Talking about single parents... I'm a bit worried about my kid, I've read that statistics is that more single parent's kids have problems, mostly because of the financial problems and a lack of time I guess. Sometimes I feel that because of it like I need to try harder to keep my child out of trouble.
And that keeps bothering me a bit, my kid was the only one in a class from a single family in a few schools, and in one they asked me smth like 5 times, if I was sure I wasn't not married(I wonder is there a way not to be sure if you are married or not.... like he is a captain... a sea captain, a cosmic sea captain, traveling to other galaxies for so long ago, so I forget he exists?

I rarely meet single parents in my life, most children have both parents. It's good of course, but makes me feel we are completely wrong. In fact irl I only know one divorced couple with a child.
In my country if the parents don't live together, the family is disfunctional(and that means the social services have to control it, fortunatelly they mostly don't care). When my kid went to a kindergarten I need to get some medical papers, so a woman, filling the forms, asked me if our family was OK. I didn't know it wasn't

Neither I knew that infromation had to be put in a medical documentation. A woman was really angry with me when she asked smth about kid's farther and I couldn't answer . "But I've already written you have a functional family, what should I do now?". I suggested she could add "dis". When a few years later I got the papers for school, I didn't want them to be angry, so I said to a lady there "don't write we are normal, we are disfunctional", she was really astonished got very funny face of fear and suprise and asked smth like "does someone drink?"... for some reason it was normal for school to be a single parent. You never know what they want from you.