Mr Bakerman
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I stopped trying to keep the peace years ago and i just lose my sh*t at the drop of a hat at home. It doesn't resolve anything or make me feel better, yet it's the only reaction i can give when bs happens.So my Dad brings a jar of extremely moldy pickles to the door of my room, I don't really want to see them but I go into the hall to do so anyway because I just don't want them to be brought into my room.
Seriously what the ****.
I don't need to see that, and it sure as **** doesn't need to be brought into my room where the spores can get into the air and ruin my paper products and then I have to throw those away. It's bad enough in here with the lousy windows not keeping the moisture out very well, any mold spores in here already don't need any help. Just throw it away, I don't want to see it, I don't ******* care. It should just go straight from the refrigerator to the trash, that's it.
This is one of those things that happens around here from time to time where I'm like jeez, just why. This isn't necessary at all. As if I don't have enough problems, enough bs to deal with, now I'm freaking out about this.
I feel like it is so inconsiderate of my wishes and so unnecessary. Part of me wants to explode but I can't because I have to keep the peace.
I stopped trying to keep the peace years ago and i just lose my sh*t at the drop of a hat at home. It doesn't resolve anything or make me feel better, yet it's the only reaction i can give when bs happens.
I understand. Especially if you've got other sh*t going on like i have as well it won't help starting another argument. Just baffles me how people operate sometimes.I mean, I know it was done absent-mindedly, not with bad intentions.
But at the same time, it's like....there was no good reason for this.
But, if I get mad, that will just create a problem. And nothing will be fixed going forwards. So it's pointless for me, best to just let it go.
I understand. Especially if you've got other sh*t going on like i have as well it won't help starting another argument. Just baffles me how people operate sometimes.
Most of the time people just think others can't have issues or problems, so they'll just do random and stupid sh*t that wouldn't bother someone without problems. But when you've got stuff going on you are more easily annoyed/irritated which seems to confuse them. Cleanliness is a good thing so i am not sure why those mouldy pickles are even thereYeah, I have quite a bit of other sh*t going on, to say the least. Too much to list in fact. I can't spare another argument right now.
I understand my parents are being nice letting me stay here past the time to go, instead of throwing me to the wolves. At the same time it's frustrating at times because it's like, I have to, and try to, be considerate of them, but I don't always feel like they are considerate of me.
Like OK, they don't like me washing my hands or washing things - then help me but NOT bringing moldy things around me, you know I don't like that - etc.
Most of the time people just think others can't have issues or problems, so they'll just do random and stupid sh*t that wouldn't bother someone without problems. But when you've got stuff going on you are more easily annoyed/irritated which seems to confuse them. Cleanliness is a good thing so i am not sure why those mouldy pickles are even there
You're welcome. Wish i could feel that calmer after airing my feelings lol, i think i am too far gone with anger/feeling extra irritable all the time, but with everything that's happened to me in the past few years and lately it's no surprise. Mould is just lethal in general and an actual killer, so it's best to remove mouldy items or actual mould on walls etc ASAP. You'll get flashbacks when you see pickles again.Yeah, or they will just not think about it at all. I just really don't like mold though, cause it ruins things permanently, and then you have to throw it away and buy the thing again. And I really don't need to be doing that.
The moldy pickles were in the back of the fridge and forgotten about until today, but yeah, we should have cleaned it regularly.
And yeah I've definitely felt more easily ticked off when I am overwhelmed with stuff, which unfortunately is often.
Right now I feel under fire from all sides.
Thanks for listening man, it does make me feel betterI feel a little calmer already.
You're welcome. Wish i could feel that calmer after airing my feelings lol, i think i am too far gone with anger/feeling extra irritable all the time, but with everything that's happened to me in the past few years and lately it's no surprise. Mould is just lethal in general and an actual killer, so it's best to remove mouldy items or actual mould on walls etc ASAP. You'll get flashbacks when you see pickles again.
Beat me to it about the messages lol, i was about to suggest the same thing. Glad to know they won't give you a flashback lol and make you panic, but it was just unnecessary fuel to the fire known as being p*ssed off. Did that work screaming? I'd love to give that a go, but then i'd get more colours in my eyes than Jesus and his amazing technicolour dream coat.
It was a good one, i haven't used that saying in a while lol. I'll assume you became fairly hoarse from roaring too? I usually get a headache when i scream loudly for a long time. That is true as it brings more grief than you need, especially when a lot is going on and you want to avoid more conflict