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  1. freedom

    Do This Anymore.

    i think that in a perfect world, websites like these definitely would'nt exist. the world would give us everything we wanted and needed, and we'd all be frolicking around with a circle of friends. there would be no grief, no loneliness, no insecurities, just joy. everlasting joy. unfortunately...
  2. freedom

    Does anyone have difficulty coming to terms with your past?

    we all have our insecurities. it seems to me like you're just over-reacting. we've all looked at a picture of ourselves when we were younger and almost puked at the sight of it. hell, i did it just the other day. we the people are always trying to better ourselves, and there comes a times when...
  3. freedom

    Nice guys

    wow, that was very touching :) i consider myself to be one of these so called "nice guys", although i do act like an a-hole most of the time. i think that there are plenty of guys like your boyfriend running around, enough to go around for all those ladies that seem to have lost their hope of...
  4. freedom

    I think my Ex might be playing me :(

    it seems you're in a bit of a pickle. i've been in this kind of situation before, so i'll tell you about my experience and hopefully you can draw some advice or insight from it. it's best just to stay friends with her and try like hell not to fall for her... i know you're probably thinking...
  5. freedom

    You Know you're Lonely When..

    you know you're lonely when you're trying to hook up with the neighbor's fat wife.
  6. freedom

    So what's your comfort food and what triggers it?

    man! where do i begin? i also love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and i enjoy them very much with a tall glass of ice-cold whole milk. after a long and stressful day at work, a pb&j sandwich with milk ALWAYS hits the spot. i love eating taco bell. something about their grilled stuft...
  7. freedom

    I WON!!!!!!!!!!!

    i won a lollipop in the 2nd grade
  8. freedom

    What Would You Do If?

    blackmail th... i mean, report them. what would you do if you were at a rave and someone put something in your drink and then this happened to you :club:
  9. freedom

    What makes you happy?

    long walks on the beach at dusk wine tasting in france eating crumpets and drinking tea among royalty watching tosca taking the aston out for a spin through monte carlo spending the evening with a different supermodel every night playing mortal kombat
  10. freedom

    Does time exist?

    uh... i'm gonna have to get back to you on that one. i'll have to go home and torch those 5 ki's of kush that i've been saving for when there's another great flood (i was gonna float away to safety).
  11. freedom

    Justin Bieber is WRONG… wrong.

    i know, man. what's going on? i remember i looked and sounded like king leonidas from 300 when i was 17 years old. i guess the times they're a' changin'.
  12. freedom

    Less Than 20%

    congratulations! i'm a little more heavier than you... i'm at 25% and i can't seem to make those digits go down :Z
  13. freedom

    Strange thing I did today

    it sounds to me like you're a perfectly healthy and active introvert. i'm one, and i'm just like you. i'm great in small groups of three, maybe four peeps. anything larger than that and i suddenly turn into an anti-social cave creature that kim kardashian herself couldn't lure out of his cave...
  14. freedom

    Anyone been dumped by their best friend before?

    ok, whoa whoa whoa... hang on... i didn't even get through reading the whole thing because i just couldn't continue reading about how bad these people treated you, but it's obvious that this guy was never your best friend, let alone a friend to begin with. it sounds to me like he's treated you...
  15. freedom


    hey there! i'm sure things will turn out all right. we all say things in the heat of the moment. your bf probably doesn't feel any pressure for getting married. he said, "you're probably just infatuated". that means that he knows you're not being serious. don't worry. it'll pass. also, i have...
  16. freedom

    Death...can you call my name?

    hey man. well, i know exactly how you feel. in fact, look at my screen name. it's "freedom". i feel the same way that you do about freedom. to me, true freedom can only be found on the other side. even though i'm well on my way to achieving my dreams, to becoming a very rich and very powerful...
  17. freedom

    What are you thinking right now?

    trying to think of what other store in my area sells greeting cards.
  18. freedom

    The end is the beginning.

    be realistic and expectations simmer down
  19. freedom

    hola :)

    hola christine and welcome (back) to the site.
  20. freedom

    Am living an empty life

    hi, and welcome to the forum. what Sci-Fi and Nina are saying is right. it takes a lot of courage to keep on moving forward when life is tough on you. i hope you can find the courage to move forward and see that life is worth living.