What are you thinking right now?

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Fulgrim said:
>.> Im thinking I should call my girlfriend and share with her all the cool science ideas I have....muhahaha

I think you shouldn't.
*sigh* I said, distract me when the week and SATs are over, please.
fine, I have some stuff planned though >.> not sure exactly if it will work...but we'll see ^^

(I need to find out the weather report for the weekend, dont want to go crashing into a house or anything....lol, misdirections ftw!)

lol, It's possible I like this show too much...

hm... nah.
I'm thinking obsession is the kindest form of appreaciation, but thats probably because I'm reading a story about a crazy guy from his perspective (quite interesting)

^that's how I feel.
But I am enjoying using the hundred or so One Piece icons I found yesterday.
I'm fairly pissed off. Really, I thought it was really obvious when I was pissed off. Everyone says it's plainly, blindingly obvious when I'm mad, even if I try to hide it. But I guess not.
I'm thinking about that paper I still ahve to do by friday, only 2 1/2 pages left....**** you Marx and your logic...
I'm thinking about how i want to be cool soooo bad

why do we want what we can't have?
evanescencefan91 said:
I'm thinking about how i want to be cool soooo bad

why do we want what we can't have?

Good question, if only I know the answer.

Am thinking how cool it was that a bird just landed right on my window sel and when I went up to it, it did not fly of. It sat there looking right at me. I could of not been any closer. Course the window was in between us but still was way cool of a thing that just happened.
I'm thinking this celtic music coming through my window from the multicultural fair matches the mood perfectly and makes me happy:)
Oh my god do I feel like firing up Eve-Online and going on a killing spree of innocents. To leave rivers of crying newbies who scream curses at me. Or maybe put a contract kill out on someones head.
I hate this. I just want to curl up in a hole and die.
I can't wait until it's over, but I know it will never end.
Sure, schools out at the end of the month.
But then it's summer homework, studying french, and volunteering in the city (still have no idea how I'm going to get there every day). And then Senior year, with IB HL Biology 2nd year and all it's wonders. Not to mention IB Calculus AB, or Arthurian Legend. Gov./Econ. will likely bore me to tears. And it'll all be so much work. Then college, if I get in to any. Then med school, again if I can get in to any. And internship and fellowship and residency and long long long days that actually last for 3 or 4 days straight in the e.r. with a pager telling me constantly to go help someone that's puking up a lung or hemorhaging from the face. It's all too much. Too much work.

But if someone as worthless as me can lessen the suffering of the infirm, even if that future is years away, I've got to try.

Or I could just join the peace corps. That could be more fun.
Im thinking why I should get a fohawk...my gf and her friend think I should but I personally think they look stupid lol, but then again my hair isnt exactly that stylish at the moment either....lol, idk. I have 3 books on politics of the 90's to read in a span of 2 weeks, but the fact taht I need to write a 800+ word article and make it seem like a magazine (with ads that symbolize major events/mood of the decade) and finish that a week later....THEN we get the final.....oh god, I went from doing nothing to kaotic madness

.....I think I know how Qui feels about work now >.< ...but just a little compared to her epic schedule....I'm always here for you Qui!!!

like a mohawk, except that a mohawk is shaved or at least much shorter on the sides, while with a fauxhawk the hair is mostly the same length all over the head, but on top it's been gelled to look like a mohawk. It's not a real mohawk, so it's called a faux-hawk, faux meaning "false" in french.
I forgot to add that yes, you should get a fauxhawk, Fulgrim. I think it would look hella badass on you.

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