Well-known member
What a long winded bunch of bullsh*t lol
Kids.............they're so damned frustrating.
My point was that with the number of people actually sharing that image, I would guess it applies to a rather large number of people, regardless of gender or profession or whatever.They should have added the option - O - "I'm a mother >.>" or father or husband or wife... heh
Context is probably important in a situation like this...
If that's some one's reply to...
...A death in the family
...A diagnosis of cancer
...even just, "I had a really bad day and was reaching out to someone."
...Objectively it is personal, because it involved a personal correspondence between person (A) and person (B), where person (B) explains to person (A) "I wanted to finish what I was doing first, then, forgot about you completely, then, contacted you, still having forgotten you contacted me first."
Objectively that is the definition of being inconsiderate.
However, most conflict (I think), is usually the result of a breakdown in communication, a misunderstanding, or a product of trickle down aggression, etc.. etc..
Person (B) would be better off saying: "I'm overwhelmed at the moment and choosing to isolate as a way to deal with pressing and immediate stressors. Simply put I'm preoccupied and busy with other things right now, and it's beyond my means to converse with you on a level you may want or need at this specified time." (Perhaps this is what Vulcans say when they are busy and stressed out)
The world is a f*ck right now. Prices are going up. The complexity of the world is increasing faster and faster and faster, and few people are afforded the time to understand why this is so. The largest population demographic in the world (The Boomers) are senior citizens right now, and that can be a stressful time for many. A time of reflecting on a long lived life, a time of reflecting on missed opportunities, dashed dreams. A time of dealing with health problems. And that's not to mention that AI, political unrest, and authoritarianism have been on the up-and-up for about the past seven or so years now.
I don't use Facebook personally. And there are a lot of reasons not to do so. Some of them are simple: it's not always a healthy way to interact with other people, coupled with the fact that it often gives a very inaccurate representation of what a person's life actually is. Some of them are a bit more complex: the platform builds a facial recognition database out of anyone's face that comes in contact with it (see dystopian fiction such as "1984", a "Brave New World," etc..). And then there are even more complex reasons beyond that...
So, it wouldn't surprise me at all, to see something like this, 'making the rounds,' on Facebook. Why?
Because it's emotionally charged content that presents a, 'double bind:' A: take it personal and be in the wrong. B: don't take it personal, despite the fact that, under a great many contextual circumstances, it actually is personal. Suffer the cognitive dissonance either way. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
However, what if we ask why? Why would a website and it's servers, that are engaged in information interchange, such that, people can communicate with each-other via: text, money, video, pictures, ideas, etc... such that, it may collect and make inference upon the data, so that it can sell that information to advertisers, governments, etc.. Why would a platform like this, be interested in doling out cognitive dissonance (mind f*ckery) in the form of double binds, and emotionally charged content, on a regular basis?
I don't know the why. So, let's ask another question. What are the consequences of being emotionally charged, and emotionally volatile?
Well, our ability to think rationally, calmly, and clearly, is diminished when we are angry or afraid. Anger and fear are very base emotions; they are part of circuits in our brains, that are very old, and deal primarily with immediate survival. Tiger about to eat me? You don't think you act.
So, now we can ask another question. Why would a billion dollar tech corporation that deals in AI, facial recognition, data collection, data analysis, and advertising, etc.. etc.., why would a company like this want it's users primarily engaged with lower brain function, as opposed to higher cortical function and reasoning? What's the motivation?
As for me, I have a flip-phone. It doesn't notify me when there is new activity: calls, texts, etc..
Sometime's I forget to check the phone periodically. I miss calls. I let people down in this connected world. And, it contributes to my loneliness, because I fail at, 'being there,' when others want or need me to be there, sometimes. It's difficult for people to understand, digest, and deal with complex ideas and complex circumstances, in a world with big problems none of us can really accurately meet on a level playing field. It's even difficult for me to understand that it's difficult for people to understand these things.
I'm selfish. I often think of my own problems instead of others. I often attempt to help people with their own problems, not because I actually truly understand them, but because, I just want to be 'good,' and, 'do right.'
Sometimes people are indifferent, self-absorbed, selfish, callous, and even cruel. Other times, they are just busy, stressed out, and bogged down like a great majority of us are, from time to time, and sometimes, for extremely long intervals, under the weight of immense forces beyond their control, comprehension, or even their ability to manage at all.
Like and subscribe, if you want. (*sarcasm*)
But, if you've read this far, and digested the whole thing. Thnx. That's surprising to me..
Maybe that's time we won't get back...
Either way: may your jimmies be unrustled...
...and mine too..
I put the Trumpbots on Ignore on that other site.
I seldom use Ignore on any site, because if I should look at my Ignore list, I see their profiles and it pisses me's like it "connects" my account to theirs in a way. It's like an anti-friend request.
Nevertheless, Ignore works really well on these Xenforo-powered boards. In fact, dare I say it, but it's better than how Ignore used to be on the old version of this site. You don't see threads started by people you put on Ignore, and if you click on a thread they participated in, you don't even see the post if you clicked on the thread from inside its subcategory. It's like they're not even there.
Sometimes I think it's cowardly to Ignore someone, but the thing is, I don't actually want to debate them.
What I don't want, is to see their posts and get angry.
In light of that, I would say the benefits of clarity and peace of mind are worth having them on the Ignore list, which I don't really even look at.
It's what I should have done in the first place.
For the most part, that crowd doesn't want to engage in any meaningful conversation. There's no point in having a debate if the other side's not up to it, so I understand your perspective there. I see what you mean about putting people on Ignore, and I'm not keen on the idea for the most part, but this is a very valid exception.
Me too.
I usually get invlolved in arguing with someone who doesn't undersdtand properly what is written and interpretate in way they like(work). I just can't keep quite when they say something like "Today is Friday" when it's Wednesday, I usually start with "but look at the calendar" and then find myself deep in a stupid arguingIn some way I don't know what to do, to agree it's Friday?
Last time I found the laws and quoted them.... didn't help ) Just a waste of time(well, now I know for sure that these laws do exists and are not my fake memories)
What stuff? Politics? I could imagine, I'm a"fake" woman, but some other of them are even politiciansAnd I'm sure they are "real" and some of therm are quite beauitiful. (though I do agree with other part)
Well, anywhere sometimes it's just useless to argue... but sometimes it can be interesting to find out others points of view. The trick is to tell one from another and don't get into the first.
Well, sometimes it's just a nonsence, but once I'm involved I just can't agree, so I try not to get involved. Like last time they told me that's impossible to but a prepaid sim-card abroad and that kid's passports differ from adult's ones. But it's me abroad with a sim-card and a kid with kid's passport, which is exactly the same as mine ))I can imagine it must be hard dealing with that. I don't know what I would do. I don't think I could bring myself to agree that it was Friday, but I think for my own sanity, I'd just let them think what they want and let them get in trouble for it if it comes down to that. There's not really anything you can do if their minds are made up.
You can't convince them of anything through debates.
Funy thing(not sure, though, how funny it is for those who don't work with it), when we listened the port... that "closed interface" was just a simple handshaking: you send to a modem "are you a modem" and get an answer "i am a modem" and than just send any standart command, modems usually work with. We still laugh at "are you a modem"![]()
They would post the same things every day, over and over - either praise for some right-wing leader, or bad-faith questions about leftist points, that they got honest answers to but weren't actually trying to educate themselves on the issue because their minds were already made up. It seemed like they were trying to antagonize and troll the left-leaning forum members, more than anything else. If they wanted to talk about those topics amongst themselves, they could just go to some right-wing echo chamber instead.
And it was starting to make me feel as venomous as they are, just in the opposite direction. Within my own lifetime, I've seen my personal life, and the world, get hurt by corporate greed. It really makes me mad that this is "the future". When I was a kid I thought the future was going to be better, not a world that was worse than the past, but with a few high-priced tech novelties. So when you get people that are cheering for more corporate greed, more survival of the fittest, even though it hurts them too, I run out of sympathy.
They have this whole attitude of "yeah, crush the weak! They deserve it! It's their fault!"
And I'm like, OK, so once enough levels of "weak" people have been culled, what happens when it's your turn?
If the bar for who "deserves" to have a decent life, or to survive at all, keeps getting raised, it will be their turn eventually. They don't get that. They think they'll be able to "bootstrap" their way out of it, or that they'll be an exception somehow. I don't think so. I think super-rich people believe that the source of their success is inherent genetic superiority, almost like they're a separate, higher breed/species of human, and that no amount of "hard work" by people they view as subhumans, will be enough for them to be seen as equals, and spared from natural selection. They aren't going to stop raising the bar, until only the "fittest" are left.
You can't convince them of anything through debates. The only way that person will ever "get it", is if they are hurt by capitalism personally, and even that is a maybe, because they have to understand that's the reason they're suffering. As long as they don't get that, they won't change. With a lot of them, I think it's ingrained in their personality. It's the bully personality, they think life has to be, and should be, an endless tough-guy competition. That kind of person has to have something happen to them that shakes them to their core and makes them want to stop being an a**hole, but to make that kind of change, you have to really want it, and most don't.
Do it! Enjoy your life while you can. It’s our own fault if we don’t.I'm thinking...what the hell happened to lead me to this point in my life?
Should I retire now and just spend my money?
What am I waiting for?
I'm 58.
Lifelong single guy.
Most likely will be dead before 70. Almost certainly in fact (at least I hope).
No family. No wife/GF. No grandkids.
I always wanted to tour the great battlefields of the world.
Thermopylae, Canae, Zama, Tours, Tsushima, Bannockburn, Constantinople, Vienna, etc...
My plan was to retire at 62, but maybe now is better...
If you have the money and security to fulfill those travel dreams now, then what the hell are you waiting for? Nothing is secure in life. You’re healthy and able now, that might change in four years. Sounds like an amazing adventure to me!I'm thinking...what the hell happened to lead me to this point in my life?
Should I retire now and just spend my money?
What am I waiting for?
I'm 58.
Lifelong single guy.
Most likely will be dead before 70. Almost certainly in fact (at least I hope).
No family. No wife/GF. No grandkids.
I always wanted to tour the great battlefields of the world.
Thermopylae, Canae, Zama, Tours, Tsushima, Bannockburn, Constantinople, Vienna, etc...
My plan was to retire at 62, but maybe now is better...