Jedi Guardian
I was thinking lately about the idea of the Angry emoji Reaction.
I kind of don't get the point of the Angry emoji, as a Reaction.
I get it as part of a post, but as a React to something someone else here has said, I don't know if it works as intended.
It's're expressing anger, but you're doing it in this very cutesy, whimsical, very non-serious, non-threatening way.
So it either looks like you're not really angry.
Or you are angry, but that anger is totally de-fanged.
You're mad, so you shoot them - with a Nerf bow and arrow. It's Nerf or nothin'!
If someone reacted that way to something I said, I don't think I'd be shaking in my boots.
I think I'd find it more funny than anything else. I'd feel like I really "owned" them.
I wouldn't be like, "oh man, I'd better watch it, that person Angry-emoji'ed me."
If you react to a post by another person with Angry, it just tells that person that they got to you, they touched a nerve, they hit home.
It kind of confirms them as the "winner" of the interaction.
To clarify - I am not talking about any specific individual here.
It just reminds me of the concept of this Reaction.
I don't think I've ever dished one out.
And I've only ever received one, and it was about me being denied my fair share of Hitlers in the Hitler game - it was anger, expressed on my behalf that I was being stiffed.
I'm not saying take it away. I'm just sharing my thoughts on it and it seemed like the most appropriate place.
I kind of don't get the point of the Angry emoji, as a Reaction.
I get it as part of a post, but as a React to something someone else here has said, I don't know if it works as intended.
It's're expressing anger, but you're doing it in this very cutesy, whimsical, very non-serious, non-threatening way.
So it either looks like you're not really angry.
Or you are angry, but that anger is totally de-fanged.
You're mad, so you shoot them - with a Nerf bow and arrow. It's Nerf or nothin'!
If someone reacted that way to something I said, I don't think I'd be shaking in my boots.
I think I'd find it more funny than anything else. I'd feel like I really "owned" them.
I wouldn't be like, "oh man, I'd better watch it, that person Angry-emoji'ed me."
If you react to a post by another person with Angry, it just tells that person that they got to you, they touched a nerve, they hit home.
It kind of confirms them as the "winner" of the interaction.
To clarify - I am not talking about any specific individual here.
It just reminds me of the concept of this Reaction.
I don't think I've ever dished one out.
And I've only ever received one, and it was about me being denied my fair share of Hitlers in the Hitler game - it was anger, expressed on my behalf that I was being stiffed.
I'm not saying take it away. I'm just sharing my thoughts on it and it seemed like the most appropriate place.