it's almost ilike the limit on ALL login attempts is to filter out drunk users
i prevailed.
i prevailed.
shells said:it's almost ilike the limit on ALL login attempts is to filter out drunk users
i prevailed.
((E_F)), You're getting there buddy... You'll come out of this stronger and wiser.....or maybe you'll invent and produce the, "PEAK-EXPERIENCE Auto-Inducer" cause this way just takes to ******* LONG!! Feel better every day and eventually you'll wake up feeling GREAT!
csmswhs --
shells said:it's almost ilike the limit on ALL login attempts is to filter out drunk users
i prevailed.
PurpleDays said:Thinking, I wish I could lose weight like cheaptrickfan, but I am soooo hungry :|
evanescencefan91 said:*sighs* stupid cloudy boring sunday
it's suppose to be dreary and rainy these next couple days
low pressure systems suck
hahaha get it, low pressure systems, suck
ahh man I'm good
Nina said:evanFan--*Hugs* right back atcha!
csmswhs--Aww Thanks! The funny thing is I never taught Art. If I'd been smart enough to go into teaching art I'd have probably been a lot happier and still be making messes into maseterpieces with students. I taught in the Psych. Dept. , Effective communications...Sort of like a words as tools and not weapons, theme. I did it for over 10 years but it burned me right out. I met some fabulous young minds in that time but I met some really overtly, "duche-baggish" parents too.....
I'm wayyy happier with my art. You just gave me a great idea though. That of maybe finding some homeschoolers in my area and volunteering to coach some kids!! Another new way to maybe make some friends in this gossipy little town. Homeschooler parents are bound to be far more fun than the "zoning committee"!! Kids and art supplies are ALWAYS fun!! Thanks!
Imma thinkin I got a new idea!!
csmswhs said:(his last teacher called him a 'mush brain' in front of the whole class.)