woke up at 10:30ish
packed my stuff up for going back to moms house
unpacked stuff at moms round 11:00ish
biked over and took care of my grandma at her house about 5mins away becuase she recently got out of the hospitle
biked home at about 2:00pm ish
home at 2:05
Worked out with a dvd that accually works, today i did chest and shoulders, finished about 2:40sih
took my first shower of the day
bout 3ish i started moving my entire bedroom to the basement make shift room my mom and step dad put together for me becuase im giving my room up for the new baby thats coming soon
had my best friend come over to help me move stuff down (couch,bed,desk,computer,etc)
Best friend left round 9pm ish i wil probably never speak to him again (long sotry but to sum it up i guess i was just someone to hang out with until he got his drivers license and then was trown in his trash heap

Organized my stuff in the room which isnt too bad for about an hour
mom and step dad told me i couldnt have to big TV down there that no one uses.
I didnt like my step dad too much in the first place but now see (and my grandma(his mom)) pointed this out for me to see clearly that he is a controlling egotistical *********

mom said its his TV (which it isnt my granma gave it to the family and said if i moved into the basement could have it but i guess he decieded to keep it to himself which he will never use
10pm i felt like pissing them off and asked if the wanted any watermelon and they said yes so i cut it onto about 34567893456784 pieces and ate it all and told them thats how it feels to have a big TV the was promised to be taken away
played my guitar
came to post here
all in all a pretty shity day
lost a friend ( a best one at that)
decided once and for all that my step dad is an egotistical douche
my mom is an authority abusing lier ( i repect and love her but seriously)
they both are controlling ********
my favorite word to call somebody something is *********
im in the basement alone
my friends ditched me and didnt tell me aout going to hang out at bufflo wild wings to eat ( which is what makes me happy)
not a good day i probably lost my closest friends and im sitting alone in a basement