*hugs lurker and cheaptrick and crow*
Sure, it's all fun and games until the suicidal ideations start
lols cheaptrick that is tottally macabre i love it
that would make a great album name
ahhh man i nmeed more comic books i tottaly got sucked into the 8th season of buffy and i only have the the first 28 so far which is most of it but still nnneds more
through i said they're going to do a season 9 to up to lke 40 or so issues, but noo
they have to do hundreds of comics, they can't let it end noooo!!!
hah there are many nerds among us if you simply look each one with their own nerdy niche,
my friend was giving me crap downloading comic books sooo nerdy, and then we watched the empire strike back and he then went on to name all the bounty hunters after solo, as well as their entire back story, he did the same thing when watched lord of the rings
your a nerd too, we just do different nerdy things
while i'm at download download pleeeaase
ahh looks like another saturday night reading comic books on my laptop
but ya then last night we were talking about being single is lame and such
and i said hey just think of it being a on a quest to get laid and or get a girlfriend, with you guys as my party a L19 black mage and a L18palendon encompaning me on my quest what can't we do?
she then pointed out that comparing life to an rpg and friends to role classes may be why we're all single