Why Do Good Women Stay With Bad Men?(Seriously)

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you go girls...:p

Straight men aren't the only ones. That is the dumbest statement I've ever heard of in my life. And I don't care who gets offended.

You can't honestly tell me that there aren't abusive women, whether they're lesbians or not. Not only that, you can't tell me that there aren't abusive gay men. If you can honestly tell me either of those, then I'll retract my previous opinion.
VanillaCreme said:
Wrong. I don't even feel like wasting my time commenting on this other to say that it's wrong, because straight men aren't the only problem when it comes to this.

You're absolutely right. They're only 99.99% of rapists. Smart cookie, not bothering your vast intellect with mere facts when you're worried about overwhelming it.
oopsiedoop said:
VanillaCreme said:
Wrong. I don't even feel like wasting my time commenting on this other to say that it's wrong, because straight men aren't the only problem when it comes to this.

You're absolutely right. They're only 99.99% of rapists. Smart cookie, not bothering your vast intellect with mere facts when you're worried about overwhelming it.

I hope you realize that at least 50% of this forum consists of straight men.

I also hope you realize that I don't like being compared to a rapist, and probably the mods here, who are straight men, don't either.
oopsiedoop said:
VanillaCreme said:
Wrong. I don't even feel like wasting my time commenting on this other to say that it's wrong, because straight men aren't the only problem when it comes to this.

You're absolutely right. They're only 99.99% of rapists. Smart cookie, not bothering your vast intellect with mere facts when you're worried about overwhelming it.

You have a sad, sad attitude, and sadly I can probably correctly predict a ban for you in the future.
90% of inmates in prison are male and most rapists are male. It does say males tend to be more violent but females can be just as nasty, only in other ways. Females tend to kill by poison, females tend to cause pain by starting rumors that socially isolate people, crimes committed by females might be overlooked and thus negate the statistics listed above.

How many men are killed by poison compared to rapists and abusers? For God's sakes. If there were that many women doing it, you can bet your ass the last thing men would be doing is protecting them. They'd be DEAD.

VanillaCreme said:
You have a sad, sad attitude, and sadly I can probably correctly predict a ban for you in the future.

Yes, I can see you make decisions by looking into your crystal ball. What else do you have. Your sig says it all.

If you really didn't like being compared to rapists, you'd be putting rapists down instead of ME assh I mean er...love.
I am putting you down because you attacked my gender.

Some rapists are women. Some murderers are women. Some pedophiles are women. Some drug dealers are women.

I am going against the gender stereotype, not you. If you hadn't made that error in logic, I wouldn't even be having this conversation with you right now.

Anyway, what this has to do with good women staying with abusive men (ergo, the topic), I do not know...
oopsiedoop said:
How many men are killed by poison compared to rapists and abusers? For God's sakes. If there were that many women doing it, you can bet your ass the last thing men would be doing is protecting them. They'd be DEAD.

VanillaCreme said:
You have a sad, sad attitude, and sadly I can probably correctly predict a ban for you in the future.

Yes, I can see you make decisions by looking into your crystal ball. What else do you have. Your sig says it all.

If you really didn't like being compared to rapists, you'd be putting rapists down instead of ME assh I mean er...love.

Vanilla is female
She was referring to me, not Vanilla. I was the one who said I didn't like being compared to a rapist.
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
She was referring to me, not Vanilla. I was the one who said I didn't like being compared to a rapist.

The way she quoted and responded was confusing. Can you blame me for misinterpreting what she said because of that?
That's not the point to me, because I'm a woman, under far far more risk than the likes of you, and your concern for men is unimpressive and damaging.

Your attitude is disgusting.

It is not a competetion who has it worse. Your lack of concern is unimpressive and damaging. Nobody here is saying that men have it worse or that women getting raped isn't that big of a deal. All that is being said is that suprise suprise, men can actually sometimes be a victim of physical or emotional abuse. There are alot of people raising their voice against the abuse of women (as there should be) but men are forced by people like you to just shut up and suck it because ”it isn't a big of a problem” or ”they are men and should just deal with it”.

Authorities have been known to ridicule men who have tried to seek help and you don't see any problem with it?

VanillaCreme said:
You can't honestly tell me that there aren't abusive women, whether they're lesbians or not. Not only that, you can't tell me that there aren't abusive gay men. If you can honestly tell me either of those, then I'll retract my previous opinion.

Hi, my name is Pinni, and I'm a white, bisexual woman. I've punched my spouse hard enough to make him bleed, cry and bruise. Twice.

SophiaGrace said:
90% of inmates in prison are male and most rapists are male. It does say males tend to be more violent but females can be just as nasty, only in other ways.

It's also possible your statistics are flawed just because men aren't taken seriously, when they make accusations against women.

It's an unfortunate state of things. This attitude makes it seem like it's okay for a girl to punch a guy. You can see it everywhere - movies, literature, comics... A female character punching a male character is a strong, independent character, but should they switch places, it'd be frowned upon.

I already admitted having committed violence. There's no defence for me. I don't even know what to tell you of the situation, except where I was shocked I had that kind of rage in me, other people seemed amused. My friends kept telling me "he deserved it" or just plain laughed. It was horrifying, and sobering. I can't cause another person to weep on the ground, and having people mock the attacked. It makes me cry just thinking I could do that.

My mother and aunt have both been in violent relationships. In my mother's case it's a bit more understandable, she's a compassionate and understanding person, and the man had issues from childhood. Mom just kept understanding until the man put a knife on her throat - she finally realised she's going to die if she doesn't get out. Stared him right into the eyes and for once it was he who broke into tears.

My aunt has a backbone made out of steel, and she had a wonderful support group, what with living right next door to her own parents and my mother, and being in good terms with the other neighbours. I understand she sort of got used to the situation, as it started slowly. IN the end the beating was easier to take, it was over sooner and he would just leave after it, instead of abusing her verbally all day long. She was also proud, and couldn't admit she made a mistake bringing that person into her life. She needed other people to take action and free her.

Having seen both sides, I still just can't understand.
oopsiedoop said:
VanillaCreme said:
Wrong. I don't even feel like wasting my time commenting on this other to say that it's wrong, because straight men aren't the only problem when it comes to this.

You're absolutely right. They're only 99.99% of rapists. Smart cookie, not bothering your vast intellect with mere facts when you're worried about overwhelming it.
This is true only because the feminist definition of rape specifically includes "penetration". There's not much that women are able to penetrate with. In short, feminists don't even believe it is possible for a woman to rape a man.

I can tell from these posts you are at least 40, probably 50s though as that is about the era of the hardcore femenazis. Soon you will all be gone. Most of you ended up spinsters so luckily we don't have to deal with the infected children.

Realize you are spreading hate and even promoting gender inequality by trivializing the issues of men.

Seriously, how is rape and abuse HIGHER on the totem pole of bad things than murder. It's ok to murder a man but definitely not ok to abuse women. In what kind of screwed up logic does that make sense?
VanillaCreme said:
Straight men aren't the only ones. That is the dumbest statement I've ever heard of in my life. And I don't care who gets offended.

You can't honestly tell me that there aren't abusive women, whether they're lesbians or not. Not only that, you can't tell me that there aren't abusive gay men. If you can honestly tell me either of those, then I'll retract my previous opinion.
My brother was in an abusive relationship a few years ago. She never thought twice about punching him in the face when she felt like it.

Whoa, okay I just went through all 8 pages of this thread.

First, no name calling, no mud slinging, no insulting other members.

Second, everyone needs to fact check before they start posting said "facts". It only makes you look bad when you don't.

Third, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Respect each other in that way whether you agree or disagree.
I don't, I hate taco's.

AK5 you are too young to talk like that. Go wash your mouth out with soap. :club:

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