evanescencefan91 said:
wow nice going tangerinedream, that's impressive
man I freakin hate doing homework, I hate doing homework for my pe classes even more
I demand an explanation for this bs
seriously, stupid spreadsheets
Thanks, EvFan.
*pat-pat* The years of homework will be over someday... then it'll be years of slaving for The Man. heh
VanillaCreme said:
tangerinedream said:
5 pounds lost in 10 days: South Beach Diet ******* rules.
Thinking I might try that then.
It's very effective. What I am about to say is not medical advice or scientific data, but my anecdata based on personal experience with the diet. /disclaimer
As it turns out, I am pretty sensitive to carbs. I mean, they're what I crave most, but the effect they seem to have on my blood sugar levels is a little more severe than on people who aren't carb-sensitive. From what I've read, there may be a connection with insulin resistance. SBD is similar to Atkins in that it is low-carb and higher protein. Where it differs from Atkins is that SBD emphasizes lots of vegetables (from an approved list) and limited good fats, whereas Atkins was basically, "eat a steak with a pat of butter on it and lose weight."
It's funny, the first few days are crucial to getting my metabolism into fat-burning mode. I have to be absolutely severe about not letting in even a stray carb like 1 Triscuit or a bite of an English muffin. IF I laspe like that, there is a 100% chance that I will fall off the wagon and head straight for 75% carb diet. One I am over the 3-day hump of zero refined carbs (sugar, flour, potatoes, rice, fruit and vegetables with high glycemic indexes), it's like my metabolism throws a switch and pounds start melting off.
Eventually you get out of the strict phase and start reintroducing foods with higher GIs, so it's not as though you can't have pizza ever again. The time I lost a lot of weight with it, I kept it off for several years. I started gaining it back when I was going through a rough phase, so obviously, I still have food and eating disorder issues which I should address somehow, but who the **** can afford a therapist these days? I tend to blog/journal about stuff as a means of therapy, so I may do that again.
If you ever have questions (again, I'm not a medical professional), you know how to reach me.

I've been adding healthier recipes on the food blog lately too.