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Sorry :/
I should be studying for the SAT, but I'm not.
I'm thinking I'm a lucky sob to be here and I'm happy that things are starting to look up for me

I knew Spring was coming

idk I'm in a weird good mood
f im thinking i miss my friends so much..where are u guys these days? all over the world..i miss u...why everything ended just like that
I'd give anything to hang out again

f...lmao...will i make it to bed...geez
I think... my hand hurts and I just epically failed the practice essay I just wrote. In 25 minutes I only got 3 paragraphs. I need 4 or 5. And... it sucked. But my hand cramped up when I was writing it so I'm taking a break. I can type left handed.
Im thinking I hate pollen...on my way walking home a bit flew up my nose and my eyes have been watering ever since...not to mention the sneezing.....I'm thinking that listening to techno music while reading a book by Al Gore is hilarious since it sync's up but that is probably becuase I am a fast reader. Im thinking I should try a fauxhawk....apparently they are badass lol, we will see ^^
I think that "my hope dangles on a string like slow spinning redemption" or at least that's what Dashboard Confessional has to say. I also think that "No one knows what its like to be mistreated, to be defeated, behind blue eyes" because Limp Bizkit told me so.
I'm thinking where the frick is my chinese food I ordered it literally 50 minutes ago they are close now yet I never received my food


Needless to say I'm kinda angry
I'm thinking The Mist is a good movie, I love the Ironic ending....

I'm thinking I should probably get to work on those 10 pages of notes that are due in hisory class on monday, or maybe the essay in english due on wensday, or perhaps study for the math test since my teacher beleives in testing before finals, or even studying for the accounting test since I hardly understand this chapter......gotta love high school.

I'm thinking that delivery places suck and that NeverMore should get a free meal or something....that hopefully would arrive on time lol.
I'm thinking my night was pretty good, though I wish everyone did not go their separate ways quite as soon, but oh well. Who knows when and If I'll see them again.
I wander if my neighbors know Kryptonite by heart already and can recite it in their dreams
I'm thinking once my parents see my little Itunes spending spree I'll have a bit of explaining to do.....
Fulgrim said:
I'm thinking that delivery places suck and that NeverMore should get a free meal or something....that hopefully would arrive on time lol.

heh funny story really...As soon as I posted that they called me and said the delivery guy has been waiting downstairs for a while but just didn't have a phone to call, the guy always calls me when he gets here that's how it's always been but this one time he didn't have a phone on him and he went to go deliver the food, I live on the sixth floor so he went up six stories and knocked on room 6D2.....Problem is that my room is 6B2 they must have misunderstood me on the phone when I told them my room number o tragic irony! It resulted in the guy waiting for like 15 minutes downstairs wondering what to do, but eventually he must have called the place he works and asked them to call me. When I went downstairs I thought he'd be pissed with me but it's always the same guy that delivers to me and he was nice and told me he went up there and talked to the people in 6D2 and asked them if they ordered chinese food...... O my, we had a good laugh about it,lol

and I got my food so it was all good:D
good for you....though if the same guy always delivers maybe he could've asked those people where you live since he kinda knows you lol
oh dear, that wasnt too nice i was gonna log off on my own :(
anyway im thinking thanks :)
What the hell. My butt fell asleep. >_<
And I just ate the last Klondike bar.
Life can be so pedestrian some times....
last klondike? muhahaha, I have 2 unopened boxes that will probably remain that way until Troy comes and raids my kitchen......

I'm thinking barbeque for dinner sounds good.

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