Does it seem women only want decent guys when they are divorced and have kids?

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Papabear said:
The problem with the "female based replies" from the female group here at ALL is that most of the females here are exceptionally excellent people. We are all kind of in that "nice people finish last" group.

Ha! You just saved this "divorced with kids" woman from writing a flame-ish post in response to the post before yours.

Sometimes it's not clear what you're getting yourself into until you slug out some really rough rounds with someone. There's nothing like hard times to bring out a person's true colors. A couple can get caught up in all of the petty little honeysuckle and lose sight of the big picture and why they got together to begin with. Then again, life's rough patches can bring out the worst in people.
cheaptrickfan said:
Papabear said:
The problem with the "female based replies" from the female group here at ALL is that most of the females here are exceptionally excellent people. We are all kind of in that "nice people finish last" group.

Ha! You just saved this "divorced with kids" woman from writing a flame-ish post in response to the post before yours.

Sometimes it's not clear what you're getting yourself into until you slug out some really rough rounds with someone. There's nothing like hard times to bring out a person's true colors. A couple can get caught up in all of the petty little honeysuckle and lose sight of the big picture and why they got together to begin with. Then again, life's rough patches can bring out the worst in people.

I am a 40-year old mom and I am divorced. I did the mistake 21 years ago: I married the wrong guy. I realized the error 15 years after I made it. Based on few experiences (marriage and boyfriends) and some of my friends experiences, I can tell you that women in my position do not look for Mister decent guy who will take care of the kids and the mom. Women from my age are usually financially independente, have raised the kids on their own and want to keep their independence and their freedom. And if Mister decent guy shows up, he has to forget the idea of becoming a new dad, a new adviser, a new bank account... As it was said in a previous text, we learn from our mistakes and we try to not repeat a mistake: we know what we want but first we know what we don't want.
phant0m said:
Seems to me women only want decent dudes when they have had 1 or 2 divorces, are 35+, and have 2 or more kids. I know I'm generalizing, but I'd say many are like that.


this made me smile. thanks.

...with my experience, this seems to be true.
phant0m said:
Seems to me women only want decent dudes when they have had 1 or 2 divorces, are 35+, and have 2 or more kids. I know I'm generalizing, but I'd say many are like that.

I'd run away if my dude wasnt decent. I'd literally shut him out of my life. So...that there disproves your premisis which is a generalization that ALL women only want decent guys if they are 35 and over. I'm currently 20 and painfully shy n_n

All I want is a kind/sweet man who is semi-intelligent if not outright intelligent and can hold me in his arms and protect me :3. Oh and he has to be faithful too >_>

(yes ok I'm a noob :l, sue me.)
Thank goodness, it took me only 28 years of life, 2 relationships in total and 1 divorce before finding my Mr. decent guy :D
Did the female mods ban your for this, yet?

Instead of dating a hot badboy and changing his personality, date a nice average guy and change his looks.
Thanks Eve, you made me spray coffee out of my nose and get it all over the keyboard. >_<

SophiaGrace said:
can hold me in his arms and protect me :3.

I've seen women post this before. I always imagine that it means a combination of things, but what do you mean by protect here?
phant0m said:
Seems to me women only want decent dudes when they have had 1 or 2 divorces, are 35+, and have 2 or more kids. I know I'm generalizing, but I'd say many are like that.

Thats a strange view. Can you honestly see the logic in that for a woman? Do you think woman want to be treated badly or something. everyone is looking for happiness. I'm sure all woman want a decent man.

Tiger lily said:
I'm sure all woman want a decent man.

Yeah... but then again, there's a difference between what a person says and how they act. A lot of women will say YEAH SURE OF COURSE I WANT A NICE MAN... but they continue to go back again and again to abusive men and awful relationships due to internal problems or trauma that they're dealing with. As a guy, I'd say you have to watch out for women like that and avoid them.

Because you sure as fresia can't fix them. Believe me, I gave it a shot and it can't be done. This ain't no romance movie. lol
Guess it's been said 100 times before, but simply put here's the breakdown in rankings.

1. Interesting nice guy guy with sense of humor, is outgoing and does fun things and physical activities
2. *******, mean guy, ********* type who treats her like honeysuckle. Good looking and does fun things.
3. Lonely "nice guy" who just wants to be with her, but is unattractive and boring.

This is the order and preference for women. Hell look at it, it should be that way for guys as well. Does it look that unreasonable? The "nice guys" women want are #1 on that list, *that* is what they are talking about. They don't always get it because lets face it, for some odd reason they are few, far, in between and probably already taken. They *are not* talking about number 3 when they say they want a nice guy and that is where the confusion comes in because the assumption is that being interesting and attractive enough to at least arouse you is something so basic that it should just be a given without having to list it. They don't say "I want a fun, and interesting nice guy!" because you'd be a retard not to assume the first two are already wanted.

The reason why "nice guy" isn't assumed and has to be specifically itemized is because there are plenty of guys out there who meet the first criteria but not the nice guy part. So naturally it seems as if it's as rare as the super power known as "common sense" that it needs to be listed as a desired trait so as not to confuse people who do not have this quality.

So what do you do what #1 isn't available? Same thing anyone else would do. Go with #2. Make no mistake, an interesting ********* is always better to be around than a nice guy who will bore the fresia out of you. As you get older your definition of a fun time generally starts to change to that which those in group #3 find as a fun time, so the prioritization on the list switches #2 and #3 around. Seriously though, this discussion and similar types of it come up all the time all over the place and people are so surprised to hear that this is the answer. Did I really say anything just now that no one has heard before ad nauseum?

Anyway moving back to the OP's post, to reiterate in the most blunt unforgiving terms what he said and what's on the tip of many guys minds is this: "Why do I only get to be with you when you've got a ton of baggage and are reaching the waning end of your life? Why wasn't I allowed to be with you during your carefree youthful years, where we could experience the joys of being together with just us and raising our own family from scratch? I missed a large part of your life, years that we would have greatly enjoyed together and would have compounded with the memories we had to make me love you even more during our later years."

(Disclaimer the above is not my point of view but my perception of what the OP was trying to say)

I don't really have an answer to that beyond the obvious and ugly truth. You weren't desirable. You didn't have qualities she wanted back then but you have ones she wants now. The part where a guy can feel slighted is that you might feel that you deserved the youthful attractive fun years of her life and now have to clean up her mess. Though people generally tip toe around the issue, especially when calling children that she might love very much a "mess"

Again for the love of God, these are not my views. I have no views on this. Hell I don't even know what the fresia I want for a woman. I'm just trying to throw everyones thoughts on the issue on the table in the bluntest possible terms we can understand.
samba101 said:
They finish last because they throw themselves to the back of the line for one reason or another.

Good guys finish last because we're just not what women want; we're betas. (Most) women have this kind of bizarre idea about changing men, molding the rough and masculine powerhouse to a proper Provider Type man. I imagine it's kind of a power trip sorta thing.

I think this is why our ancestors, and nearly all (98% i'd wager) contemporary primitive cultures, have restrictions on the freedom of women. They know (we knew) that women cannot be entrusted with this extremely important cornerstone of human society: the selection and rearing of offspring--ie, the future of the given society. Before the advent of feminism, birthrates were higher in Western countries. This is an important fact because the biological imperative of EVERY society is its own existence; this cannot be denied: in life, the individual organism's ultimate goal is to sustain itself, and the collective organism (that is, society) has, it follows, the ultimate goal in keeping itself in existence.

Feminism and "women's rights" in general makes us Westerners feel good & warm inside, because we feel we're doing something moral: that of giving some element of liberty to women where there was a deficit. The institutions of capitalism and democracy have instilled in modern Western folk the notion that the individual is supreme, and his liberty paramount. However, our ancestors saw it in the more scientific, traditional way: the survival of the collective is far more important, and cannot be sacrificed to the whims of utopian flights of fancy.
It infuriates me to no end that those who are stupid ******** who are perceived to be "fun" and "interesting" are preferred over those who actually are kind and respectful, maybe even intelligent and have some goddamn common sense.

So... Which one of you young "beta" males wants to play a fun little game of Russian roulette with a fully loaded gun? I'll go first!

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