That's one reason I never really got into breaking the law.
I didn't think I had the cunning and quick-thinking to be any good at it, or the street knowledge - not even getting into the morality of it.
My neighbors are a mess.

They're not bad people, but they have done bad things.
They grew up even rougher than I did, getting into hard drugs in their middle and late teens.
It's sad, to be honest. Because like I said they're not bad people, they're just stupid.
But the problem is that they don't know that they're stupid. So they just live however that way.
Man thinks he's making the dollar stretch doing scrap metal runs with a team of like 4 or 5 other jailbirds.
I've known him my whole life, we grew up together. Just as adults, I keep my distance due to his, erm...

Proclivity for error.

Him and I have a kinda strange dynamic.
He's like twice my size in physicale, and is often in an altered state, definitely highly morally ambiguous, kinda makes me nervous to be around.
But he's scared of me because I kicked his arse in a fight that he started when we were kids.

I don't hate the man, he scares the crap out of me because he doesn't know that he doesn't know and THAT is scary, because it can lead to well, 12+ arrests.

I don't want to be around him whenever he ***** up and goes back to jail again.
So I keep my distance and try to keep him at a distance.
It's sort of an unspoken agreement to keep the peace by not rocking the boat if the other doesn't rock the boat.
Were it not for his drug use and crime, him and I actually have a small handful of things in common, which is why we hung out when we were kids.
I'm kinda just like:
Bro, you're 35, like me. I know you're about that life, but at 35, you should probably stop trying to be about that life.

He says he wants to be sober but he relapses easily. He's easily triggered and actually quite a bit emotional but you'd never guess it looking at the man because he's built like a professional ring fighter.
Anyway I'm just rambling now, but yeah, that's what I was thinking of, was my neighbors.