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OMG i wish people would stop talking about bin ladens death. its worse than constantly hearing about the stupid royal wedding.
OMFG!!! did you hear that osama bin laden just proposed to the dutches of whales!!!!!!


this is going to be the most extreme royal wedding evar!!! ( you know because he was an extremist get it, huh huh ya :p)

(too soon?)
my bad

*hugs callie*

30 is still young, and as my 50 year old father who runs marathons for fun likes to say you're only as old as you feel :)

focasing on age will only waste time you have left,

and besides I've seen your pic you look fabulous girl, you don't have to worry about your age

Kinda right there with ya, Edgecrusher. I'm sorry, but it's ******* amazing how Patriotic some people are now that he's dead, when they were NEVER patriotic before.

Thanks evfan. I don't really think it's the AGE necessarily, but the fact that I haven't really done anything I've wanted to do with my life yet.
i am so tired of money, taxes, job(s), and people. i am so tired of worrying about all this trivial ********. i am a simple person. i just want to drive my crappy busted car to my little crappy little job and live in my crappy trailer. i cant even do that without stressing over money that i dont have and owing taxes and other related ********. everything that is necessary to have a job, a way to get there, and a place to live is going up in price.... except how much i make.
2 horrible events down...2 to go.
And yes, I'm feeling it horribly.

Spare said:
I SHALL BE VICTORIOUS!!! *shakes fist poignantly*
Are we singing or making a statement?

alonewanderer said:
I envy you who are normal.

Normal is a setting on a washing machine. Nothing more, nothing less. No person is "normal"
normal is a trait held by the majority of the people,

the majority defines what normal is, there is not set law of what normal is but don't worry about,

just try to enjoy life, and if you look around you'll realize that no one is quite as normal as they seem

*hugs callie* I know many around your age feel the same way, but you've still got more than half of your life yet, it doesn't matter what you have or haven't done you can still go out and do tons of cool stuff


and man at least you don't have homework

I don't want to my damn assignments I just wanna play the guitar and PARTY!!

and by party I mean play the guitar, a few bored games drink blue Gatorade and sleep in a lot,

ahh ya the party of awesomeness that's just how hardcore i am b*tches

....... I could totally pull off being a gangster

everyone knows the first step to being a rebel is oversleeping and missing class



word ******* :p


white chicks and gang signs g-g-gang signs
LOL evfan... I actually WANT homework (probably only until I actually HAVE it, of course). One of the things I still haven't done is make it to college. I'll get there eventually, but I didn't think it would take so long.

Oh this is just an AMAZING start to my day.... I apparently, left my lights on last night, so my car battery is COMPLETELY DRAINED.... ugh, not gonna be a good day
I am just plan my tomorrow workout plan because i recently join a gym to reduce my weight..
I try to loss weight these days..
*hugs kaede*

ah man it turns out that I won't be able to get the summer lease extended until the 31st, so I'll have to move out on the 26th and the next lease doesn't start till August 1st, my sister doesn't too far, and my friends family that I'm sub leasing from offered their place for the time so I probably won't end up on the streets, but both of those places are pretty far from campus and my last summer class isn't over till the 29th and it's just going to be a hassle having to move stuff out store it for a couple days then move it into the new place

oh well I'm glad that there are people who can help me out and help me move,

well we'll see how this turns out,

it'll be first summer away from home so I'm kidnda excited and I hope I can have a good time
I find that I have lost my inspiration, as well as my sense of direction. I keep wondering, now, if I'll ever manage to achieve any of lofty goals I've set for myself in the distant future, or if I find myself as an old man, wondering where all those days, years went, and what have I got to show for 'em? :(

Generally speaking- bummed, for a change.
*hugs doubt the rabbit*

I hoope you feel better soon

man I have so much reading to catch up on and studying


for s*** shake I hope my classes end up being nicely curved

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