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think that the post is about them.
I do not think this is about me.....geez. 🤪

I notice that so many American sitcoms have so much conflict in relationships. King of Queens, Modern Family, Everyone Loves Raymond, just to name a few. Is this a real reflection of society? I’ve been with my wife for 32 years. We’ve maybe have a dozen conflicts in that time. If we did it as often as I see depicted in these shows, I doubt we would’ve lasted a year. I guess people just love watching drama.

A dozen conflicts in 32 years seems like of low to me. I suppose different cultures and all that play a factor, but I don't know, at least here, I think if there aren't conflicts/arguments, it means that the person/people don't really care about each other all that much or it's an arrangement.
Like I said, different cultures. I'm not saying you don't care about your wife. And I suppose there are exceptions, even here, but in general, I think Americans are more....I don't know, passionate?....so we get riled more easily.
I think if there aren't conflicts/arguments, it means that the person/people don't really care about each other all that much or it's an arrangement.
Wow! Is this really how Americans think? f*ck me! but I guess it explains a lot. I'm off to have an argument with the woman who runs the village pub because I want her to know how much I care.
Wow! Is this really how Americans think? f*ck me! but I guess it explains a lot. I'm off to have an argument with the woman who runs the village pub because I want her to know how much I care.
Lol, Be careful. You are neither American nor are you in America.
I'm likely not explaining it properly. But I also don't know exactly what okie means by "conflict"
Seems like a lot, or a little low? When I say conflict, most weren’t even yelling arguments. My parents on the other hand had many full blown and sometimes violent conflicts, hence my aversion to confrontations.
I don't know, I would think most couples have at least one good argument per year, if not more. Or better yet, smaller "tiffs" once a month.
How often do you bite your tongue or just let **** go? Do you have anything you feel strongly about that she doesn't? Do you get annoyed by anything she does?
To me, communication is one of the main things about a successful relationship. If you are talking honestly and openly, there are bound to be arguments, right? You can't always agree with everything the other person says. And yes, there are rational discussions a lot of the time, but at some point, the other person is going to say something either over the top or at the wrong time and there's going to be an argument.
Also, if you don't fight, you can't make up, right? 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨

Again, I'm not saying any of this definitely applies to your marriage. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. I don't know enough about your marriage or your culture to say one way or the other. Just giving my take on what I've seen, heard and experienced.
I do not think this is about me.....geez. 🤪

A dozen conflicts in 32 years seems like of low to me. I suppose different cultures and all that play a factor, but I don't know, at least here, I think if there aren't conflicts/arguments, it means that the person/people don't really care about each other all that much or it's an arrangement.
Like I said, different cultures. I'm not saying you don't care about your wife. And I suppose there are exceptions, even here, but in general, I think Americans are more....I don't know, passionate?....so we get riled more easily.
Seems to me if your partner is compatible, there really isn’t much of a need for arguments and conflicts. I mean, I’ve been with my partner for over 22 years now and a real out-and-out fight - like not talking to each other for days - is a rarity. I honestly can’t even remember when such a situation last happened - certainly less than 5 for sure. I think sometimes people like drama just for the sake of drama. 🤷‍♀️
Seems to me if your partner is compatible, there really isn’t much of a need for arguments and conflicts. I mean, I’ve been with my partner for over 22 years now and a real out-and-out fight - like not talking to each other for days - is a rarity. I honestly can’t even remember when such a situation last happened - certainly less than 5 for sure. I think sometimes people like drama just for the sake of drama. 🤷‍♀️
Oh no, the not talking to each other for days SHOULD be a rarity. I'm talking about smaller tiffs. You argue, you might be angry still, but you continue to talk to each other and then you make up or let it go.
Oh no, the not talking to each other for days SHOULD be a rarity. I'm talking about smaller tiffs. You argue, you might be angry still, but you continue to talk to each other and then you make up or let it go.
Ahhh, gotcha. I’d still say that even tiffs are a rarity though. We really don’t argue about much at all.
I don't know, I would think most couples have at least one good argument per year, if not more. Or better yet, smaller "tiffs" once a month.
How often do you bite your tongue or just let honeysuckle go? Do you have anything you feel strongly about that she doesn't? Do you get annoyed by anything she does?
To me, communication is one of the main things about a successful relationship. If you are talking honestly and openly, there are bound to be arguments, right? You can't always agree with everything the other person says. And yes, there are rational discussions a lot of the time, but at some point, the other person is going to say something either over the top or at the wrong time and there's going to be an argument.
Also, if you don't fight, you can't make up, right? 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨

Again, I'm not saying any of this definitely applies to your marriage. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. I don't know enough about your marriage or your culture to say one way or the other. Just giving my take on what I've seen, heard and experienced.
I'm with you lady, I reckon that occasional conflicts and arguments are a normal and a healthy part of a close relationships. Like you said they help you learn how to communicate with each other, find common ground and compromise.

Couples who proudly say they never argue or have many disagreements always make my heart sink and I question what else might be going on for them.