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Dont know... but it can be done. Just wait until i move :K
And im thinking: lol i imagine if you were using my internet, how much you would get pissed lol
Luna said:
Im thinking we should think in meeting, in rl, in some place (usa is easier 4 everyone), make a "party" and, like Qui loves to do *group hug*

:D :D :D :D :D
:D :D :p :D :D
I would come, problem would be getting there and in secret/making a legible excuse to be gone for a while

I'm thinking about how much I love group hugs

well, I've been making plans and I think something like this might work:

first I get Qui to build this contraption for me (I fail at construction apparently, and this is just a concept design as suprising as it is) then I take a flight around the U.S. careful to aviod Utah (there be dinosoars....) and gather everyone up, tying them to the wings and making a rag-tag convoy out of it, complete with renegade Soviet MIG fighter dog fights (they wants our members!!! NOES TO THEM!) and taxi into SFO for the first drop off, sorry guys, no peanuts on this commuter airline.

THEN, I take the biggest risk and cross the indian ocean to England (Im bad with directions...okay? So what If Im a...few thousand miles off course?!?) to gather up our friends over there (bluey can be co-pilot since he is cool like that....and I have prbly passed out from the long flight) and drift across the polar Ice cap to minnosota where we take a pit stop at the Mall of America. After a few hours of sight-seeing and refueling we take off from the food court for the remaining flight Back to SFO....several days later (I accidentally made a K-turn and ended up in greece, where we picked up some other members who for some reason were waiting there....)

As I taxi us onto the runway we are greeted by all the other members, who untie and un-ducttape everyone from the plane, the plane itself finally gives out and falls apart, its monumental task completed and its job done....or maybe it was the quick fixes I made that ruined it....either or. There is much rejoicing and celebrating. The group hug is so massive it can be seen from space....THE END!...of the plan, its not like this is a fictional story or anything! lol, as if....


  • plane1f.jpg
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Fulgrim said:
well, I've been making plans and I think something like this might work:

first I get Qui to build this contraption for me (I fail at construction apparently, and this is just a concept design as suprising as it is) then I take a flight around the U.S. careful to aviod Utah (there be dinosoars....) and gather everyone up, tying them to the wings and making a rag-tag convoy out of it, complete with renegade Soviet MIG fighter dog fights (they wants our members!!! NOES TO THEM!) and taxi into SFO for the first drop off, sorry guys, no peanuts on this commuter airline.

THEN, I take the biggest risk and cross the indian ocean to England (Im bad with directions...okay? So what If Im a...few thousand miles off course?!?) to gather up our friends over there (bluey can be co-pilot since he is cool like that....and I have prbly passed out from the long flight) and drift across the polar Ice cap to minnosota where we take a pit stop at the Mall of America. After a few hours of sight-seeing and refueling we take off from the food court for the remaining flight Back to SFO....several days later (I accidentally made a K-turn and ended up in greece, where we picked up some other members who for some reason were waiting there....)

As I taxi us onto the runway we are greeted by all the other members, who untie and un-ducttape everyone from the plane, the plane itself finally gives out and falls apart, its monumental task completed and its job done....or maybe it was the quick fixes I made that ruined it....either or. There is much rejoicing and celebrating. The group hug is so massive it can be seen from space....THE END!...of the plan, its not like this is a fictional story or anything! lol, as if....

That has to be the coolest thing ive read in a month
a k-turn to Greece,lol, hey why not I hear it's nice there:p

I'm thinking about all of the stuff I have to get done:

a big philosophy paper
a small philosophy paper
a big political ideologies paper on Marx
a tough zoology exam next week

This is the part of college I hate, the nitty gritty at the end of the semester when every professor is rushing to get in all of their curriculum before the end
ouch, Im in high school so we get a few projects jammed in before finals, mostly research stuff and random essays.

As for my Idea, I have those kinds of thoughts all the time lol, its pretty funny to see peoples expressions as I am coming up with these wacky ideas. I'm thinking of posting this one story I made about 'Robot Stalin and his merry band of French Yodelers' Its pretty funny in my eyes, his main nemesis is the reanimated corpse of Nixon, he gets in a batle with Santa and Dick Cheney (devil's servant) comes to help Santa, but Chuck Norris (jesus lol) comes to Stalin's defense......I wrote this for my english teacher during a discussion in class about propaganda....

Do you guys think I should post it?
Fulgrim said:
well, I've been making plans and I think something like this might work:

first I get Qui to build this contraption for me (I fail at construction apparently, and this is just a concept design as suprising as it is) then I take a flight around the U.S. careful to aviod Utah (there be dinosoars....) and gather everyone up, tying them to the wings and making a rag-tag convoy out of it, complete with renegade Soviet MIG fighter dog fights (they wants our members!!! NOES TO THEM!) and taxi into SFO for the first drop off, sorry guys, no peanuts on this commuter airline.

THEN, I take the biggest risk and cross the indian ocean to England (Im bad with directions...okay? So what If Im a...few thousand miles off course?!?) to gather up our friends over there (bluey can be co-pilot since he is cool like that....and I have prbly passed out from the long flight) and drift across the polar Ice cap to minnosota where we take a pit stop at the Mall of America. After a few hours of sight-seeing and refueling we take off from the food court for the remaining flight Back to SFO....several days later (I accidentally made a K-turn and ended up in greece, where we picked up some other members who for some reason were waiting there....)

As I taxi us onto the runway we are greeted by all the other members, who untie and un-ducttape everyone from the plane, the plane itself finally gives out and falls apart, its monumental task completed and its job done....or maybe it was the quick fixes I made that ruined it....either or. There is much rejoicing and celebrating. The group hug is so massive it can be seen from space....THE END!...of the plan, its not like this is a fictional story or anything! lol, as if....

>_< no plane of mine would fall apart so easily!
I'd be uber paranoid and make it sturdy enough to fly for twice as long as we need it too, and be strong enough to carry twice the load. And it wouldn't be necessary to strap people down like cargo on the wings. It would impede the aerodynamics.
thats why it would fall apart, my faulty logic at how to make simple repairs ^^

oh, but you could sit in my lap and pilot once I get us in the air (Ive flown before, the hardest part is takeoff and landing, as long as you know simple physics you cant F it up)

Im heading to Troys house for the night, so Ill write out my story on here tomorrow night prbly, see you guys later! ^^
I'm wondering why I'm sick again. I've missed three days of school this month. I doubt I missed three days all last semester.
What's wrong with me?
Fulgrim Wrote:
well, I've been making plans and I think something like this might work:

first I get Qui to build this contraption for me (I fail at construction apparently, and this is just a concept design as suprising as it is) then I take a flight around the U.S. careful to aviod Utah (there be dinosoars....) and gather everyone up, tying them to the wings and making a rag-tag convoy out of it, complete with renegade Soviet MIG fighter dog fights (they wants our members!!! NOES TO THEM!) and taxi into SFO for the first drop off, sorry guys, no peanuts on this commuter airline.

THEN, I take the biggest risk and cross the indian ocean to England (Im bad with directions...okay? So what If Im a...few thousand miles off course?!?) to gather up our friends over there (bluey can be co-pilot since he is cool like that....and I have prbly passed out from the long flight) and drift across the polar Ice cap to minnosota where we take a pit stop at the Mall of America. After a few hours of sight-seeing and refueling we take off from the food court for the remaining flight Back to SFO....several days later (I accidentally made a K-turn and ended up in greece, where we picked up some other members who for some reason were waiting there....)

As I taxi us onto the runway we are greeted by all the other members, who untie and un-ducttape everyone from the plane, the plane itself finally gives out and falls apart, its monumental task completed and its job done....or maybe it was the quick fixes I made that ruined it....either or. There is much rejoicing and celebrating. The group hug is so massive it can be seen from space....THE END!...of the plan, its not like this is a fictional story or anything! lol, as if....

i like it :D

I'm thinking that it tottally scuks that it's cold again

I'm thinking that I post too much.
And everyone else doesn't post enough.
rainy yesterday, sunny today, and snowy tommorrow

i'm really getting tired of Iowa weather
snow in April I feel your pain, but Spring will spring eventually..

I'm thinking about Marx's estranged labor who I'm supposed to be reading right now
I'm wondering, why does it feel so good to completely stop caring and bomb a final? I just did that about an hour ago, and I feel frickin' fantastic. I haven't felt this peaceful in weeks. Funny thing is that I used to be a person who would punish myself severely for even slipping up a little. I guess I got closure on the uncertainty of it all.

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