Emoji / Reaction Feedback Thread

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Jedi Guardian
Feb 3, 2014
Reaction score
The Land of Wind and Ghosts
I was thinking lately about the idea of the Angry emoji Reaction.

I kind of don't get the point of the Angry emoji, as a Reaction.
I get it as part of a post, but as a React to something someone else here has said, I don't know if it works as intended.

It's like...you're expressing anger, but you're doing it in this very cutesy, whimsical, very non-serious, non-threatening way.
So it either looks like you're not really angry.
Or you are angry, but that anger is totally de-fanged.
You're mad, so you shoot them - with a Nerf bow and arrow. It's Nerf or nothin'!

If someone reacted that way to something I said, I don't think I'd be shaking in my boots.
I think I'd find it more funny than anything else. I'd feel like I really "owned" them.

I wouldn't be like, "oh man, I'd better watch it, that person Angry-emoji'ed me."

If you react to a post by another person with Angry, it just tells that person that they got to you, they touched a nerve, they hit home.
It kind of confirms them as the "winner" of the interaction.

To clarify - I am not talking about any specific individual here.
It just reminds me of the concept of this Reaction.
I don't think I've ever dished one out.
And I've only ever received one, and it was about me being denied my fair share of Hitlers in the Hitler game - it was anger, expressed on my behalf that I was being stiffed.

I'm not saying take it away. I'm just sharing my thoughts on it and it seemed like the most appropriate place.
Plot twist:

I was BOTH fishing for more Angry emojis, AND plotting to get Callie to finally cave and use the React system!
Do you know how hard it is to get a React out of you?
You fell right into my web of deception!


On a more serious note, there is a suggestion I'd like to make:

I'm on another forum very similar to this one in nature and design/function.

One of the reacts they have there is "I Hear You", with the emoji being an ear.

It's used to simply say, you hear, agree with, or at least acknowledge what a person is saying.
It's not necessarily that you like it, just that you understand where the person is coming from.
I like it, I think it's nice and very appropriate for a wide variety of situations.
The eyes to say "I see you" or "look at this" is kind of creepy. I'm not sure how I feel about ears.

But as for the angry, I just don't understand. We can't say any word that is remotely offensive, yet we can use passive aggressive, angry emojis.....
Oh geez, somehow I was thinking that you were among the top scorers.

Then you must have done well in the 'influenced by your religion' scale
Oh geez, somehow I was thinking that you were among the top scorers.

Then you must have done well in the 'influenced by your religion' scale

No, I was actually one of the least.

I was just among the first to get some points.

I had an early lead, but was never really a strong contender after that.

"Uncouth" was my second most favorite of his sayings, haha.
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@Minus strangely enough I encountered him on another site (I was sure because some of the phrases and mannerisms were the same).

He was much calmed down though. Almost the more reasonable side of him, like you were talking about one day, was manifesting more strongly. He must have been able to tell it was me because I had the same name and avatar, but I decided not to antagonize him. I think he is genuinely ill and leaving him be was probably for the best.

It was a strange episode on the forum. The game was funny and definitely helped lighten the mood.
We had beef hard, but I'm genuinely not mad at him anymore.
He's just jealous of me, since you know...I was THE top scorer.
Yeah you were always way up there but I lost the final count.

@TheSkaFish Yeah, there was a side to him that we almost never saw. You had to look fast to catch it.
I wish we would have seen more of it, rather than ... well you know.
I think some people also don’t realise that you can, for a time at least, remove or change your emoji choice. Reactions made in haste or without enough thought or understanding can be withdrawn.
I think some people also don’t realise that you can, for a time at least, remove or change your emoji choice. Reactions made in haste or without enough thought or understanding can be withdrawn.

Oh yeah. I've known about this.

I've changed mine a few times here and there.

Good advice to point out anyway, for those who don't know.
I was thinking lately about the idea of the Angry emoji Reaction.

I kind of don't get the point of the Angry emoji, as a Reaction.
I get it as part of a post, but as a React to something someone else here has said, I don't know if it works as intended.

It's like...you're expressing anger, but you're doing it in this very cutesy, whimsical, very non-serious, non-threatening way.
So it either looks like you're not really angry.
Or you are angry, but that anger is totally de-fanged.
You're mad, so you shoot them - with a Nerf bow and arrow. It's Nerf or nothin'!

If someone reacted that way to something I said, I don't think I'd be shaking in my boots.
I think I'd find it more funny than anything else. I'd feel like I really "owned" them.

I wouldn't be like, "oh man, I'd better watch it, that person Angry-emoji'ed me."

If you react to a post by another person with Angry, it just tells that person that they got to you, they touched a nerve, they hit home.
It kind of confirms them as the "winner" of the interaction.

To clarify - I am not talking about any specific individual here.
It just reminds me of the concept of this Reaction.
I don't think I've ever dished one out.
And I've only ever received one, and it was about me being denied my fair share of Hitlers in the Hitler game - it was anger, expressed on my behalf that I was being stiffed.

I'm not saying take it away. I'm just sharing my thoughts on it and it seemed like the most appropriate place.
I think you read way too much into this. But, that's your opinion. I happen to like the angry emoji, and I use it on Facebook as well as on here if it's necessary. It could mean that I'm angry, aggravated, disagree, etc. I think they need to come out with the middle finger and an I don't care emoji.

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