, SR? It's a lifesaver; I give it to all my students, and I use it in my grad school work as well. it'll save you all sorts of time!

A4S (Oh yeah... EMAIL me!!!) :p
I'm thinking of converting to wikipedisim, i mean it does have all the answers

lol. That's a good one.
I'm thinking that I feel awfully stupid because my armpit muscle is all sore after I biffed it diving onto a hotel bed to catch a rugby ball. >_< At least I caught it though... Man I do the dumbest sh*t sometimes.
But New Zealand won the 7s tournament in San Diego this weekend. It was pretty sweet. Um, that's rugby. They won at 7s rugby. Yeah...
Qui said:
But New Zealand won the 7s tournament in San Diego this weekend. It was pretty sweet. Um, that's rugby. They won at 7s rugby. Yeah...
That's awesome! I love the Blacks.. although I don't watch much rugby anymore.
Now I'm thinking...I do intend to catch up on some rugby watching :D
armor4sleepPA said:
I'm thinking that I'm glad we're not having classes today; keep snowing/icing!
Lol that's great! I could never experience that though lol since where I am doesn't snow. How fun :D
armor4sleepPA said:
oh, we can get up to two feet of snow (2/3 meter, for you metric people out there) sometimes! Gotta love living in the north!

I'm thinkin wtf bay? Why must you constantly block all the snow, we aren't getting anything over here:(

Ironically I have to go to a weather class right now:D
I am thinking why.....why do i have to wait for this
Feeling and why is it every time im this close im pulled back.