ya I hope you feel better soon cheaptrick if you can pelase drink some orange juice aand get some sleep
aha after much googling. becuase i remember feeling like this often around this time i remember it got really bad in the spring of 07 i missed tons of school, and skipped a lot of extra ciricular activities
from USA today
"A mind-body link?
Over the past decade, a flurry of research has suggested allergic reactions cause feelings of fatigue and depression because of the release of proinflammatory cytokines, proteins released by immune cells rushing to protect an allergic person from pollen or other allergens that have entered the body, says Paul Marshall, a clinical neuropsychologist in the department of psychiatry at Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis.
"It's thought that those cytokines directly affect the central nervous system, causing the release of a chemical in the brain called IL-1 beta that induces sickness behavior, such as weakness, lethargy, low mood and the inability to concentrate," Marshall says.
He says research strongly indicates that having allergies increases the likelihood of having depression twofold. "I wonder sometimes how many allergists really are aware of that."
In a study published in Psychosomatic Medicine in 2002, Marshall collaborated with allergist colleague Paul Steinberg and followed patients allergic to ragweed for a year from one allergy season, through winter when pollen counts drop and again during the following year's ragweed season.
"We saw … that behaviors associated with positive mood — enthusiasm, attentiveness, alertness — went down during ragweed season, then up during winter, then back down during the following ragweed season," Marshall says."
here's more about cytokines
"Cytokines and Depression
Clinical and experimental studies indicate that stress and depression are associated with the up-regulation of the immune system, including increased production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. When administered to patients or laboratory animals, some of these cytokines induce typical symptoms of depression. It is known that cytokines modulate brain neurotransmitters and the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, both of which are disturbed in depression"
well i guess it's nice knowing what's behind it, but man it's such a pain academically to have to deal with this **** every year around finals,
i remeber tlaking to my teacher last year about how my depression was making it hard for me to get up and get to school in april
..god damn it somthing's gone and botched up the stupid printing system in the itc,
they said someone woud be here soon to fix it but that was over an hour ago
sorry for the moodyness