Things are on the up and up. Not all change is bad, it seems.
Hopefully tomorrow is a good day, it's been a while since I had any plans on a weekend, and any attempts to revive my old hobby are nice- it's been all too long since I had a chance to play tabletop RPGs, and the last time I did, it was a blast. Hoping this one is worth the entry fee.
I should be doing my social studies essay, it's really going to brake me down having to do it under stress later. But I'm way too down, and so I'm not going to get anything done. And I'm miserable. And scared, and lonely. Aaaaaaah.
And, also, Beethoven Cello and Piano sonatas is nice listening to.
I just finished watching the movie Splinterheads (2009). I wish I had a met a girl like the one in the movie. Will be going to get Chinese food now. Not sure what I'll e doing later on.
Does doing ONLY what is absolutely necessary to stay above water and nothing more than that really make you strong? Does it make you strong when the only reason you do it is for your children? Is it being strong when you don't know where you're going or what you're doing or who you are? Is it being strong when you're so lost you don't know which way is up....