What are you thinking right now?

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I don't recall even having a tv at my kindergarden, at least, not in our classroom. If we did, it was prolly only to watch disney movies once a week or something like that. But I was at a private school >_< Our only fun was in breaking the rules. We started cutting class in 2nd grade. :p
well thank you :)
I may actually celebrate it this year, I haven't since I was 13.
When I turned 13 I invited about a dozen people, only 2 weren't out of town or otherwise engaged with something. >_< That ruined birthdays for me. But I'm having my little cousin over and we'll go out for breakfast so that's cool.
As for right now, I think I'd like to go do something reckless and break things. I really wish I could take a sledgehammer and smash a car. Or something. That's what I'm currently thinking about.
hmmmm....I don't know about thaaaaat idea
"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become. "said Buddha

since i messed up
I 'm thinking I gotta screwed up thinking aparatus or someth. when exactly did I start to think the wrong way....was my thinking predefined I mean by genes...or I learned it.

Buddha, can't be totally right..
Buddha said"All things appear and disappear because of the concurrence of causes and conditions. Nothing ever exists entirely alone; everything is in relation to everything else. " I'm thinking I better remember that

"All wrong-doing arises because of mind. If mind is transformed can wrong-doing remain? "coool

yo, I'm starting to like this Buddha...who is this guy? lol
"""Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. """"by Buddha

I'm thinking....no I don't get it
Yeah Buddha is great as far as I am concerned, everything I hear I tend to like more and more.
As for what I am thinking, I miss my friend, she has been gone since October, and doesn't seem like she is coming back even though I am hoping she will pop back after new years, its killing me her not being around. She said that she was just busy with work, but that small nagging in the back of my mind whispers, I might of scared her away. But she said she is just busy so I really have that to go on. And I really wish I could watch Doctor Who voyage of the damned. I mean i have BBC American but their only start on season three in 2008, what the hell!
Am thinking that I have to go take the washing out of the washing mershen but all finish this cup of tea fist.
I am thinking.. why did I wake up so early? It's still dark outside..so I thought I'd visit you guys..:)
I'm thinking... I'm going to watch Amelie again but right now my leg fell asleep >:[
Qui said:
I'm thinking... I'm going to watch Amelie again but right now my leg fell asleep >:[

Too cute. Amelie is one of my favorites. I can now turn the subtitles off because I've seen the film so many times.

I'm thinking...I need to shower.
Colette said:
Qui said:
I'm thinking... I'm going to watch Amelie again but right now my leg fell asleep >:[

Too cute. Amelie is one of my favorites. I can now turn the subtitles off because I've seen the film so many times.

I'm thinking...I need to shower.

yeah I understand about half of it now. :)
But I've still got subititles to catch all the little things.
It's such a cute movie!
Qui said:
Colette said:
Qui said:
I'm thinking... I'm going to watch Amelie again but right now my leg fell asleep >:[

Too cute. Amelie is one of my favorites. I can now turn the subtitles off because I've seen the film so many times.

I'm thinking...I need to shower.

yeah I understand about half of it now. :)
But I've still got subititles to catch all the little things.
It's such a cute movie!

I can never get enough. I sometimes put it on before I go to bed and fall asleep to it. That and Pride and Prejudice.
I'm thinking...she must have put poison in the basement but I get all the dead mice upstears.. goooooooooodmornig everyone.
My dads an f*ing cheapstake

he get's tons of money they both get good incomes

and each year we get about 3 things of crap this christmas sucks

I hate it up there's all these anoying little kids running around

I'm sorry I am in a very fowl mood

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