why can't I get a hold of my parents, It's never been this hard to get a hold of them before,
I am starting to freak the f out
gahhh, again disclaimer I'm glad my parents help me out with the bare nessecities,
but gahh wouldn't ot be great if someday that I'm beginning to worry may never come of being finanically independat, and judging as are where everything is going in terms of national and global economy, never
so I wouldn't have to keep calling and asking my parents to help me out, in their rather reluctant and slow manor,
until i on the off chance I possibly go/ make it to grad school if I could get funding for it, or I move back into my dad's basement,
well I mean he's got digital cable, a plasma tv and just set up their own wi fi network,
so in terms of under achievement that would actually be a step up, from no cable at all and the city's slow public wi fi
ohh god damn future responsibilities
........................... thank you for letting me rant about my white middle class young adult problems I really appreciate it