If your your an average guy, things suck, and theres nothing you can do

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Interesting thread title.
Yes, being an "average guy" in a 1st world western country may not be so great...but it still beats the hell out of being a "Chad" in any 3rd world country other than perhaps Philippines, Thailand or Vietnam.

To the OP: would you rather be a regular Joe in the US or Western Europe, or a "big shot" in a place like Haiti, Honduras or Pakistan?

Yeah...I thought so...
Interesting thread title.
Yes, being an "average guy" in a 1st world western country may not be so great...but it still beats the hell out of being a "Chad" in any 3rd world country other than perhaps Philippines, Thailand or Vietnam.

To the OP: would you rather be a regular Joe in the US or Western Europe, or a "big shot" in a place like Haiti, Honduras or Pakistan?

Yeah...I thought so...
I'm not so sure they would all pick being regular Joe.
Interesting thread title.
Yes, being an "average guy" in a 1st world western country may not be so great...but it still beats the hell out of being a "Chad" in any 3rd world country other than perhaps Philippines, Thailand or Vietnam.

To the OP: would you rather be a regular Joe in the US or Western Europe, or a "big shot" in a place like Haiti, Honduras or Pakistan?

Yeah...I thought so...
I have been observing the things you talk about and I am tired of keeping quiet. A lot of the things you say are disgusting and you seem to enjoy stereotyping others. I still haven't forgotten what you say about Asian girls in general on another thread. Have you ever thought that maybe there are others here using this forum from those "3rd world country"? Oh yes, we are all inferior to you isn't it? This right here is why I feel so uncomfortable to be myself on this forum because some relic of the past want to hold on to racist thinking.

I know someone will try and shut me up and say "if you don't like then just block etc." No, I will not! I will leave this forum, so tired.
Interesting thread title.
Yes, being an "average guy" in a 1st world western country may not be so great...but it still beats the hell out of being a "Chad" in any 3rd world country other than perhaps Philippines, Thailand or Vietnam.

To the OP: would you rather be a regular Joe in the US or Western Europe, or a "big shot" in a place like Haiti, Honduras or Pakistan?

Yeah...I thought so...

So the old, you don't have uncurable cancer and are dying so you should be happy thing. C'mon man
So the old, you don't have uncurable cancer and are dying so you should be happy thing. C'mon man
My point is that I am pretty much in the same boat, just an average Joe Schmoe, but I also know it could be a lot worse.
For example, never having been in a real relationship where the girl wants to be with me. Yes, that sucks.
But at least I still have my freedom and disposable income.
So I am better off than some poor guy who may have had "love" at one time, but who's life was then crushed by divorce, alimony and child support. Let alone people who don't know where their next meal may be coming from.
My point is that I am pretty much in the same boat, just an average Joe Schmoe, but I also know it could be a lot worse.
For example, never having been in a real relationship where the girl wants to be with me. Yes, that sucks.
But at least I still have my freedom and disposable income.
So I am better off than some poor guy who may have had "love" at one time, but who's life was then crushed by divorce, alimony and child support. Let alone people who don't know where their next meal may be coming from.
It just sounds like your saying 'things could be worse'. Things could always be worse.

Love/Family/Sex is something that is built into the DNA of men. And I mean that literally. When we don't get that, it will cause a level of unhappiness. My life is complete outside of a romantic relationship, and it eats at me. I like my job, my hobbies, I have a nice place to sleep, I eat well. I should be happy. But not being romantically involved with someone is literally, I mean literally killing me due to the depression it causes.

I truly wish I could rid myself of this desire. I've said on this site numerous time I wish I could rid myself of it. The problem is, it's ingrained in my DNA, literally, to want to be with a woman and have a family. When i'm denied this, its killing me, literally.

I dont think you can just say, oh, well theres lots of people who had bad romantic relationships. Well theres lots of people who have good ones. If I have a bad one, then after that I'll get another one until I find a good one.
It just sounds like your saying 'things could be worse'. Things could always be worse.

Love/Family/Sex is something that is built into the DNA of men. And I mean that literally. When we don't get that, it will cause a level of unhappiness. My life is complete outside of a romantic relationship, and it eats at me. I like my job, my hobbies, I have a nice place to sleep, I eat well. I should be happy. But not being romantically involved with someone is literally, I mean literally killing me due to the depression it causes.

I truly wish I could rid myself of this desire. I've said on this site numerous time I wish I could rid myself of it. The problem is, it's ingrained in my DNA, literally, to want to be with a woman and have a family. When i'm denied this, its killing me, literally.

I dont think you can just say, oh, well theres lots of people who had bad romantic relationships. Well theres lots of people who have good ones. If I have a bad one, then after that I'll get another one until I find a good one.
I agree with everything you said, I have said it myself, and I am in the same boat as you. Depression and all. I drink to try to relieve it. And that just intensifies it.

But yeah...it could be much worse.
Greater than 50% of marriages in the US end in divorce.
Which is UTTER DISASTER for males, as the laws are STACKED against us.
So even if the opportunity presented itself for me (I am quite certain it never will), I am not sure I'd be willing to take the chance.
In fact I think I would be strongly leaning against doing it.
Can you imagine having to send a large portion of you paycheck every month to a female that hates you?
And she lives in the house that you paid for, dating some imbecile that's not worth the hairs on your @$$???
I've see i first hand. My sister did that to my brother in law.
To me that would be the worst form of torture imaginable.
For example, never having been in a real relationship where the girl wants to be with me. Yes, that sucks.
But at least I still have my freedom and disposable income.
So I am better off than some poor guy who may have had "love" at one time, but who's life was then crushed by divorce, alimony and child support.
Are you? Having at least had a rough approximation of genuine feeling with someone surely beats the fake attention sex workers provide.

What are we "free" for here - to wile away the days on empty consumerism or activities best experienced while young? Better to have lived than have all this spare time to ruminate over how we never got to.

Can you imagine having to send a large portion of you paycheck every month to a female that hates you?
This must be child support payments. As far as I know alimony is rarely awarded these days.
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Being an Incel to me is the toxic view on relationships and the way to view women and the entire world for that matter.

I'm celibate on my own decision, but i don't view it as women as a whole demographics fault that i'm celibate, its my own choice due to the fact that i don't see myself as attractive again its my choice not socitieties fault.
Real live woman here. I touched on this in my intro, but earlier this year, I met a guy who is a good bit older than me, and not someone who I think most women would find physically attractive. I certainly wouldn't have glanced twice at him if I just passed him in the grocery store or something. And I wasn't even thinking about meeting guys - I was on vacation and just trying to clear my mind. He isn't my type. He doesn't have a great job at the moment. We live quite far away from each other. He's in his 50s and has never been married and hasn't had a ton of relationships. I know for a fact that I make more money than he does. But he was so nice to me and everyone around him, so respectful, and once I started talking to him, he had some really great stories and was a lot of fun.

And now I can't stop thinking about him. And he just told me he's dating someone who I presume is also a real live woman, and I've cried myself to sleep just about every night since he told me. So, please don't make assumptions about all women. We are not the same.
Real live woman here. I touched on this in my intro, but earlier this year, I met a guy who is a good bit older than me, and not someone who I think most women would find physically attractive. I certainly wouldn't have glanced twice at him if I just passed him in the grocery store or something. And I wasn't even thinking about meeting guys - I was on vacation and just trying to clear my mind. He isn't my type. He doesn't have a great job at the moment. We live quite far away from each other. He's in his 50s and has never been married and hasn't had a ton of relationships. I know for a fact that I make more money than he does. But he was so nice to me and everyone around him, so respectful, and once I started talking to him, he had some really great stories and was a lot of fun.

And now I can't stop thinking about him. And he just told me he's dating someone who I presume is also a real live woman, and I've cried myself to sleep just about every night since he told me. So, please don't make assumptions about all women. We are not the same.
These sort of one off examples are the exception though and not the rule. Nothing even remotely imilar has certainly never happened to be in my over half century of life. The fact that it may be possible for a very tiny select few does not mean that every unattractive man has a chance. It would be like using playing the lottery as your retirement plan. I think when people speak about occurrences like this there is always a strong level of surviorship bias fallacy involved.

It is also important to remember that because women do have such high standards for men, the men they describe as being unattractive are more likely to be merely average or even slightly above average looking rather than being a true sub5 like yours truly.
Yep, knew that was coming. Regardless of how many women say otherwise, we are essentially just "not enough" or liars. lol Excuses are things that allow people to not have to change. It's insanity.
These sort of one off examples are the exception though and not the rule. Nothing even remotely imilar has certainly never happened to be in my over half century of life. The fact that it may be possible for a very tiny select few does not mean that every unattractive man has a chance. It would be like using playing the lottery as your retirement plan. I think when people speak about occurrences like this there is always a strong level of surviorship bias fallacy involved.

It is also important to remember that because women do have such high standards for men, the men they describe as being unattractive are more likely to be merely average or even slightly above average looking rather than being a true sub5 like yours truly.
Make all the excuses you want. You are perpetuating your own misfortune. You and several other men who talk the same. Imagine if potential partners ever read the stuff you wrote - you’re assuring staying single.
This exact belief is the root problem. Doing something about it is not a choice, it is a necessity. You will have to do it. If you have a functioning body, so much is possible, that you couldn't even attain in lifetimes.

Everything that one possesses as a man, has to be acquired by him. That defines his 'value' in the society. This is true whether you and I like it or not.
The primary qualities of a woman that man finds attractive are physical beauty and femininity. Sure, we look for more things but these are the dominating aspects. Much of this is granted to her without too much effort. This is not true in case of a man. The things that make a man attractive have to be acquired by him. This takes effort.
The good thing about this is that the potential is infinite, your belief is the limit.

It is fine that you started as average, but it is not okay to stay average. Do something about it.
Take things differently this time. Take a positive approach on improving yourself, for once. It is a hard and painful endeavor, but it is totally worth it.

It is very easy to come out of the "average" thing.
You don't have to be a 10/10 at something. You should strive to be a 7-8 at 3 to 4 things.
Consider this:

Let's look at physical attractiveness. 90% of young men do not even do any sort of physical training. Simply by starting physical training, you're standing out from 90% of men. Now zoom in on those 10%. 90% of them don't have a planned regime, a nutritious diet and consistency. If you do that, you're already in the 1%. Here, there will be cut throat competition. Things are way harder here than so far. People here are very serious about their goals.

Now let's consider another aspect. Wealth. Most people save nothing. Most of the people who save do not invest. Most of the people who invest do not do it strategically. If you start investing your savings strategically by gaining the necessary knowledge, you see how you are way ahead of most of the people.

NOW. Let's mix the two. Most fitness freaks are not strategic investors. Most strategic investors are not fitness freaks. Imagine you are working on both these aspects with utmost dedication for a long time. Tell me how you are still "average'.

Now mix 3 aspects and try to excel at those. See where it takes you.

Above things are just examples and could vary based on things you want to work out on.
This is very good advice and posts like this show that the internet is not all trash.
But the thing is, this type of mindset has to be built up when young.
It is, or should be, the primary responsibility of a boy's father to do this -- to train his son both physically and mentally to be a man.
Unfortunately many of us, myself included, did not receive this training (though my father was more than capable).
That's where the internet comes in.
Teenage boys and young adults can read advice like the above and have online mentors to help them improve.

There is a limit though. Once a guy hits his mid/late 30s, 40s or 50s...there just so much that can be done.
I know people here will disagree, but...while you may be able to teach an old dog a few new tricks, it just won't be the same.
This has to happen earlier in life to have the full effect.
Not saying older guys can't be better, or shouldn't keep trying. But the results will not be drastic.

Father's day is next Sunday.
To all you dads out there, remember to train your sons. It's the most important job you have!
I wonder if anyone has tried hypnosis to get out of their negative mindset that is full of excuses and no accountability......I mean, maybe it's worth a shot. Or Electric Shock Therapy, maybe?
I wonder if anyone has tried hypnosis to get out of their negative mindset that is full of excuses and no accountability......I mean, maybe it's worth a shot. Or Electric Shock Therapy, maybe?
I am not sure if this is in response to my post, but I absolutely do believe in accountability and personal responsibility.
I am simply saying that the older a man gets, while he SHOULD still try to better himself, the changes will be less drastic.
I think that is being realistic, not a having a negative mindset.

Also, I STRONGLY say that it is a father's most important personal responsibility to train his son.
That is non negotiable.
He is delinquent in his duties if he fails to do this.
I wonder if anyone has tried hypnosis to get out of their negative mindset that is full of excuses and no accountability......I mean, maybe it's worth a shot. Or Electric Shock Therapy, maybe?
I'd pay good money to try that last one.
Well, even the first one. If I could get people jumpong on one leg and clucking like chickens...😈
I am not sure if this is in response to my post, but I absolutely do believe in accountability and personal responsibility.
I am simply saying that the older a man gets, while he SHOULD still try to better himself, the changes will be less drastic.
I think that is being realistic, not a having a negative mindset.

Also, I STRONGLY say that it is a father's most important personal responsibility to train his son.
That is non negotiable.
He is delinquent in his duties if he fails to do this.
Actually, you oddly do have accountability. You are fully ready to accept your part in it, but you do post a lot of excuses. It doesn't matter how old you are, if you want to change, do it, work hard, be disciplined and make it happen. Regardless of what you are trying to accomplish, it CAN be done. Changes are rarely drastic, that doesn't mean you shouldn't keep trying and BELIEVE that you can do it. Because if you really want to, you can.

See, that's the thing with "training" anyone in virtually anything. Each person has a different opinion of what a "man" should be. Take my ex for example. Before he started actually being a "father" to ONE of my children, my kid was a respectful, polite boy who was responsible and hard working. NOW, however, the more he hangs out with his father, the more disrespectful he is, the more irresponsible he is. But, my ex is teaching him how to be a "man"....what a "man" should be in HIS eyes. The kind of man HE is. That's not a good thing.
Also, you can only blame your upbringing for so long. At some point, you have to take responsibility for what you are taught, for what you learn. There are plenty of "men" out there who didn't have a father or had a crappy father.
ETA....the reverse is also true. There are plenty of men out there who had the father and were taught all the right things, but they are donkeys. People, regardless of age, learn what they want they learn, not what they should learn.

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