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If I didn't care about having a personal life, in order to accomplish things meaningful to me, I think I'd want to be a regulator of some kind. Or do some kind of work to support regulation.

I strongly believe that "normal life" is the result of liberal policies, and is protected by regulations. And I think this stuff is deeper than politics, I think it's more evolved thinking, from kill-or-be-killed, to true civilization - a society that supports self-actualization. You can't just trust these mega-wealthy, mega-powerful people to play nice, to share, get along, all that being good stuff we were taught as kids (that maybe they weren't, and have been operating on a different set of ethics this whole time - I've heard it said that Trump was raised to be a "killer" and I'm sure he's not the only one who was raised like that). You can't trust them to do the right thing out of the goodness of their hearts. Power, has to be checked by an equal or greater power. Again it's just like a bully, you aren't going to get them to stop picking on you by saying "please" and asking nicely.

The only reason we ever had "normal" "middle class" mid 20th century life in the first place, was because of FIGHTING people like this for it.

This is definitely something I believe in, feel strongly about, think is absolutely necessary, and could feel good about myself getting up in the morning and doing. If I didn't care about anything else, my purpose in life would be whatever job is related to putting these people in check. It would almost be like a crusade for me. But, I want that personal life for my own reasons. The bad guys should count their lucky stars that I do!
I'm currently going through a break up with a work place. That means I can dye my hair and get a piercing right?
I think at the bottom of our hearts, we just want someone to see our pain - if only for a second.
I like the Alfa Romeo ( Italian car manufacturer company ) , where guy sits in electric robo taxi, and interacts with him in order to get to work. And at the end he says - I just want to drive ( gasoline V8 ). :D

Stupid EU and their stupid demand for everyone needing to drive electric bull-cr4p. :D Europe - most r3tard3d continent on the planet.
Well, the so-called snowmageddeon didn’t arrive as predicted - supposed to get 30 to 40 cm, maybe got 5-10 cms. On the bright side, it’ll be a white Christmas, but I was hoping to be snowed in.
Im thinking about whether or not to make Belgian waffles for my daughter. She loved them the last time but they were a bit too buttery. Also the kitchen is a mess because I can’t stop cooking 🫠