normal is a trait held by the majority of the people,
the majority defines what normal is, there is not set law of what normal is but don't worry about,
just try to enjoy life, and if you look around you'll realize that no one is quite as normal as they seem
*hugs callie* I know many around your age feel the same way, but you've still got more than half of your life yet, it doesn't matter what you have or haven't done you can still go out and do tons of cool stuff
and man at least you don't have homework
I don't want to my damn assignments I just wanna play the guitar and PARTY!!
and by party I mean play the guitar, a few bored games drink blue Gatorade and sleep in a lot,
ahh ya the party of awesomeness that's just how hardcore i am b*tches
....... I could totally pull off being a gangster
everyone knows the first step to being a rebel is oversleeping and missing class
word *******
white chicks and gang signs g-g-gang signs