I Hate Being Me

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2021
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I hate being me. I hate being trans. I hate that I have to expend so much energy to defend my existence, let alone my womanhood. I hate my body, my "wrong" parts, my "wrong" brain, my wrong everything. I hate that it's 100% acceptable to **** all over trans people in a $20 million comedy special watched by millions of people. I hate that every interaction I have, even peripheral ones, have a non-zero chance that the other person will be disgusted by me, or worse, hostile. I hate how exhausting my life is. I hate how late I am: to transition, to go to school, to find myself. It's so hard, and I'm so tired.

I'm sad. All my local friend are trans, and they're sad, too. We do our best to be happy, but when every day feels so oppressive, it's hard. It just wears down on you. When the only people who will tolerate your friendship are people who experience the same daily trauma as you, the sadness becomes cyclical, engrained, and because we base our sense of self off the company we keep, it eventually become an inseparable part of your identity.

I don't know what to do. I don't know how to think. I'm so lonely. I want a man to want me, maybe even love me -- but I want him to want and love me as a woman. But I don't have the right parts. I don't have the right brain. I don't have the right anything. I'm just all... wrong.
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I want to hug you.
That's all I can say right now.
Other than - you have spirit. You're self-aware. Articulate. You're already ahead of the game. Please hang in there.
I can't imagine what you're going through, I really can't and I won't say that I do.
What I will say is that not everyone is going to be disgusted by you. You are not disgusting and anyone that might think that is too wrapped up in what other people tell them to think that they can't think for themselves, so you don't want them in your life anyway.
It doesn't matter how "late" you did things. You did them, you're doing them, and that is a great accomplishment that you shouldn't forget. You knew it wasn't going to be easy, does that mean it isn't worth doing or that it shouldn't have been done? No, you are getting where you want to be. You are becoming who you are.

Yeah, you're tired and you're sad, but you've come too far to give up now, so just keep going. You'll find your people and you'll find your place in life. They ARE out there.
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I'm just all... wrong.
I can be cruel letting you feel wrong about yourself and letting you feel less beside me. My stupidity, carelessness or just being lazy. At the same time, I am as imperfect, perfect, right and wrong, complete and incomplete as you. I'm a friend, never in position to judge, although sometimes I may seem like the worst enemy. I love you, I hate you at times, out of impatience and because it's easier. Guess
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I haven't seen Dave Chappelle's new special. I don't think he's as great as people make him out to be lately; but, he can be funny. As far as I know, Dave don't hate Trans people.

You may think that maybe I couldn't know how you feel because I'm not trans; but, have you ever thought about stepping back from your, 'identity,' for a little bit and just, stop, defending yourself so much; since, you seem to say it brings you so much pain?

One of the things I've been telling myself lately, is that, even if nobody I interact with in real life, and I mean, NOBODY, knows the, ME, I feel myself to be, at least I know the ME, that I am.

The ME that I NEED, to be, is the ME, that is intelligent, well spoken, or at least well thought out, and well worded. That really matters to me; but, there are many areas in life, and they are growing, where people will NOT see me as that, or TREAT me as that, no matter WHAT I do; and I've found, the more I focus on that awful aspect of my life, the worse it makes me feel, because there is NOTHING, I can do about it. Maybe later that will change, maybe it will get worse; but, what I can do is know that, I know that ME, I need to be.

Few things are granted in this life, except maybe some air to breathe. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised at all, if Dave Chappelle donates large sums of money to organizations that support LGBTQ+ endeavors. I don't know that; but, I wouldn't doubt it.

I think a lot of people get tied up in their identities these days, as if they were real, tangible things. They aren't. You don't use your identity to eat, piss, ****, sit, take a walk in the park, buy groceries, and the list goes on. It may come to play in your thinking, how you socialize, and when you dream; and things like that; but, the birds that you see when you are outside, are the same birds a transphobic racist **** head sees. And spending time hating or disliking people that spend time hating and disliking, I can't imagine, helps the situation. All it does is poison your own life. That's a very easy thing to say, and perhaps not so easy to do; but, I believe it's the truth.

So, I'd say, stop defending yourself so much. Give the identity a vacation. Know that, at the end of the day, your, 'ME,' may only get to be known by YOU, and YOU alone; and at the end of the day, that, 'ME,' is just a concept. It isn't real and tangible. You can't divide it, multiply it, or put it on a shelf somewhere.

That's what I do, after some hard days. I remember that, at least, my ME, is to ME, what I know it to be. And sometimes, you don't even get to have that; and for that, I remember, hold on to memory, and hope for the hope, that there is a future for the person I've known myself to be.

Maybe some one holds an opinion that differs from yours; and that can be hard, when it feels very personal, but, it's not necessarily the end all and be all. If you haven't heard of Daryl Davis, he's got many amazing stories on the topic of prejudice. I won't pretend to have his fortitude; but, anyway...

A lot of time we bring our suffering upon ourselves, because we seek out those types of things we know will upset us; ever get to know some one who watches Fox News' Tucker Carlson? lol. That's all those people do, is put sticks up their butt at prime time every day. Stop doing that! It is exhausting, just existing can be hard enough...

Imperfection is okay, that's the norm. The Universe LOVES imperfection; that's where all the beauty is. It's very, very, very hard for me to accept that, sometimes; but, if you ever see a picture of the amazon rain forest, then look at a picture of a palm oil farm, you'll see exactly where the beauty is, and where the cheap imitation fails to come even close. Allow yourself imperfect to accept a world imperfect, even if you can only do so, imperfectly...
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i aint got no idea where youre coming from and how you are holding up. so ill just say this,
dont give up..
you gotta see this through cause its the only way this will all make sense.
atleast thats what i tell myself..
in the end we all gotta push through. the alternative is probly nothingness so..
I haven't seen Dave Chappelle's new special. I don't think he's as great as people make him out to be lately; but, he can be funny. As far as I know, Dave don't hate Trans people.

You may think that maybe I couldn't know how you feel because I'm not trans; but, have you ever thought about stepping back from your, 'identity,' for a little bit and just, stop, defending yourself so much; since, you seem to say it brings you so much pain?

One of the things I've been telling myself lately, is that, even if nobody I interact with in real life, and I mean, NOBODY, knows the, ME, I feel myself to be, at least I know the ME, that I am.

The ME that I NEED, to be, is the ME, that is intelligent, well spoken, or at least well thought out, and well worded. That really matters to me; but, there are many areas in life, and they are growing, where people will NOT see me as that, or TREAT me as that, no matter WHAT I do; and I've found, the more I focus on that awful aspect of my life, the worse it makes me feel, because there is NOTHING, I can do about it. Maybe later that will change, maybe it will get worse; but, what I can do is know that, I know that ME, I need to be.

Few things are granted in this life, except maybe some air to breathe. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised at all, if Dave Chappelle donates large sums of money to organizations that support LGBTQ+ endeavors. I don't know that; but, I wouldn't doubt it.

I think a lot of people get tied up in their identities these days, as if they were real, tangible things. They aren't. You don't use your identity to eat, piss, ****, sit, take a walk in the park, buy groceries, and the list goes on. It may come to play in your thinking, how you socialize, and when you dream; and things like that; but, the birds that you see when you are outside, are the same birds a transphobic racist **** head sees. And spending time hating or disliking people that spend time hating and disliking, I can't imagine, helps the situation. All it does is poison your own life. That's a very easy thing to say, and perhaps not so easy to do; but, I believe it's the truth.

So, I'd say, stop defending yourself so much. Give the identity a vacation. Know that, at the end of the day, your, 'ME,' may only get to be known by YOU, and YOU alone; and at the end of the day, that, 'ME,' is just a concept. It isn't real and tangible. You can't divide it, multiply it, or put it on a shelf somewhere.

That's what I do, after some hard days. I remember that, at least, my ME, is to ME, what I know it to be. And sometimes, you don't even get to have that; and for that, I remember, hold on to memory, and hope for the hope, that there is a future for the person I've known myself to be.

Maybe some one holds an opinion that differs from yours; and that can be hard, when it feels very personal, but, it's not necessarily the end all and be all. If you haven't heard of Daryl Davis, he's got many amazing stories on the topic of prejudice. I won't pretend to have his fortitude; but, anyway...

A lot of time we bring our suffering upon ourselves, because we seek out those types of things we know will upset us; ever get to know some one who watches Fox News' Tucker Carlson? lol. That's all those people do, is put sticks up their butt at prime time every day. Stop doing that! It is exhausting, just existing can be hard enough...

Imperfection is okay, that's the norm. The Universe LOVES imperfection; that's where all the beauty is. It's very, very, very hard for me to accept that, sometimes; but, if you ever see a picture of the amazon rain forest, then look at a picture of a palm oil farm, you'll see exactly where the beauty is, and where the cheap imitation fails to come even close. Allow yourself imperfect to accept a world imperfect, even if you can only do so, imperfectly...

I can't turn off my transness. It's not like saying "I identify as a gamer" or something. It's visible, everywhere I go. It's like telling a person of color "have you thought about not being black?" It's not invisible. It's not something I can hide. It's not some ephemeral quirk of personality that I can decide to ignore one day when it's convenient.

I know your intentions for posting were good, but this is something we hear from people who have never had their core self constantly devaluated and denied. "Lmao just stop being trans like, come on."

It defines every interaction that I have. I wish I could turn off my transness. The "ME I need to be" is a woman. I can't turn that off. It's not a self-assessment like intelligence or well-spokenness, and it's certainly not an "imperfection."

The rest of your post, like, I'm not sure what you're getting at. Are you comparing me to a palm oil farm?
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I can't turn off my transness. It's not like saying "I identify as a gamer" or something. It's visible, everywhere I go. It's like telling a person of color "have you thought about not being black?" It's not invisible. It's not something I can hide. It's not some ephemeral quirk of personality that I can decide to ignore one day when it's convenient.

I know your intentions for posting were good, but this is something we hear from people who have never had their core self constantly devaluated and denied. "Lmao just stop being trans like, come on."

It defines every interaction that I have. I wish I could turn off my transness. The "ME I need to be" is a woman. I can't turn that off. It's not a self-assessment like intelligence or well-spokenness, and it's certainly not an "imperfection."

The rest of your post, like, I'm not sure what you're getting at. Are you comparing me to a palm oil farm?
No where did I say anything about, "turning off your trans-ness," or your likening it to, "stop being black." Those are your words not mine. Your interpretation of my words, is yours, you get to own that; but, I get to own the meaning of my words, because I wrote them. They are mine, and that is my ME, even if you happen misunderstand and/or disagree with them.

Who is this, "we," you speak of? Who is this, "we," that knows what it is to be, "devalued and denied," in ways others don't? Do you speak for all Trans people right now? I think not. I think you can only speak from your own experience.

Is it necessary or even possible for your, 'identity,' to define every interaction? Again, I made no mention of, 'turning anything off;' those are your words, your interpretation of my words. Our, 'identity,' as I stated before, is not something real or tangible. It is a construct. It is composed of many different things. There are people who identify as Raiders football fans. There are people who identify as white and superior. There are people who identify as depressed and lonely. It's composed of likes, dislikes, feelings, thoughts, habits, behvaiors, hopes, dreams, and all sorts of things; up to, and including, being black or being Trans. And I certainly didn't spend one whole hour of my time, responding to your current distress, to call a particular aspect of your identity an imperfection (as if to insult you). Again, that is your (mis)interpretation of my words; an unfortunate interpretation. However, yes, you are imperfect, along with myself, and everyone else here. That's a compliment. We share that commonality in our identity, from my position. We share that aspect as a commonality. We are imperfect, in an imperfect world.

So, did you just devalue my entire response to you? Did you misinterpret my words, misstate what I said, and turn my words into something they weren't? Did you see fit to see insult, where there was philosophical Truth in our shared imperfection in an imperfect world? How much of your interpretation was absolutely dependent on your identity, if any of it was at all?

I think, in my view, my position, it would be a hellish world, if our, 'identities,' defined every aspect of our lives and every interaction we had; most especially considering, the great fight, is all about not having to live like that. Isn't that what, 'we,' are all fighting for? To be equal. To be free to pursue our dreams and happiness. To be loved, honored, valued, respected, and all that fun stuff; or at least, be treated fairly. To be treated kindly. To be human?

We define ourselves by our suffering, yet there are times, when the very definitions we make up for ourselves, are what continue the cycle. By your interpretation of my words, that means I said, 'stop being trans for a while.' By my definition, it means, why not focus on the aspect of your identity that likes a certain food. Focus on the gamer aspect of your identity, if you are also a gamer. Focus on the aspect of your identity that likes certain sports or sports stars. Focus on the aspect of your identity that likes certain philosophies, or cultures, or what have you.

Or, as I was trying to say, perhaps zoom out a bit from your identity all together. Step back from your, 'core-self.' What is it? Is it tangible? Is it real the way an apple is? Can you hold it in your hands? Can you shape it? What color is it? Where does it go when you die? Does it exist at all? Or is it, just like all the other ideas, simply an idea, a construct? Is it something that can be taken a bit more lightly, or is it something that is necessary to be heavy and weigh you down?

It would be incredibly insulting of me to say things in the way you interpreted me as saying them; but, to interpret my words in that way would also require the assumption of me to be less intelligent, less well spoken, less well-thought-out, less knowledgeable, and less experienced than I know (my self) to be.

I can't paint a much more clearer picture of what I am saying. At the very beginning I said, "step back from your identity (a bit), stop defending yourself so much." And in reply, you (appear to me) to have dug your heels in to your identity even more, and proceeded to defend yourself from attacks of perceived waves of ignorance.

If you still find me in ignorance, then I guess we are forced to live and die by characteristics such as the color of our skin. I can only hope, that, even though that last statement may sometimes be a factual truth of the reality, it is to our greatest hope and strength, that we can still choose not to let such things define us, ultimately, as people. Isn't that the hope and the dream?

I (may) not know your particular brand of suffering; and if that is so, what consolation could I possibly offer any way? Suffering, is very personal; but, it's still suffering... Whether a trans toe, or a black toe, or white toe gets stubbed, it still hurts. So how does your identity make your toe hurt so different, from any other toe? If your toe hurts the same as mine, then your conjecture that your identity effects (every) aspect of your interactions, is incorrect. The Truth, is that it may affect many, many aspects of your interactions, but not all.

Clearly your pain comes from a place more connected to a very important aspect of your identity; and I simply think and have shared, that perhaps there is something there worth examining, that may give you some respite, where that pain is concerned...

But, that's easy to say; and, my words are open to interpretation, if I choose to share them...
When the only people who will tolerate your friendship are people who experience the same daily trauma as you, the sadness becomes cyclical, engrained, and because we base our sense of self off the company we keep, it eventually become an inseparable part of your identity.
That's sort of the way things are for most people. Birds of a feather. But if all the birds have the same negativity about where they are it's going to be hard to find a positive stone to step your way out on.

I've got no good advice. But there is a sentiment that is true more often than not; only you can better your life.

If you and yours are around those that oppress you maybe avoid them. I know nothing about your situation, but there must be someplace where you aren't subjected to the ridicule.

I also know it only takes one or two people to ruin your day. I hope it's not everyone that you come in contact with. Those one or two, don't give them your power. They are jerks and do not matter in the grand scheme. Don't show them they hurt you.
You don't need to justify your pain to me, I didn't ask you to, nor did I say anything to the contrary of you experiencing that pain. Nor did I personally attack you, attempt to demean you, or attempt to trivialize you, in any way, philosophically, academically, or off-handedly, as you have done to me. If you wouldn't put up with that behavior, I don't see why I should. As I said, what I said is up for interpretation (as in your interpretation, in this case). I offered my 2 cents. I won't share any further. Nothing good seems to be coming of it. Take care.
I do perceive "waves of ignorance" from you. I do. Because the premise of your "advice" is inherently pretentious and (oh no, she's gonna say it!) reeks of privilege.

You're presenting yourself as having mastered some Deepak Chopra-level of metaphysical introspection to the point of being beyond identity or something; when the reality is you HAVE an identity (you have a lot of identities), you've just never forced to think about it because it's not challenged every single day. You go outside and people take you for granted as part of the expected, the norm. No one ever doubts you are who you say you are. No one ever side-eyes you or whispers under their breath or confronts you when you hand them your ID. You're just allowed to exist in the world independent of the prejudices of other people.

I don't get that luxury, because my being trans isn't just part of my "identity," it's my master status. It's the thing everyone sees before they see "me." The reason why I'm annoyed right now is because it's clear you've never had to live every day through the eyes of other people.

I go to get coffee, my transness is relevant.
I go to the bathroom, my transness is relevant.
I go on a date, my transness is relevant.
I visit family, my transness is relevant.
I go grocery shopping, my transness is relevant.
I go shopping for clothes, my transness is relevant.
I deal with anything having to do with the state, my transness is relevant.
I rant about it online, I get responses like yours telling me it's all ephemeral

It's not ephemeral. It's exhausting, and the whole ******* point is that I can't just "take a step back" from it. Like Jesus Christ, is that really how you think it works?

People shape their interactions with me based on that fact that they see my transness first. Before my "me." Before my womanhood. They see my transness, and it's exhausting. The whole ******* point is that I can't "take a step back."

Also your "trans toe" analogy is so insultingly irrelevant... we're not talking about pain I experience while being trans. We're talking about pain I experience because I am trans.

HOLY **** THAT'S MY ENTIRE POINT AAAAAAAAAAA. The point being that I don't have a choice.

So let me rant about my pain. You don't need to lecture me about how it doesn't really matter because people happen to take YOUR identities for granted. I'm not wasting any more energy trying to justify my pain to someone who clearly doesn't get it.


Everyone at some point or another has to deal with other peoples perceptions of them. I may not have had to go through everything that you have on a daily basis. But that doesn't mean I can't relate.

If your only purpose is to rant, rant away. Get it all out.

But I think the main thing Starfish was trying to say kept getting misconstrued. (unless I got it wrong too, lol)
You can't change people. You can't control what they might think or judge you for. The only thing you can control is yourself.
Your reactions, your thoughts on how important other peoples perceptions are to you.
Your feelings that everything you experience stems from your being trans. It might, it might not.

I'm not saying you don't have a hard time. That people don't judge. That I know EXACTLY what it's like to walk in your shoes.
I'm saying that you don't know what other people are thinking. They might not be reacting to you based off what you assume it to be.
But even if they are, their vision of how you should be doesn't matter, what matters is your vision of how you really are.
**** what other people think.

Side note
From the pictures you've shared on here, I'd be surprised if people could tell anyway. Unless people state it outright, I wouldn't assume that they're reacting based off your transness. Maybe they have RBF or they're just ******** in general. (to everyone)
Aardra, with all the transitioned pics I've seen of you, I have never once thought you weren't female.
I'm not about to guess what it's like to be a trans person, but honestly, I think a lot of the stares you get come from your height. Even men as tall as you gets stares, with women as tall as you getting way more than men.
Maybe some people do question if you are trans and all that, but I would wager that most random people you see when you are out are looking because of the fact that you tower over everyone.
Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right, but it's something to consider. Could you spend a day sitting somewhere like a coffee shop and see if you get just as many stares or looks?
Given the hypothetical scenario, would it be preferable to transcend your transness even if it potentially meant not having your womanhood acknowledged (first)? This is not a plea for detransition or something outrageous like that, I'm wondering which part of your identity you would want to be primary if you had the option. Would it be womanhood or something else? Would it just be "you", the totality of your personality? This is general social question of course - in the realm of love sexual preference and gender identity are undeniable factors.

Inquiries aside...motivational words are not my forte, but I do wish you - and everyone else by extension - the chance to maximize your potential, to find your point of equilibrium and to be surrounded by the right people that have your best interests at heart.
I'm sorry, but I can't just turn that **** off.
We don't chose our preferences. And don't take 'preference' as an optional choice. What we prefer is ingrained. If a man prefers to be a woman then that's how they feel. It wasn't a flip of the coin. It's not, 'I feel feminine today.'

You can apply this to any mental attitude (not as in illness, but as in the mind apart from the physical brain).

There are things that are learned such as hatred for Fill In The Blank. Hate can be unlearned, but there needs to be a willingness to do it.

But who we are, our mental condition as to male or female and who we will be attracted to is decided before we are born. Innate.

These persons are not the problem. The problem is all the people that hold on to the hate they were taught so willingly that they view those not like their ideals as subhuman.

I'm guilty. I see something unusual, and I watch. It's not a prejudiced. It's a study. It is a means of expanding my own thinking. I'm sure it is misconstrued often enough. But if they could share my mind they would see there is no hate in it. I just want to learn.

Rude? Probably. But how rude would it be to ignore it and set aside any desire to understand? To me that would border beside a silent hate.

We have no choice but to put up with people. The tragedy is in not knowing how to deal with them.
Honestly I think that what is rude is when people try to empathize/help and they get called virtue signaling liberals, because it wasn't what you wanted to hear. Kind of makes it sound like you're drawing a line, either you're trans and you can understand or you aren't and you're the enemy.

Regardless of how bad people have treated you, my post stays the same. It sucks but you only have control over your own attitude, not other people's.

Remember you named this topic "I hate being me". I'm not trying to give you advice on how to deal with hate from others. I'm giving you advice based off of having hated myself for a long time. In that way I can empathize.

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