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cheaptrickfan said:******* faboo. That conversation is totally going to come back around to bite me in the ass, I just know it. It's going to be fun taking the high road on this one.
Sean said:
cheaptrickfan said:I feel like a loser. I actually got to talk to an attorney this morning and I could not stop crying the entire time.
So much for being a strong, capable woman. WTF kind of feminist goes to ******* pieces after her husband leaves her? How the hell could I have let things get to this point?
Just_Some_Dude said:you may be a feminist, but you are first and foremost a human being. (((ctf)))
Nina said:being strong and capable are two of the qualities that will help you through it to the other side
PoWer2tHePeOpLE said:don't beat yourself up ctf. betrayal makes me want to.. injure. all the hurting is the saddest part. "cry if you want to cry.. if it sets you free, if it lets you breath, if it helps you see, if it clears your eyes.."
evanescencefan91 said:it's alright cheaptrick you are human and it's important to keep that in mind divorces are very difficult even for the most mature and most tough feminist there is
evanescencefan91 said:and oommmmmmm cheetos
cherrystar said:But am v. sorry to hear you are in that position, my deepest sympathies go
out to you ((( HUGS )))