TheRealCallie said:
I disagree with this. Online dating is a good experience, because it gives you just that...experience. Whether that is experience in handling rejection or talking to people, doesn't matter, it helps people get their balance on how to deal with it.
Also, it is NOT just for good looking or interesting people. There are plenty of....well, the opposite, I guess, on there. However, what is deemed interesting and good looking to one person, won't be to the next person.
It does give you experience... but it can be very painful for folks like myself who have very little if any real life experience. It's like for most of your life (or mine, in this case) you take little initiative to have a social life, you never approach women due to low confidence and fear of rejection... and therefore can say to yourself "well, maybe if I had actually tried, things would have been different, I might have had a few relationships." By not trying, you get to keep your self-esteem up, but in a shaky way. This was what I did and it worked. Also what helped.. I have had a few occasions here and there in real life where girls would act interested, give off some surefire flirty signals, and I'm also fairly certain I've got average or better looks.
Well then you get to the dating site and your response rate is about 1 for every 10, of those rare times you get more than 2 responses from the same girl, you then ask "would you like to email" and nothing or.. "I'd rather not." All at once now, your self-esteem starts to shatter, and you begin to think.. had you actually tried in real life, maybe the results would be the same, as in indifference or simply rejection. So.. this is what really hurt, and just this one short experience on that site, has put my self-image into flux again.. uncertain of my worth, and perhaps less likely to try in real life now, than before.
The moral of the story then, I suppose, is if you have no experience out in the field (real life).. perhaps you should not get on a dating site. Perhaps real life experience is the best way to start. If you decide to have a go anyway: it's as I've said, a masochistic temperament is necessary, otherwise it could be damaging. Had I gone into it somehow believing women ignoring me or not replying is a wonderful thing, maybe it wouldn't have been so bad... so, mind games for yourself are a must.