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((E_F)), You're getting there buddy... You'll come out of this stronger and wiser.....or maybe you'll invent and produce the, "PEAK-EXPERIENCE Auto-Inducer" cause this way just takes to ******* LONG!! Feel better every day and eventually you'll wake up feeling GREAT!
csmswhs --

ahh thanks so much nina *hugs* I appreciate it


I ussualy write down my assignments but I didn't that time, and the assignments aren't on the sylabus :(
shells said:
it's almost ilike the limit on ALL login attempts is to filter out drunk users
i prevailed.

thanks Nina:), its not for everyone but its working out great so far for him. there seems to be an endless list of advantages, and as you said even reduces often wasted time & tax dollars.

and i certainly don't mean to undervalue teaching. you would definitly be someone i would hire as a private tutor if needed.:) (i bet your an awesome art teacher! i never took art in college but if i would've, i know i would've loved your class!:):D)
I need a counselor desperately, my mother has been looking for one, I'm going to help her tomorrow. (I went on a nice 21 mile bike ride today in the beautiful weather :) )
I stopped jogging for 4 days. Sleep pattern is completely messed up since I decided to nap after morning's work on the weekdays.
PurpleDays said:
Thinking, I wish I could lose weight like cheaptrickfan, but I am soooo hungry :|

I'll have to give it a week before I actually lose anything. The first few days of no bread & cheese is hard, but ultimately worth it when my pants start to feel loose. :D

Just as Prometheus had an eagle pestering him constantly, eating his liver and all, so do I have 2 kids and a cat who never seem to be able to give me a moment's peace.

It's good for them that they are all so cute and lovable.
evanFan--*Hugs* right back atcha!

csmswhs--Aww Thanks! The funny thing is I never taught Art. If I'd been smart enough to go into teaching art I'd have probably been a lot happier and still be making messes into maseterpieces with students. I taught in the Psych. Dept. , Effective communications...Sort of like a words as tools and not weapons, theme. I did it for over 10 years but it burned me right out. I met some fabulous young minds in that time but I met some really overtly, "duche-baggish" parents too.....
I'm wayyy happier with my art. You just gave me a great idea though. That of maybe finding some homeschoolers in my area and volunteering to coach some kids!! Another new way to maybe make some friends in this gossipy little town. Homeschooler parents are bound to be far more fun than the "zoning committee"!! Kids and art supplies are ALWAYS fun!! Thanks! :)

Imma thinkin I got a new idea!!
*sighs* stupid cloudy boring sunday

it's suppose to be dreary and rainy these next couple days

low pressure systems suck

hahaha get it, low pressure systems, suck

ahh man I'm good
evanescencefan91 said:
*sighs* stupid cloudy boring sunday

it's suppose to be dreary and rainy these next couple days

low pressure systems suck

hahaha get it, low pressure systems, suck

ahh man I'm good

Ok, I laughed. I'm not afraid to admit it :p
Nina said:
evanFan--*Hugs* right back atcha!

csmswhs--Aww Thanks! The funny thing is I never taught Art. If I'd been smart enough to go into teaching art I'd have probably been a lot happier and still be making messes into maseterpieces with students. I taught in the Psych. Dept. , Effective communications...Sort of like a words as tools and not weapons, theme. I did it for over 10 years but it burned me right out. I met some fabulous young minds in that time but I met some really overtly, "duche-baggish" parents too.....
I'm wayyy happier with my art. You just gave me a great idea though. That of maybe finding some homeschoolers in my area and volunteering to coach some kids!! Another new way to maybe make some friends in this gossipy little town. Homeschooler parents are bound to be far more fun than the "zoning committee"!! Kids and art supplies are ALWAYS fun!! Thanks! :)

Imma thinkin I got a new idea!!

that's great:), i think you'd be a wonderful teacher in any subject!:) your volunteering idea is wonderful, that is awesome of you to want to do that.:)

and i can't see any parent wanting to be a douche to you. i truly would've been thankful for and would've appreciated your presense around my child. he's had some wonderful teachers, but unfortunatly some douches also.

(his last teacher called him a 'mush brain' in front of the whole class.) (more specifically she said, 'what's wrong with you? you can't even figure that out mushbrain!')

i know he would've loved you tho!:):D

thanks again and hope your having a nice Sunday
csmswhs said:
(his last teacher called him a 'mush brain' in front of the whole class.)

WHAT THE ****??

That's not right. -_- Gimme his/her address so I can come play "baseball" with his/her ******* skull.

Then we'll see who's a mushbrain.

Seriously... why the hell would someone become a teacher if they have that attitude toward kids? It makes no sense! There are so many higher paying jobs out there where a person wouldn't have to deal with kids at all! UUUGGGHHH I hate hearing education horror stories like that. -_-
Gahhh! stupid ******* circadian rhythm I've been dead tired all day, and now that it's time for bed I don't feel tired at all

I hate my body, I swear it's out to get me

gah man I don't want to go to sleep, becuase then I'm going to wake up and it'll be monday and I'll have to go though a whole nother f*cking week of school,

man education sometimes I wonder
i need a reprieve.

i also need a punching bag. or something.

haven't been feeling quite myself lately.

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