Joturbo said:
I laughed at that one. It's also something I've actually been angered at more than once in my life.
I that it?
Is that really what 4000+ years of evolution has brought us? Slave to our desires? Bit of skin, bit of flesh, we go crazy and have to bang it?
EVERY time, and I mean EVERY time I hear a guy like me take out that point I get pissed. Because why not? You're telling me you had a female friend who got drunk when you didn't, got WAY too drunk for her own good, then because she's lapsing in judgment at the time, strips naked and throws herself at you, you'd take advantage of her? Because of Neanderthal impulses? Does she as a person matter so little, but as, forgive my crudeness, a hole to fill in, take precendence over any pretense of decency? Does that mean if you're alone with a kid on a desert island for 20 years, as soon as the kid grows up you'll jump it's bones?
I mean, that doesn't say anything at all about male/female relationships...but what does it say about YOU(I mean the general you, not someone in particular)?
That's actually the whole reason I'm not all that enthralled with some parts of Islam, because the excuse used by some Muslims to justify women being fully veiled is because men can't control themselves. That's a poor, VERY poor argument, to make an entire sex live through the supposed inadequecy of another sex and reeks of hypocrisy much more than any actual biological criteria. Most scientist agree that there is little to NO difference between male and female brains, certainly not enough to make men turn into blood lusted boner animals as soon as they see a woman.
The reverse is also true, with women not turning into sex vixens at the sign of male chests, which brings me to another point mentionned, that Friendship can work with women who fancy their male friends, but almost never the other way around.
Maybe that's not a reflection of actual Friendship, but a time where you should reflect on what kind of friend you've chosen. If I had a friend, a girl FRIEND, who was that shallow? Doubt she'd be my friend for long. In fact, I have had feelings for a friend of mine, a long term friend of mine, since before we were actually friends. Instead of bringing us apart, it brought us closer, one because I very much respect and live by the fact she is married and has kids with a good man and I'm genuinely happy for her...which to me is kind of the point of love. Two, it's supposed to be selfless. If every time I saw her I thought of jumping her bones, I DON'T love her, I'm serving my own immediate self-interests on the supposed excuses of biological urge or "natural order" or what not.
All this she is very much aware of and not only has she not pushed me back, she brought me in closer. Because she knows, and it's a sad reality, that not many would act that way and she loves me all the more for it. In a very platonic way, but at the same time, a deep way. We'll share a connection that will never go away and that is unique. It's to strive for, in my book, because she has my back and I have hers, forever. Friendship IS love and it should transcend any biological need.
The Neanderthal urges have a very large back. People should stop hiding behind it and start fessing up to their decisions in life.