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OMG that would be the sexiest stuff ever posted here lol
Badjedidude said:
Lol it's probably going to be the latter. I have some pictures I'm going to post on here...but I'm waiting to see if the bite gets even worse before I post them. :p

For real a brown recluse? Dude, you have to get to the doctor post haste. Those can be truly awful bites with the potential for serious necrosis of the tissue. Get your ass to an ER.
Badjedidude said:
Well ****. I just got bit on the neck by a brown recluse. Little bastard. I guess I'll have to wait until morning to see if my skin starts rotting off. -_-

I killed the spider, though...so...hah.

I sometimes wonder if people would still enjoy me/get a kick out of me if my manic episodes were ever eliminated.

Put another way: I wonder if people still love me/like me when I crash into depression.
aw I'm afraid of being clingy and making people feel uncomfortable again

*sighs* that really is what i do best Claire ... making people feel socially awkward since 1991
I'm thinking I should probably eat something now, I pretty much forgot to eat all day.
I'm also wondering wether or not this pony toy I bought is actually a G2 My Little Pony or not, if it isn't a My Little Pony it's a brilliant lookalike, I can't find any info' on it (there seems to be very little information on G2's too) so I think it's a My Little Phoney... I can't make my mind up.

I think I want to forgive my boyfriend, I don't think I'm mad at him anymore...
cheaptrickfan said:
I sometimes wonder if people would still enjoy me/get a kick out of me if my manic episodes were ever eliminated.

Put another way: I wonder if people still love me/like me when I crash into depression.

*raises hand* i get a kick out of you CT. its hard to see if someones
sad over the interwebs but i forgive you...

and yo!! broken doll!!...*hands broken doll a slice of pizza*
cheaptrickfan said:
I sometimes wonder if people would still enjoy me/get a kick out of me if my manic episodes were ever eliminated.

Put another way: I wonder if people still love me/like me when I crash into depression.

well...I know how to get ya to release natural feel good estacy indorphins. I heard it helps lower your depressions.
So you can put whatever worries you have to bed.
You're going to have to trust me on this.
I bet ya..you'll say you have manic episodes five times a day.
It's all good, I won't judge ya...

Ok lets just say you still wanna lay still in bed all day and wish to not be touch or spoken to. Don't worry i won't fix ya.
It'll give us a break and time for me to go do whatever alone time activities such as meditations, reading, writting music, excersizing..etc
Plus it'll save me the trouble of telling ya to stfu woman..just stfu.:p
See.... it's all good, we won't fight so much.
I think i pretty much chased away a friend potential when I had a really depressive episode on friday. So, you arent alone in feeling this CTF.

Oh well I guess. Live and learn.
It's just that I am scared that people's interest in me is limited to how entertaining I can be (think: Joe Pesci in Goodfellas - "I'm funny how, I mean funny like I'm a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh, I'm here to ******' amuse you?")... but let things get "too real" and then they're running for the hills, boyfriends and husbands and friends alike.

Sure, it's all fun and games until the suicidal ideations start...

The thing is, I feel great now. I've been swinging high for, well, months now. That cynical bitch in my head is just afraid that it won't last.
cheaptrickfan said:
it's all fun and games until the suicidal ideations start...

Oh, this sounds familiar...

All to familiar....


I luffz you CTF. <3

And I'd listen to you and be around you if you ever felt this way again.
Lurker.In.The.Night said:
cheaptrickfan said:
it's all fun and games until the suicidal ideations start...

Oh, this sounds familiar...

All to familiar....


I luffz you CTF. <3

And I'd listen to you and be around you if you ever felt this way again.

Thanks, hon. :) It's weird, I do not usually get introspective when I am manic, but when I do, it can get obsessive-like. Argh.

I should just let it go and trust. Things are wonderful right now. *sigh* It hurts to think that it could all go wrong.

ohhh **** I need to shut off my BRAIN.
I too have my episode of depressions. I term it as anxiety attacks.
I choose different ways of copping with it that you do...
When my anxieties hit...it hits. I have no chioce of when it'll come.
Nothing in my life can be wrong and I'll still have axieties attacks.
Generlly I wished not to be touched, spoken to. I just wish to be left a lone.
It's the safest way for me ...bascailly just sit still until it passes.
Becuase I'm also very irrable and discontent with everything when I'm in the funk.
it passes...Sometimes quickly sometimes slowly.
I stopped judging myself and beating up on myself becuase of this condition i have.

One of my closest female friend suffers from depression.
Chelle sufferes from depressions and she can turn into a major bitch at times
I havn't ran and still love both of these people very much.
Lonesome Crow said:
I stopped judging myself and beating up on myself becuase of this condition i have.

I don't judge myself for this - it's who I am, like it or not. My creativity and inspiration are indelibly tied to my periods of mania.

I have decided that I can live with it for that reason, and because I seem to be having success with CBT as a means of coping. I hated how I used to stumble around in a mush-brained over-medicated fog, barely functional.

I worry about how this effects all the other people in my life, though. Sure it's a "condition" I have, one I didn't choose for myself, one which I think that I can handle... with effort; likewise the people in my life didn't ask to be forced to deal with it either. But maybe I am not giving them enough credit.
*hugs lurker and cheaptrick and crow*

Sure, it's all fun and games until the suicidal ideations start

lols cheaptrick that is tottally macabre i love it

that would make a great album name

ahhh man i nmeed more comic books i tottaly got sucked into the 8th season of buffy and i only have the the first 28 so far which is most of it but still nnneds more

through i said they're going to do a season 9 to up to lke 40 or so issues, but noo

they have to do hundreds of comics, they can't let it end noooo!!!

hah there are many nerds among us if you simply look each one with their own nerdy niche,

my friend was giving me crap downloading comic books sooo nerdy, and then we watched the empire strike back and he then went on to name all the bounty hunters after solo, as well as their entire back story, he did the same thing when watched lord of the rings

your a nerd too, we just do different nerdy things

while i'm at download download pleeeaase

ahh looks like another saturday night reading comic books on my laptop

but ya then last night we were talking about being single is lame and such

and i said hey just think of it being a on a quest to get laid and or get a girlfriend, with you guys as my party a L19 black mage and a L18palendon encompaning me on my quest what can't we do?

she then pointed out that comparing life to an rpg and friends to role classes may be why we're all single

Found my helmet, my gloves, got a new seat and lock... just need a water bottle.

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