President Of Trevor Philips Industries
I knew I should've passed on that burger.
Welcome back.Sometimes you just need an adventure to cleanse the bitter taste of life from your soul We weren't born to just pay bills and die, don't live the same year 75 times and call it a life
This is why I wish I never quit smoking pot, heh. I used to be so much more chill. Though, back in those days, nobody picked on me either, so... Actually, it would happen occasionally. I suppose I didn't let it get to me as much. Or maybe it did get to me, it's just that, it didn't have time to fester and swell..So I was going for a walk tonight with my Mom, and some little sh*t wearing a flatbill hat, in daddy's base model 300C has the nerve to yell "freak" out the window as we're just walking, minding our own business.
At first, I thought it was just someone listening to a song, so I paid it no mind. But then they turned around and drove back, and did the same thing.
I haven't had something like that happen in years. I definitely don't miss it.
I didn't say anything, I had my Apple watch on, we were in the middle of a walk workout, and I was with my Mom, so I didn't want to put us both at risk, or flip out and make a scene, I know she'd want me to be more mature, but still...
...who antagonizes someone out walking with their Mom? I looked totally normal too, just wearing shorts and a t-shirt, and I'm too old to be anyone this person knows or has anything to do with.
Nevertheless, I hate people like that. Antagonistic cowards, I call them. People that like to start sh*t and then run away like little b*tches. Everyone I've ever hated has had this trait in common. They never stand and fight, unless the odds are massively stacked in their favor. I tell you man, just for once I'd like to catch someone like this, and beat the ever-loving sh*t out of them. I'd love to see the expression on their face when they know they're caught, and I'm not playing games. I have a lot of steam to blow off...sometimes I want to get into a fight. I confess - just one time, I want to get someone who thinks they can pick on me, and just completely f*ck them up.
It's got me thinking maybe if I go for walks alone, I should carry rocks in my pocket to whip them at passing cars if they try to start something. There, have fun replacing your windshield motherf*cker. I see this kid again, and I'm alone? It's on.
This is why I wish I never quit smoking pot, heh. I used to be so much more chill. Though, back in those days, nobody picked on me either, so... Actually, it would happen occasionally. I suppose I didn't let it get to me as much. Or maybe it did get to me, it's just that, it didn't have time to fester and swell..
You can't really give some a hard time, who fails to be given a hard time... I'm not sure how to be that person again, though. I think when you have enough confidence, it's like a mosquito trying to bite you through your leather jacket... You're just like, 'uhh okay dude, have fun with that.' There's just a confident indifference.
Right now, I'm reading Robert Whitaker's "Anatomy of an Epidemic." It's not unlikely the various assortment of psychiatric medications I've allowed myself to be pressured into taking over the years, have caused brain damage, maladaptive modifications to receptor count, and perhaps even epigenetic changes, etc... Factors that consequently, are contributing to less emotional stability, diminished cognitive function, combined with the experiences in the world under such an influence, that, ultimately have resulted in less social fitness, and also lead to accrueing a wealth of negative experiences, etc..
Also, kids can be mean as f*ck. And I suppose not everyone maintains their, 'coolness,' as they age, heh.
I don't think whatever I was talking about is necessarily, 'right.' There are so many variables to consider...I almost got into a huge street brawl while high on weed once. My friends had to take me away, but I wanted to spill some dudebro blood. So angry stoners can definitely exist.
Granted I was pretty drunk at the time as well, so that may have had something to do with it. Either way not my finest hour.
I guess my desire for violence, is in some way making up for when I was younger, when I let myself get walked all over because I wasn't violent at all. I WANTED to be, on some level. But everyone from home to school said it was wrong, I wasn't supposed to feel like that, etc etc.
Eventually I discovered things which changed my mind - alcohol, punk, assertiveness, the male gender role, and so on. I just changed to, sure, I'm an outsider, but if someone wants to disrespect me, they'll have to fight me and see if it's worth it then.
Anyway, I know the "confident indifference" you were saying, is technically the "right" answer. That's the answer that someone is supposed to pick, especially at my age. In the grand scheme of things, this doesn't matter. I don't really care what that kid thinks, it has no bearing on anything important to me in any way. "That's, like, your opinion, man" and all. Most likely I'll never see them again, but I can't say I won't look, at least for a while...
That, and I'm supposed to care about more mature things now - which I do.
Still, I'd have loved to see if this kid still thought it was worth it to call me a freak not once but twice, if as a result it got his teeth knocked out. I just want to catch one of these people one time, who thinks they can f*ck with whoever they want and no one is going to do anything to them, and it's like, no, say it to my face b*tch. Want to run your mouth, come over here and say it. Put up or shut up.
I'm not a tough guy myself, but like I said, this wasn't some big muscular dude, and no one is going to pull a gun on me here. He looked like he could barely see over the steering wheel. I'd have knocked the sh*t out of him on adrenaline alone.
You know what's weird? I even had a violent dream this morning, before this happened. I woke up twitching. I guess it must have been in the cards.
I don't think whatever I was talking about is necessarily, 'right.' The most compassionate thing you could do for this young man, might be to subdue him and strike terrible fear into him. There are so many variables to consider there though...
I'm just not wise enough to know about such matters. I'm a timid guy. I didn't like to drink, I just smoked pot and listened to metal.
And I very, very rarely, if at all, enjoy metal anymore... heh.
I know what you are talking about, though, at least to some degree... I despise every aspect of it.. Sucks.. Hope things improve soon.
What a prick man! It's a scream of brokenness, a sign that his needs for love, attention, worth and appreciation are not being met.I think it is, and it's more challenging than getting angry. Ultimately it's the wisest thing to let stuff go, unless it's really important.
It's just that I'm not wise all the time. There is a part of me that wants to beat someone else - physically, or in some other way. I want to score a victory somewhere, I want to win a battle. It might not be right, but I do have something to prove, I guess. I want to prove that I'm not someone that gets picked on, that I'm not in life to take it. I've felt this way about other things too.
I hated the way this kid acted like he was untouchable. This kind of person always does. Their cowardice disgusts me. They want to feel tough for talking sh*t, but they don't want to have to fight someone after that. They don't want to risk, not just getting physically hurt, but also losing.
Mostly I'm disturbed that at 37, and with my Mom, this still happened.
Do I give off some kind of dweeb aura, like I'm wearing some kind of "kick me" sign that someone half my age thinks they can f*ck with me, in front of my Mom at that with no decency whatsoever?
Am I not masculine or assertive enough?
I sometimes wonder, do I need to adopt a more intimidating appearance?
Hit the gym and shave my head? Dare I say it, but, a tattoo or two? Should I have done this all along?
Do I need to actually arm myself?
But, I'm not ALL that way, ALL the time. That's why I never went all in on any one subculture. I might feel like kicking ass one day, and being chill the next.
And yeah, I remember that post you made. It's a shame that happened. Your conclusion to have compassion for that guy though, is something I would not have been able to do. Most likely I would have just said something back and escalated things. Stuff like that is one thing that keeps me off multiplayer games. That, and it always seems too frantic. For me, I'd want to play games to relax and get immersed in something. I always preferred story mode.
Anyway. Tomorrow's another day. Thanks for the chat![]()
I heard a Chinese proverb on my travels "it is not until a mosquito lands on a man's testicles, that he realises violence is not always the best solution"
Having said that man, here's an East End of London proverb "if you see the wee f*cker again knock his bloody block off!"
Thanks for the laughs! SO glad you are back, you were missed.Changed all my passwords to Kenny.
Now all I have are Kenny Loggins.
So I was going for a walk tonight with my Mom, and some little sh*t wearing a flatbill hat, in daddy's base model 300C has the nerve to yell "freak" out the window as we're just walking, minding our own business.
At first, I thought it was just someone listening to a song, so I paid it no mind. But then they turned around and drove back, and did the same thing.
I haven't had something like that happen in years. I definitely don't miss it.
I didn't say anything, I had my Apple watch on, we were in the middle of a walk workout, and I was with my Mom, so I didn't want to put us both at risk, or flip out and make a scene, I know she'd want me to be more mature, but still...
...who antagonizes someone out walking with their Mom? I looked totally normal too, just wearing shorts and a t-shirt, and I'm too old to be anyone this person knows or has anything to do with.
Nevertheless, I hate people like that. Antagonistic cowards, I call them. People that like to start sh*t and then run away like little b*tches. Everyone I've ever hated has had this trait in common. They never stand and fight, unless the odds are massively stacked in their favor. I tell you man, just for once I'd like to catch someone like this, and beat the ever-loving sh*t out of them. I'd love to see the expression on their face when they know they're caught, and I'm not playing games. I have a lot of steam to blow off...sometimes I want to get into a fight. I confess - just one time, I want to get someone who thinks they can pick on me, and just completely f*ck them up.
It's got me thinking maybe if I go for walks alone, I should carry rocks in my pocket to whip them at passing cars if they try to start something. There, have fun replacing your windshield motherf*cker. I see this kid again, and I'm alone? It's on.
What a prick man! It's a scream of brokenness, a sign that his needs for love, attention, worth and appreciation are not being met.
I heard a Chinese proverb on my travels "it is not until a mosquito lands on a man's testicles, that he realises violence is not always the best solution"
Having said that man, here's an East End of London proverb "if you see the wee f*cker again knock his bloody block off!"
So some random idiot, who doesn't know anything about you calls you a what? Now hear me out on this. That kid doesn't know anything about you. Not the slightest little thing, so how on earth does he know whether you are a freak or not? You aren't deformed, so you don't meet that definition of the word. You aren't behaving in a wild or irrational way, so that one is out. And you aren't scary, bizarre or odd, so the slang is out too. So, you meet no definition of the word. All you are doing is giving that guy power over you. It's literallly just a word. It can't hurt you if you don't allow it to.
Next time, just say thank you and carry on because some random guy yelling something at you (are you sure it was at YOU, btw?) is pointless and meaningless. Now if something who actually knows you calls you a freak, maybe have that reaction, but not some random idiot on the street.
Take me for example. LK just called me a ***** the other day. Should I have retaliated and attacked him and stooped to his level? No. First, that's what he wants. Second, it's literally just a word. Third, while I can definitely be a *****, LK knows NOTHING about me, so I won't ever give him that kind of power over me because he's not worth it and I don't give two honeysuckles about him or his opinions. It says more about him than it does about me. The same is true in your situation. All you can do is control your reactions to the world around you. That choice is yours. Make the right ones and it'll be you that comes out on top.