not ashamed of bad habits that Im forming.
Its not important if days are shortened, I cant make time when nothings new,
Cause waking up is hard to do so,
i ******* love summer
i f*ing love this song
it's just the perfect lazy teenage anthem
it is most my summer summed up i just love
because it's just this get out of bed at 2 don't even eat breakfast head straight to the computer and you have this icky stayed up all night slept in all day bed head need to shower feel
but you just ignore it and get use to it
i'm just kidding i'm going to shower whence i'm done here
it's maybe kinda like an ocd habit
just how exemplifies how addicted the net i am
get up take chill pills (cause they're right by my bed)
maybe go to the bathroom don't eat, get a drink from the bathroom sink
and get online of course i come here
see what's going on post a little
then youtube check new cool vids and my subscriptions
nat posted a great new vid
yesh villinas are awesome
damned my morals, and fear of eternal damnination
i would be a wicked sweet villian
of course i'm sure we've all got the laugh down muahahhhhahawhhwhahwha
then i check my email i rarely go on facebook since i know all whats going on there in relations to me via msn
then i check deviant art
i've got like maybe 20 or so good pics some good motivational pics, i've got an idea for another i hope to make soon
i'm ussaly just a lame talentless observer that likes to fav a lot
i just like the pics
during the 2nd extensional crisis it was just good after school when homework was done and i was feeling stressed, just turn on itunes and browse
nice just like walking through an entire art gallery without getting off my lazy ass
i mean there is a lot of great art there
so tha't what i do everyday
like 2hours at the least
but whatever
i'm about on my last step now
then i should like go to the pool or something
well first eat then pool
cuz it is hot as ****
lol of by the time i'm done it will be 6pm and not as hot anymore
lol whtvs it's good
ps my Da sceenname keyoblivion check out my random **** if you guys are ver interested
wow.... lols this post was actually made in summer of last year but I had it saved in my drafts and I just now found it there
hah a little sad oh well

wow it just got really windy, looks like there's a big storm up north but it looks like most of it is going to miss us
and GAHHH my leg is itchy DX
it's also started raining I wonder if I should turn off the computer
that's like the worst 4 words ever DX
the only worse would be
the internet is out