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hmmm, I used to feel great about being an idiot myself. Not doing stuff I should. Your trying to rebel probably. You feel forced into something and are basically giving people the bird. Though it's sorta at your own expense. Also now you have one less thing to worry about.

I used to do the same stuff in school and LOVE it. Like LOVE IT, I swear. It was so dumb. *Smacks forhead with a bewildered look*

I payed for all my classes to so it's like lighting money on fire.

It will feel good now and in a while when you think about it, it will be depressing.
I really hate it when I'm in a bad mood and my mum says it's just hormones. I'm like, what do you mean, hormones? So basically, the way that I feel right now, this isn't real? This, is fake? My feelings, my emotions, none of it is real at all?
How can you tell me that my feelings are a lie? If I don't really feel this way, then how do I feel? Tell me that, what do I feel right now? What am I feeling? If it's all a lie anyway, does that mean I don't feel at all? That I can't?
If what I'm feeling is a lie, then what about me isn't? Are you trying to tell me that everything I am is a lie? How can you even say that? What gives you the right?
So... the way I feel right now; violated, worthless, fake, this is just hormones?
You're telling me, that, I don't...
That I don't actually feel this way at all?
You're telling me that I DON'T feel betrayed and empty, or hollow inside? You're saying that this disbelief, this borderline panic, this is all a lie? That my chest is aching from holding in what basically sums up to nothing?
How can you say that?
What gives you the right to take away any significance in my life?
What reason is there for you to destroy my faith, in myself?
If I'm not real, then what is there for me to believe?
You want me to believe in god, in heaven, but how can I when you won't even let me believe in myself?
What she is saying is that your feelings are just chemical messages to your brain. What those chemicals or hormones are determines what and how you feel. Very real to you, but others don't experience what you do. Everyone is a little different. Mostly though hormones don't affect so much how you feel as your emotional filters and how you think. So when something a few days later wouldn't bother you at all, right now maybe a small thing makes you feel horrible.

If for example you were drunk, you would then feel drunk and that would affect your emotions, how you think, and what not.

This is why I hate drinking cause it can mess up your body and how you feel. Like big time.

This is why drugs are so dangerous. They eclipse who people are and overpower everything, because they are such potent substances that mess with how people feel on such a large level.
Skorian said:
What she is saying is that your feelings are just chemical messages to your brain. What those chemicals or hormones are determines what and how you feel. Very real to you, but others don't experience what you do. Everyone is a little different.

Oh, well thanks for that.
It feels real to me. Thanks, but I could have told you that.
It's nice to know that whenever I'm struggling to find some meaning in my life someone will always be around to slam my face back into the dirt and let me know I don't matter.

And, I though you asked me to leave you alone?
Does that not work both ways?
let no one tell you what is real. Only through experiencing life ourselves can we think anything is real. 'I think, therefore I am' pretty much sums up my beliefs
What does just being chemicals have to do with mattering? You think anyone else is not just chemicals?

Reality isn't always what we want it to be.

Though yes, over all none of us matter at all. We are like dust in the wind. We are all pretty much nothing. No more or less important then a blade of grass or some animal. All in all we really aren't any more valuable then sawdust. But the fact that we can make choices allows us to decide and change many things. So ya, pretty much everything comes down to choices and how we feel about things.

This is also why I hate aspertame and MSG as they fresia with who people are. They have the ability to alter peoples perceptions of reality and in doing so alter peoples personalities. It's no different then powerful street drugs. Just maybe not quite as potent. You don't even have to be aware of it happening to be an victom to this stuff. It's no different then how Coke used to contain cocaine.

Why do you think it's possible to get drunk and why do you think it affects people like it does?

Well, anyways I have a very different view of things then you do.

Leaving me alone wasn't what you think...
we read Descartes just last week in philosophy, it was really good stuff. He basically proved that all we can be certain exists is ourselves, the entire world could be a lie but you know that you are thinking so you must know for certain that you are a thinking thing that exists that's all we know for certain...

We also talked about whether we have a soul or not, there were some people who said that our mind is just our brain and others that said that our mind was a soul that occupies the brain, it was a really heated discussion it was enough to make my head spin for a bit
I love how most of the interesting things to debate are impossible to get one answer that is completely true ....doesnt our universe rock?
Well the question of whether people have a soul or not is really a whole nother issue, but there is no question in my mind that people are little more then chemicals in the physical sense. I mean take an anti depressant or ritalin for a while and it will alter everything about you including your memory of events.

I remember watching what ritalin did to my brother when we were kids. It affected him so much. He went from a very caring individual to very cold. He started having ticks from it. Luckally he is all better now, but it changed every aspect of who he was. A little pill no bigger then a bread crumb.
Hn. Aspartame doesn't mess with who I am.
Aspartame is part of who I am.
Ya, well many people think aspartame is what is responsible for Gulf War Syndrome. So if you really want it to be a part of you, then I guess that is your choice.
Skorian said:
Ya, well many people think aspartame is what is responsible for Gulf War Syndrome. So if you really want it to be a part of you, then I guess that is your choice. If you get diabeties or something from it don't go blaming me.

wow, no reason to go sounding like a passive agressive A-hole or anything dude. That diabeteis comment is just plain rude, why would she ever blame you for it? that was made just to spite her and that is the complete opposite of what this forum stands for. If your going to have an argument do it in private, saying stuff like that in a public place like this is mean and you need to rethink your attitude and how you deal with people.
Back on topic (glares at all the hijackers), I'm thinking about robbing a bank or something, maybe mugging a little old lady. 'Cause you know, when I'm feeling down and all I try to be positive; I try to think about things that will make me feel good. I dunno about you guys (or gals, or transexuals...can't forget the transexuals) but taking a million dollars out of a bank teller's hand or actin' a fool on one of the Golden Girls would DEFINATELY make ME feel good.
Passive agressive? Seratonin as they are finding from what SSRI's are doing to people is linked to diabeties (which actually we already know how to...but that doesn't stop good old Big Pharma) and it seems as if aspertame may block seratonin. SSRI's are causing people to develope diabeties. So if I tell a person that it's not really good to consume aspertame. How is that passive agressive? 10 years down the road I don't want to get blamed for not making more of a fuss then I already am.

You know it was the fact that people fussed over there being cocaine in coke that got it removed. Apertame is a toxic substance. It's poison in many peoples minds. So how the heck does that come off as passive agressive? If you cared and she is depressed, then you might not want her consuming something that blocks seratonin and will thus cause depression and all the junk that comes with it.

Well, I can't say as too little seratonin will cause diabeties which is why I pulled it, but sometimes scary words get people to think. I pulled it before your post was even submited. And ya, I added this hours later....
Rawr! said:
Back on topic (glares at all the hijackers), I'm thinking about robbing a bank or something, maybe mugging a little old lady. 'Cause you know, when I'm feeling down and all I try to be positive; I try to think about things that will make me feel good. I dunno about you guys (or gals, or transexuals...can't forget the transexuals) but taking a million dollars out of a bank teller's hand or actin' a fool on one of the Golden Girls would DEFINATELY make ME feel good.

Hmmmm. How about rob a greedy corporation instead of the bank? Then I could feel good too. Like Wal-Mart. It's funny like if you have money in the bank and then rob it or something. Do you rob yourself? It's bad cause your robbing your community and both rich and poor... Banks aren't the evil ones. Go rob a check into cash. They are rotten tards.
Is it passive agressive to feel bad that someone is feeling depressed and feel like you should say something...

To me it's like watching someone stick a gun to their head. Sorry, if sneaking up to them and then taking it away by force is passive agressive, then ok. Whatever.

People shouldn't try doing drugs near me either. I will hog tie you and dump them down the drain right in front of you... So ya, I am hardcore anti drug.
Skorian said:
Passive agressive? Seratonin as they are finding from what SSRI's are doing to people is linked to diabeties (which actually we already know how to...but that doesn't stop good old Big Pharma) and it seems as if aspertame may block seratonin. SSRI's are causing people to develope diabeties. So if I tell a person that it's not really good to consume aspertame. How is that passive agressive? 10 years down the road I don't want to get blamed for not making more of a fuss then I already am.

You know it was the fact that people fussed over there being cocaine in coke that got it removed. Apertame is a toxic substance. It's poison in many peoples minds. So how the heck does that come off as passive agressive? If you cared and she is depressed, then you might not want her consuming something that blocks seratonin and will thus cause depression and all the junk that comes with it.

well if I'm going to pull the steering wheel into the ditch for a second

telling someone to not go blaming you if they get a life threatening disease when you have no weight behind them getting it is passive agressive, but talking to you is like talking to a wall, so let me pull the wheel back on the tracks and get back to this

Im thinking I should utterly destroy the alliance that wont stop attacking my tiny country (myspace game, Triumph!) and pestering my allies, oh well, I guess its time to take out the rainy day funds and have my tank battalions crush their forces ^^
No weight behind them getting it?!?!?! You mean words and saying hey I wish you wouldn't drink that has no weight?

You should see the power of what vitamins and stuff can do. Like my mother going from a wheel chair to running..

If anything is the reverse of vitamins it's pop, twinkies, and ding dongs. Swear to god they are toxic waste.

Just because you don't believe in something doesn't make it not real.

If what I am saying is passive agressive. Then what is assertive or agressive? I don't really care for the slugging people directly over the head approach... It's not very nice. Ya know, kinda defeats the point.

The link between sugar consuption and depression.


And ya, arguing with me on something I won't budge from is going to be like slamming your head against a steel wall... I don't see much point in arguing... I don't even know why I say anything. I shouldn't. It's the 3rd time in several months I have ranted about how much I hate excitotoxins. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=excitotoxins&spell=1
Skorian said:
No weight behind them getting it?!?!?! You mean words and saying hey I wish you wouldn't drink that has no weight?

Just because you don't believe in something doesn't make it not real.

If what I am saying is passive agressive. Then what is assertive or agressive?

unless you are face to face with the person it means nothing. A word or two over the internet is not going to stop someone from doing something if they really planned on doing it in the first place.

Im done dealing with you and your relentless hail of misdirections and counter-questions. You are either extremely dense or know what you are doing....either way just drop the issue, Ive said my peice and laid down my words, your constant editing of yours makes me wonder how you are trying to portray yourself.
Fulgrim said:
unless you are face to face with the person it means nothing. A word or two over the internet is not going to stop someone from doing something if they really planned on doing it in the first place.

A word or two over the internet is no different then face to face. How is it different? Information is information dude. Whether online, on TV, face to face, in a book, in a magazine. I fail to see the huge distiction.

Fulgrim said:
Im done dealing with you and your relentless hail of misdirections and counter-questions. You are either extremely dense or know what you are doing....either way just drop the issue, Ive said my peice and laid down my words, your constant editing of yours makes me wonder how you are trying to portray yourself.

misdirections? I don't see any questions at all... Usually I edit stuff for a reason. 9/10 to add more or fix grammar, but sometimes I change my mind on what I say. For future reference what I am saying is refured to as being oppinionated... Not passive agressive. I am tempted to smack it's definition down, but I think I have said enough for one day.

So in the spirit of Rawr to be back on topic. I am thinking how tempting it often is to want to go to the grocery store and knock the junk food isles over and like go running through it all so no one can buy it... In my dreams... It would be so much fun...

Oh and Rawr there is no hyjaccing here. That is only in On-Topic. This "forum" is a play ground. Though I suppose my basically mauling poor Fulgrim isn't exactly fun for him :(

Is a "must" see.

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