han1991 said:
i hate women that said that men are the more superficial of the sexes, whereas in fact women are the most superficial
Perhaps you shouldn't be too quick to generalize about an entire gender. Thanks.
To answer the OP: I hate that things have to boil down to an Us vs. Them dynamic, whether it's believers vs. non-believers, nationalism, political ideologies, men vs. women, anything.
I think it's rooted in a basic fear of anything that is different or unknown. People who are different, ie, speak a different language from yours, or people who march to the beat of their own drum instead of following trends, or people who believe something other than what you believe, are
not the Enemy; they are just different.
We are here because of differences in our genetic code as we evolved. Differences and variety are things to be celebrated, not feared.
I truly believe that if we got rid of this mindset rooted in fear and distrust of anything outside the norm, that things would be much better.