There's not all that much about this world that I DO like actually. (scratch that, I don't necessarily mean world, rather society. The "world" is not to blame for any of this - humanity is)
I guess I have two main concerns:
Global destruction, a large-scale problem.
And on a smaller scale (yet present across the entire globe) - social problems
I'll try to keep this as short and condensed as possible :
Global destruction: We, as humanity, are starting to multiply as if we're some kind of ******* plague. A disease. Yes, I am copying lines from The Matrix. Why? Because it's true. We breed like there's no tomorrow, without ANY regard for the consequences. We pilfer literally all resources of the planet, and yet we try to live in blissful ignorance of the facts - soon we're going to be OUT of resources, and all we'll have is a gigantic heap of trash, which we didn't bother to recycle. I just pray we won't have invented spacetravel to the extent that we could reach another planet, because then we'd not only destroy earth, but probably the rest of the universe as well. What's worse - this global destruction of resources is not something you can avoid. In everyday life, you destroy. Simple as that. All of the packaging you throw away from food (which is a ridiculous amount btw) is something you cannot avoid - heck, if you just try to SURVIVE in this society, you'll consume/destroy more than you'll ever notice. So basically by being alive we are being forced to waste precious resources, while we live in an egotist society that doesn't give a **** about the future, and you participate in it, whether you're aware of it or not. Oh, and awareness of this is just alarmingly low, and nobody gives a flying **** about improving that, because it would mean we would have to live less comfortable lives, in order to preserve the planet we're living on.
And then there's the social aspect. My god, where the hell did we go wrong ? :S We've apparently created some sort of abomination of a society where it's like a complete ******* lottery whether you are succesful or not. We are indoctrinated by nearly every media source on the planet, telling you how to think, act, behave, even look, speak, eat, and when we're not paying attention, it's even telling us how to take a ****. It's survival of the shittiest, in order to become succesful, you'll have to abuse other people, it's as simple as that. ******* hell, as long as you're able to do even THAT, you could practically survive without ever having to even lift a finger -.- (Man-eaters, I salute you..)
Divisions in "how much a person is worth" are made from the moment we're able to speak. There's millions of different kinds of people in the world, and yet only those who are brave enough, healthy enough, or are just complete jackasses, will have a good social position. Take this forum for example - filled with people with good intent, yet who inhabit a bad social position just because some of us are perhaps shy, insecure, etc. That doesn't make any ******* sense.
All people have needs - human warmth, love, and yes..dare I say it? Sex. Without that, life isn't complete, yet there's millions of people on the planet who simply don't have access to ANY of that. And all of this is simply brushed away by the people who somehow DO have access to all of this, by merely saying "It's not that hard is it? You just go to a club, and meet a shitload of people, then you just have sex with them, and voila". Doesn't work that way. Not for everybody, at least.
And what makes this all worse, is how terribly "inappropriate" it is deemed to converse with people you don't know. Asking something out of curiosity already borders on "creepy" , and anything that goes beyond that would be considered illegal I guess? Sometimes when I'm on the train, I'd really just like to say "holy ****, you have the most beautiful eyes I've seen in ages" , but that would most likely have me end up in a holding cell, or with a restraining order. (Although personally I'd really like for any random stranger to just come up to me and start a conversation

We have to meet so much requirements in order to be eligible for any of the aforementioned things, and even when you DO meet all of the requirements, it's still a lottery.
I could go on for a while, but I believe this is enough reading material to fill anyone's afternoon.

My apologies for the profanity, this stuff gets on my nerves.