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Broken_Doll said:
Callie said:
I have no idea what size I am in UK, but I'm a size 3 (I can fit into some size 1's tho) in America. I don't mind talking about it online, but I won't really do that IRL, I don't need the drama I know I would get if certain people found out. I already get enough comments about being so thin. But me not eating meat usually shuts people up pretty quick, cuz they figure it's due to that that I'm so thin.
IF I gain, it will be muscle. Not massive muscle or anything, but still, I hate being weak (both physically and emotionally). As Broken_Doll said, feel free to PM me if you wanna talk about it. Here or in chat. Some goes for Broken_Doll.
Plain and simple, people don't understand if they haven't been through it, it's hard and it sucks.

I know American sizing is different to UK sizing (like a UK 6 is a US 4 or something), but US 3 is teeny tiny! I definitely prefer talking about this stuff online, though I do have a RL friend who used to be bulimic who I talk to about it, other than her I only talk to my boyfriend and counselor about it. I get the thin comments a lot, though my counselor doesn't think I look "anorexic" she just thinks I look "very slender", my doctor says I'm only slightly underweight (despite the starving, purging, restricting, dieting, general physically weakness and tiredness etc....) but gives me suspicious looks and weighs me all the fricken time (I get the "have you always been this weight?" questions a lot :/ ). I tend to gain just fat, if I gain anything, I starve more than I exercise (don't want to gain fat or muscle). And thanks by the way :) *hugs*.

Before I got pregnant with my second son, I was a size 0, so I'm definitely better than I was, but being 5'9 and only weighing 118 pounds isn't really good. I'm definitely underweight, but I'm working on getting to the point where I can gain weight without going back to the ED. While I have told people that I "was" anorexic, I don't talk to anyone here about it. The only person who knows the extremes that it actually got to is my ex and well, he doesn't even know ALL of it. But, as he's my ex, I don't really talk to him about it, but he does notice if I lose more weight. *hugs* right back to you
dear, I'm tired, I'll be glad when these earlier morning gym classes will be over,

gah why do i have writing assignments due in my pe classes

curse you gen eds!!
stressed, got a week to study for an exam and since I abandoned my job haven't wanted to do much else but drink, read and play video games
lonelyfairy said:
Why suicide is so hard to do? :(

Because it shouldn't be easy to throw your life away.

You're young and you still got a bright future ahead of you, I'm sure of this. So hang in there dear fairy, things will improve someday :)

Peter Lorre said:
lonelyfairy said:
Why suicide is so hard to do? :(

Because it shouldn't be easy to throw your life away.

You're young and you still got a bright future ahead of you, I'm sure of this. So hang in there dear fairy, things will improve someday :)


You're right, but I don't feel that way. :( Everything is so black now.

I know, but once you've gotten through this dark period, you'll feel strong and you'll be able to be so very proud of yourself.

I hope that too... :( *anxious*

Why professional help is so hard to get when I need it most?! Ugh, really, why?
People are trying to drag me into the gossip rumor-mill at work. omg noooooooooooooo.....

That never, and I do mean never, ends well.

Why does no one listen to me about this?!

*hugs lonelyfairy*

please don't

I know it's hard but trust me it won't last forever, it seems long now but you'll look back someday and it will all seem far away

you won't feel like this forever, moods fluctuate but after a while you'll feel better


oh purple gatorade you are the deliciousness of all the deliciousness in all the land

i love you

lonelyfairy said:
Why suicide is so hard to do? :(

Please don't kill yourself, life has its ups and downs happiness is never constant there will be happy times in your future even if they are brief, you'll miss them if you end it now, please keep this in mind
psych appointment in an hour

been mad procrastinating study i've really gotta cram the next few days
evanescencefan91 said:
*hugs lonelyfairy*

please don't

I know it's hard but trust me it won't last forever, it seems long now but you'll look back someday and it will all seem far away

you won't feel like this forever, moods fluctuate but after a while you'll feel better


NeverMore said:
lonelyfairy said:
Why suicide is so hard to do? :(

Please don't kill yourself, life has its ups and downs happiness is never constant there will be happy times in your future even if they are brief, you'll miss them if you end it now, please keep this in mind

But it's so hard to live! :( I mean, I can't handle, I'm too sensitive. I'm so tired mentally and physically, also... :(

lonelyfairy said:
But it's so hard to live! :( I mean, I can't handle, I'm too sensitive. I'm so tired mentally and physically, also... :(

*hugs* I know how tough it can be. But it'll be better for you, flower. Believe me?

IgnoredOne said:
lonelyfairy said:
But it's so hard to live! :( I mean, I can't handle, I'm too sensitive. I'm so tired mentally and physically, also... :(

*hugs* I know how tough it can be. But it'll be better for you, flower. Believe me?

I really don't know. :( But I try to believe, I'm really trying. :(

lonelyfairy said:
IgnoredOne said:
lonelyfairy said:
But it's so hard to live! :( I mean, I can't handle, I'm too sensitive. I'm so tired mentally and physically, also... :(

*hugs* I know how tough it can be. But it'll be better for you, flower. Believe me?

I really don't know. :( But I try to believe, I'm really trying. :(

*hugs* Its the effort that counts. Thank you for trying.