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Thanks, LC.

I guess that this is just irrefutable evidence that I am not cut out for a love life. Either I am irredeemably flawed or I attract ******** with issues.

I honestly can not tell which is the correct answer at this point, but either way, it spells doom.
Holy ****, my eyes are so swollen now I can barely SEE.

It's official: I hate men. I really do. If I ran across a misogynistic post today **** knows what I'd do. Probably castrate some random male passer-by.
cheaptrickfan said:
Holy ****, my eyes are so swollen now I can barely SEE.

It's official: I hate men. I really do. If I ran across a misogynistic post today **** knows what I'd do. Probably castrate some random male passer-by.

Hide your testicles, guys. :p
yourwelcome ct I hope things get better

hmm apparently repressed emotions emotions can cause headaches,....

noo that couldn't be it, that's silly

I don't have any joint pain or rashes so hopefully;y it isn't a parasite I think it may be a caffine withdraw heache

ohh but dr.pepper is sooo good

Today I learned that I'm still a coward. Or at least I still blank out at the very worst times. Had a chance and I blew it.
If I fail tomorrow, then I might as well give up.
awww after a very deep drop down the wiki hole I have discovered they will be re-airing the mighty morphin pwer rangers

although I'm going to look online to see if there are some online

I just want to put that teeny time of when I was a teeny tiny adorable child in a little bottle

also as great as it was that they had such an ethnic diversity, don't you think it was a little racist that the black guy was the black ranger and the Asian chick was the yellow ranger
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers will be returning to the toy aisles and your TV in 2010! The toy line will arrive in stores by the end of this year, and feature a new version of the Mighty Morphin logo (above, or sidebar @ link). And then in January 2010, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers will return to the airwaves on ABC Kids. I had a feeling those "remastering" rumors were true. Told ya. :p But in possibly unfortunate news, Lisa J claims that one of her sources tells her these remastered episodes will have a new opening sequence.. possibly featuring said new logo? Perhaps that has something to do with talk of Saban still owning some of the music rights
I'm drunk and feeling snnobbish about the fact that I have more than 2 pages of google when you look up my full name.
I'm sorry for losing my **** like that yesterday. I wish I had better control of my emotions - but that's probably the repressed Yankee WASP talking there.

Whatever, this hangover is payment enough for my folly (as my grandmother would have told me).
Got some work and learning to do this week, right now I'm just going to slack.
Can't keep it all in CTF....it's just a way of you processing and releasing. Give yourself a break.
Back to loving ourselves first and formost...I guess.

I know you're attracted to me and find me irresistable but I'm not like the rest of the ass-holes.
I'm a loveable *******...babe. :p

Anywho, I've been having a lot of brain fart moments lately.lol
The way BW putted it was a wist of wind blowing through his head (a spiritaul awakening)
is drunk on wine, and very happy

love life, don't forget it
I am still reeling. It has been an emotionally turbulent weekend.

Ok, total change of topic, but I just made a risotto which might just be the best risotto I have ever made. Cooking is so therapeutic. I really should write that cooking as therapy cookbook.

nom nom nom
I'm gonna die alone. This is how it's supposed to be. I'm just never going to know what it's like to be in a relationship. I'm never gonna be anything more than the guy to be friendly with but nothing else.
It's so hopeless, I have no idea how to get out of this.
I'm so sick of seeing couples walking in at work and thinking how I'm never gonna do that. ever.
I am so ******* sick of being a weak ball-less coward even after all the **** I went through over the past three years. Which has seemingly made my brain addicted to depression.
I'm so ******* tired of who I am.
I am sick of not being able to stand my life every single day and yet I still do it over and over again.
You know how late I stayed up last night? 4am. What's the point of sleeping if there is nothing to get up for the next day.
I want out. now. I don't want to do this anymore. I want a different life somewhere else being someone else now.
*hugs regret*

ohhh i think i got a stomach virus from my mother because she had one earlier

another tally as to why hate her

curse you!!

ohh god the pain