What are you thinking right now?

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I probably would if I had health insurance and I haven't been to a hospital in years. I really don't know what they'll do. I've always heard about how this hospital closest to me is incompetent. I really don't know. Plus I'm sure they'll charge me a serious amount of cash. I might have to thug it out and cry every now and then. This is only the second day so maybe it'll get better tomorrow or the next day. Thanks for saying something okidoke. I've been rubbing places and taking 'tik tok' advice for now. If I catch a fever I'll consider going after a day of that fever.
the problem can be though that you can lose your hearing if it progresses badly. i know the american health system is pathetic for many. good luck
the problem can be though that you can lose your hearing if it progresses badly. i know the american health system is pathetic for many. good luck
Thank you. I believe I'm getting a fever in the past couple hours. I'm going to try and go in the morning.
Yes, I work at home. That does NOT mean I can just drop everything and do whatever you want me to. And quite honestly, you would never expect me to if I had a "REAL" job, so why is this any **** different?
Don't put your perceptions onto me. I am ME, not you. I have my own thoughts, motives and perceptions. I try very hard to be open about how I am, even if I'm not so open about how I feel. I'm honest. I try very hard to not make excuses because excuses are pointless. I don't make promises because I would hate myself if I broke one. So take your bullshit elsewhere, because that's exactly what it is. All you did was show me that you didn't bother to LISTEN to me or understand me or even know me....because if you did, you would have never said those things to me. It's all honeysuckle, but then you did seem to enjoy lying. I should have known you were lying to me too. Fix you own honeysuckle instead of trying to push it onto others.
What made me think that a forum called "A Lonely Life" would be free of antagonism? Life was simpler on Mars.
What made me think that a forum called "A Lonely Life" would be free of antagonism? Life was simpler on Mars.

Well, I think any group is going to see conflict. Loneliness isn't going to stop anyone from defending their opinion or speaking their mind. Admittedly it is easier to assume people are being harsher than they actually are, due to the lack of intonation in text-based communication.
Well, I think any group is going to see conflict. Loneliness isn't going to stop anyone from defending their opinion or speaking their mind. Admittedly it is easier to assume people are being harsher than they actually are, due to the lack of intonation in text-based communication.
Not to mention loneliness is often accompanied by depression, bitterness, anger, anxiety, etc....hard not to have antagonism when you are suffering for whatever reason.
Well, I think any group is going to see conflict. Loneliness isn't going to stop anyone from defending their opinion or speaking their mind. Admittedly it is easier to assume people are being harsher than they actually are, due to the lack of intonation in text-based communication.
I suppose so but some of the previous posts to this thread are toxic. I didn't expect that degree of agro.
Well, I didn't intentionally plant my garden in that way, for that reason. It is an added benefit, though.

Anybody need tomatoes?
The last time I attended an adult birthday party, was the night that led me to quit drinking. You can say, I've not been invited and/or have avoided those kinds of occasions since. It was a pretty bad experience.

I went to one tonight, for a friend with who I have really started to view as a sister. It was a karaoke party, outdoors. Honestly, it was incredible. There was about 20 adults there, and a handful of children. Just seeing a group be so chill, and just moving with the music... I guess that's what they mean by "vibing".

I'm sure the neighbors will be asking about it tomorrow lol.

"What am I thinking right now?"​

I'm thinking that my expectations were too optimistic when I joined this forum.

I'm thinking that my expectations were too optimistic when I joined this forum.

Why have expectations? What were you hoping to happen? I have the impression that you already have all you mind set in a particular way and don't care for any advice that is put forth. You're close minded to ideas, you don't open up enough for us to know enough, you're set in your ways. I remember you were here for five minutes and already wanting to ignore people! Jackie, we're here to help each other the best we can, but you need to be open to suggestions, at least consider the viewpoints of others. It's not a place for vindication, arrogance, sycophantics and aloofness, in my opinion. The more we know, the better understanding we have and the better advice can be provided.
Wondering even more today than yesterday.
Many of us here aren't yes men. We have thoughts and opinions of our own....Sorry that doesn't line up with your "expectations."

Maybe stop expecting people to agree with everything you say and have a civil conversation instead of being rude to everyone and it would be different? Just a thought.
"Hey Donna (or whatever her name is), looking good" "thanks, I just pooped"

Seriously, can we stop trying to normalize pooping. Everyone does it, we all know everyone does it, it's not necessary. You know what IS necessary? Normalizing getting help for mental health. THAT is something that needs to happen. Not a magic fix from drugs, because we all know (at least Americans) they have no problem throwing out those commercials, but actual help. Tools that will actually fix their issues and get them thinking clearer instead of just throwing drugs at them and calling it good.

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