wow man I really wish my roommate and her bf would stop making out gawwdd!! DX
oreos for breakfast are good
bad news it seems that the deadline for applying for dorms next year have passed ****
i didn't get a notification or anything gah! my friend asked if wanted to live in an apartment with her next year so hopefully i can afford it and we can get along okay.
we are the fallen are definatly growing on me the song without you is very good though I'm getting tired of the lines/ theme there must be something more to l,ife, or we were meant to live for so much more
yaaaaa no okay there is no divine purpose or quest for life, and unless you got an insanely rich uncle that's about to croak or if you've won the lottery, you aren't going to be able to travel the entire world, and see everything and start a school in africa
okay if you're not homeless or starving you're doing pretty well besides videogames internet and some friends you really don't need anything else
i should probably gewt up it's 12 and i have a lab in half an hour that has a quiz i was suppose to study for but i decided to sleep instead
amn i was so stressed last night, i have too much schoolwork to fdo i don't know if i can do it DX
i started having an attack, i took some seraqull that helped i haven't taken any for like 3 weeks since then
actually my blood type A has weaker stomach enzymes so my physiological (dude i can't believe i spelled that right on the first time) responses to stress are a lot quicker and much more severe than others
god thanks a lot body or god, for never ceasing to screw me over
ya i really enjoy being a hypochondriac lez with panic disorder, allergies and stress induced indegestion
doesn't that sound soo hot
*sighs * sorry for all the angst and crap
I feel cranky and pubescent today and I don't know why
angst ansgt angst