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I have decided, self-indulgent bitch that I am, that I need some brownies. South Beach Diet be damned, this is a time that calls for a large quantity of exceptional chocolate goodness. So... *off to bake*
mintymint said:
lol! You rock the flannel CTF :cool:

I do. I never claimed to be stylish.

So anyway, I'm in the kitchen scraping a chocolate mixture from the double boiler into a bowl when Kid #1 comes bounding into the kitchen, stops and sniffs and then says, "OMG... is that chocolate? Are those... YOUR BROWNIES?!"

So, I made someone's day today. Finally. It was getting late and I was getting worried.
loketron said:
*hands CT a blankey* dont be cold.
im wondering why CT has respiratory problems?

Just feeling down.

evanescencefan91 said:
cheaptrick makes bloody brilliant brownies

I'm glad you liked them. Everyone deserves a care package. xoxo

shells said:
I hope you feel better :(

Thanks. I'm sure I'll bounce back.
i wonder if i can dance this funk out of me, and i think maybe my legs getting a bit better since i can dance like an epileptic

haha dance like an Egyptian/ dance like an epileptic, cuz it looks like i'm having a seizure when i dance, no intention to make fun of people with seizures

I've felt like this before I'm sure so i shouldn't be dying unless the homework really does have it in for


man life without seraquell is like life without my security blanket :(

I have to focus to not freak out about everything and I have homework and studying to do :(
How it sucks when I wake up and everything's alright, but then after a split-second of irrational and pointless happiness, it all comes crashing back down onto me and I remember. And then it hurts. And I can't breathe for a second. And then I realize I have a ****-ton of breaths left to take and for a while they're all going to hurt.

You'd think that by my age I'd ******* know better. Apparently I am just that stupid though.

And anyway, I had my time in the sun, right? I was married and had a family at one point. So what if that "time in the sun" feels as though it were just a fake-n-bake session at a NJ seaside salon. The illusion of happiness does not take away the sting of bitterness.

Maybe I should just accept my inevitable decline into dust. Ok, so slightly bitchy dust. Slightly bitchy, lonely dust.

omg I was never this emo when I was a teenager. What.. the. ****?!

In other cheerful news: my ex is so tortured over some aspect of his relationship with the HRH (that's Home-wRecking-wHore for the rest of you) that he let it slip the other day that he is in therapy. ******* what? The guy admitted that he didn't take our marriage counseling seriously, but just wanted it to look as though he was trying before demanding a divorce. But for a home-wrecking whore he makes an effort?

I don't even rate the effort one puts out for an unprincipled whore. You can't say that's not a blow to the self-esteem.

What's worse is that I can't even indulge some good old-fashioned Schadenfreude and be happy at his misery. I really, really want to though, and I know that makes me a bad person, but OMG I would love it if karma finally kicked him in the balls.

So yeah, I awoke to a great big bucket of awesome this morning. Bring it on, Life.
*hugs cheaptrick*

take whatever happiness you can :D

I'm feeling better I remembered the other time when i felt almost completely blank like yesterday it was that day in november before i had my huge panic attack,

i wonder if I can ever completely get off seraquell, but once a week is still better than once a day i hope i can consider it progress

if i didn't have homework maybe i could take the time to deal with these

they take my time and my confidence, well if i can figure the signs of an onset of one, i hope i can find a way to better way to prevent them

the last day of spring break will be spent doing a heinous essay and studying


i finished a reading and a short write up last night

quiz is tommorow essay is due on tuesday i think


i dreampt i had to retake highscool chem last night

well at least I'm done with that crap

less than 2 months of my freshman year
haha preaching to the choir spare

now I am getting sources on my sources rhetoric f*cking sucks
I envy the dead for they write no essays


do not pity the dead harry, pity the living but most of all pity those who live writing essays D;

and anonymouse's avitar is waayyy tripy :O