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That I know this particular time of day is lacking...in so many respects. But. Like the poor 49ers, that showed up in 1851...I've found a nugget occasionally. Not often. But. When you commit, do it like you mean it.
I don't hug but I feel so amazing that I would be almost tempted to grab someone and squeeze for just a few seconds though.
Just to be clear, I am NOT a victim. I didn't make myself a victim when my husband was abusing me so I certainly won't make myself a victim here.
I hope when I wake up tomorrow this rundown feeling and fever-less and otherwise symptom-less chills I have been getting this week are gone.
I sympathize. I have a cold, with chills, coughing, sore throat and muscle pain, but no fever. The dumbells got heavier by themselves though lol
That although I have an open schedule, I still purposely choose the time I'm here because other than bored MODS, I rarely have to try to carry on a conversation. And then bitch about no one being here. And then never having to see the responses, because it's about 20+ hours later.
I just happened to see an article saying that Elijah Wood (Frodo) is against AMC's idea to charge more money based on seat location at the movie theater.

I understand why they would do it. Other forms of entertainment have already been doing this. And it makes sense from a purely numbers perspective, especially with the hit movie theaters took during COVID, and with streaming becoming more common.
But at the same time...it's still a dick move. Going to the theater was already expensive before COVID, and the situation was already well worse than it used to be.

What surprised me, was to see how many people actually argue on the corporation's side.
This isn't the first time I've seen such things either, far from it.
I used to think that most people would argue FOR "the little guy", because most of us ARE "the little guy".
It's astounding to me that there really are a significant amount of people, who argue FOR "the machine", even despite everything that's happened these last couple of years. It's been more obvious than it has in a long time that there is a serious greed problem going on today, and some people not only still don't get it, but they are actually for it. It's even to the point where some accused Wood of seeking attention, but that's so dumb - what does he need attention for? He's already set, he doesn't need attention.

A lot of people out there, really do stick up for faceless corporations, and against their own interests. They really stick up for established power. I don't understand that kind of person at all. For me, the knee-jerk reaction is to say "enough greed is enough, in fact we're already past enough, we've been past enough for some time now". But regular people are actually saying "we agree with corporations' desire to charge us more and make service worse, and we will fight you over it". This is the kind of person who, when they hear someone else complaining about something that they are having a hard time with, they'll tell the person "sToP wHiNiNg". They'll take the side of/kiss up to the thing that's strong, against the person struggling. They aren't nice people that are confused, or don't know what they're saying, don't know any better. They're for "might makes right", "survival of the fittest" because they are a-holes, they're bullies. And I've always instinctively disliked this kind of person.

I guess the cold, heartless, a-hole bully mentality, is more widespread and entrenched than I thought.


OK so, to be fair, upon reading the article in full, the new seat prices will be only a dollar or two more - which, while not great, especially considering the already-high price of a movie ticket pre-COVID - nevermind concessions - still isn't the end of the world. Kind of annoying though - when I went to the theater, I would get these same seats, I'd just either go to the theater early, or order tickets online in advance.

What bothers me about it is more the way the company is trying to artificially extract more money out of people without actually creating more value/improving the service - it's the same thing, just pricier - this is becoming a trend these days, worse service for more money, where the "value creators" aren't actually creating value, aren't making anything better, just trying to find new ways to gouge the sh*t out of people.
It's like greed has become culture these days. I feel like religion used to tell people that there was a higher way than "might makes right", but now that it's falling away, people are regressing to Darwinian competition.

And the part that really stuck in my craw, was the amount of people that sided with the corporation, and against consumers just like themselves.
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