well from 12am -1:30 i watched trublood and some of the daily show online while i played the guitar
then from about 1:30-4:30am i played the xbox kotor 2
then from 4:30 to 5 played the guitar
5am-1:30pm zzzzzzzz
1:30 -4 onlinezzz
4-4:30 ate a granola bar (breakfast finally) had some juice then made some scrambled eggs for lunch
4:30- 5:15 watched tv
5:15-6:30 biked to the pool and swam laps
biked to my guitar lesson then realized today was Monday and not Tuesday so my lesson wasn't today
so i just biked around CR and confirmed my belief that there is nowhere left in the city i haven't biked to i did a little sprinkler hunting, ride around till i find a sprinkler then ride my bike through it ah i miss running and playing in the sprinklers from when i was younger so fun

( okay now i feel sad cause that made me think of sunshine cleaning) i knew that f*cking scene was not going to end well


on the way back home i pasted by a small lake and it was brilliant, becuase the sun was setting and the reflection of the sun was magnificent
like all those scenic ocean or water pictures of the sun setting with it's reflection in the water
i'm sorry i didn't have my camera with me i was wearing gym shorts and i had no place to put a camera but it was very pretty
ate a bombpop and took a long ass cold shower then more zzzzzs
because even though it was near the end of the day the temp was still in like the mid to high 80s and in the midwest with our humidity it's like ten degrees hotter
ah man heaven is sitting in a cold shower eating a bomb pop after nearly passing out from heat exhaustion
because man the worst thing about where i live is that i live like on the top of a midwest sububian mountain so where ever i go when i want to get back home there is no road i can take that won't have major steep long ass hill i have to bike up
so i'm tired and i'm hot and i'm almost home, oh but first i have to bike up this long ass hill
my taught me to weave back and forth between each side of the street instead of going straight up is a lot easier almost full prof for going up any hill you know except when there's f*cking traffic
cause i can't just go from side to side when there's a car coming
so about half the hill i had to go straight up
so ya i was feeling kinda light headed by the time i was done
so ya the shower and Popsicle was heaveeeen
then i was really tired so ya i napped for a while
then i (oh i transitioned away from naming the times oh well that's kinda 24 (the show) anyways)
no i should do that like
the following takes place between 4am and 3om
then just show an hour long clip of me just sleeping haha
so then i woke up at ten
and i made a turkey sandwich with some cheetos mm nummy

for dinner and watched the daily show, then i watched family guy and kinda cleaned up the kitchen then i came back onlinezzz
the end
oh almost forgot i have to go eat my celery for the day

and i could really go for some dr. pepper too
i haven't had any kind of soft drink in 3 days! woot go me
thanks for listening to or skimming my ramblings hope your guys's day was good too