Good God epiletic get some sleep :O
that's quite a busy day but i'm glad you got to hang out with your kids just don't spread yourself too thin
today i got up at 9am to go to work i found a quarter outside the building door, which was good my bike lock had issues so it took 15 minutes to get it unlocked fortunately i made it to work on time then i worked till 3pm kit was alright i worked with this one guy i hadn't worked with before and we talked a lot about video games, and language and literature and stuff
i f*cked up a little on there cash register i metn to put in $.50 and then 3.99 but i ended up putting in 539.9 ya i wouldn't pay that for a coffee
but i did okay in getting people their coffee and ect, which i guess was good evil cash register
then afterwards i biked past my dorm to a bike shop to get some lubricant for bike my lock so it's easier to open now which is good,
i didn't want to go out and buy a new lock
then i cam back and got some lunch while i read ( i'm rereading the 7th harry potter book)
i had a salad some pineapple, grilled cheese sandwich some mashed potatoes and turkey and gravy, with some water and crnaberry juice and i had some ice cream with butterfinger crumble for desert
ya num i know
then i came back i started cleaning up my side of the room a little still mess i have borrow someones vaccum again
then i got here online
oh and i got a letter from my grandmother with 20 bucks in it score XD
i also got my first paycheck for $170
i know double score XD
and i forgot last night when i was hanging out at the feild house and was talking to someone new thjey asked me i was a sophmore an di said i was a freshmen they said
ohh well you look older like you know more
seriously and i was like man you just made my day man i feel so cool thankyou for saying that
to think i could have the appearance of embodying knowledge
(embodying teheh honestly not that uncommon of a word in my every vocabulary)
ahh makes me soo happy XD XD
which is great cuz a few people have asked if i was a sophomore before and it's so great because last year in my highschool everyone thought i was a freshman
then now i donno i think i might go and do some laundry that might help get rid of some of the clutter around here if i cleaned my dirty clothes and then put them away maybe get some dinner take a shower then just chillax
hawks play later tonight they're currently undefeated at 7-0
go hawks!