What made you cry today?

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^ thank you, friend! I hope so too. It's moments like that, that I need a different perspective & meds to calm the uneccessary chatter, prevent anxiety attacks. I hope tomorrow is "calmer".
ucxb said:
^ thank you, friend! I hope so too. It's moments like that, that I need a different perspective & meds to calm the uneccessary chatter, prevent anxiety attacks. I hope tomorrow is "calmer".

You can always talk to me if you need.
ucxb said:
False accusations + Caring too much + Emotional confrontation + Paranoia + Feeling like a mad hag at work!

(klonopin on the menu for my work day tomorrow, no trust at my place of employment now, gah!!)

*hug* there always seems a day or two to be like this, so chaotically crazy and emotionally draining. Hope you are feeling better by now.

Chris Picco singing Blackbird to his son, Lennon James Picco, who was delivered by emergency C-section at 24 weeks when Chris' wife Ashley unexpectedly and tragically passed away in her sleep. Lennon's lack of movement and brain activity was a constant concern for the doctors and nurses at Loma Linda University Hospital, where he received the absolute best care available. During the pregnancy, Ashley would often feel Lennon moving to music so Chris asked if he could bring his guitar into the NICU and play for Lennon, which he did for several hours during the last days of Lennon's precious life. One day after filming this, Lennon went to sleep in his daddy's arms.
I was going to type what made me cry today, but when I got on this thread and read the previous posts, I sobbed. I am so sorry for all of the things that you all have experienced. I am a Christian, and am going to pray for all of you. If you are not a Christian, there is no rule I can't as God to ease your suffering and lean on each other to get you through these awful times. Please stay strong. Your loved one would want it that way, and you will set an example for others involved that are sharing your pain.
They told my mom today that her only remaining option to extend her life is a lung transplant.
They also told her that it was doubtful she'd survive the surgery so she wouldn't likely be a candidate for the donor list.
EveWasFramed said:
They told my mom today that her only remaining option to extend her life is a lung transplant.
They also told her that it was doubtful she'd survive the surgery so she wouldn't likely be a candidate for the donor list.

I'm so sorry, Eve. I hope everything works out for you both. Hugs.
Someone I know might kill herself tonight. Doesn't help I considered her my best friend the night before.
I'm staying up tonight and keeping tabs on my phone and FB to be on the safe side. Other than that, I can't do anything else. I tried talking to her, but that didn't help very much. She doesn't want to talk to me and I'm 300 km away from her. I can only hope she's okay.
If she survives, she might hate me for not being a big help. If she dies, I've lost my best friend.
Mr Seal The Albatros said:
Someone I know might kill herself tonight. Doesn't help I considered her my best friend the night before.
I'm staying up tonight and keeping tabs on my phone and FB to be on the safe side. Other than that, I can't do anything else. She doesn't want to talk to me and I'm 300 km away from her. I can only hope she's okay.

She's lucky to have such a good friend as you. Seriously. You're amazing. I'd kill for a friend like you.
SophiaGrace said:
Mr Seal The Albatros said:
Someone I know might kill herself tonight. Doesn't help I considered her my best friend the night before.
I'm staying up tonight and keeping tabs on my phone and FB to be on the safe side. Other than that, I can't do anything else. She doesn't want to talk to me and I'm 300 km away from her. I can only hope she's okay.

She's lucky to have such a good friend as you. Seriously. You're amazing. I'd kill for a friend like you.

She's alright. Oh my god, she's alright. If I'm crying anything, it's joy this time. Thank goodness. :D
EveWasFramed said:
They told my mom today that her only remaining option to extend her life is a lung transplant.
They also told her that it was doubtful she'd survive the surgery so she wouldn't likely be a candidate for the donor list.

I'm so sorry, Eve. :\

Mr Seal The Albatros said:
She's alright. Oh my god, she's alright. If I'm crying anything, it's joy this time. Thank goodness. :D

So glad she's okay. Hope she feels better from now.
EveWasFramed said:
They told my mom today that her only remaining option to extend her life is a lung transplant.
They also told her that it was doubtful she'd survive the surgery so she wouldn't likely be a candidate for the donor list.

:/ That must have been pretty hard to hear.
EveWasFramed said:
user 130057, Lady, Soph and everyone who PMd me...thank you so much for the support. (hug)

Just saw this thread, my thoughts are with you. I know how hard this must be, having gone through something similar myself.
There is nothing really to say, other than to offer support and understanding.

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