I very vaguely recall seeing your pic posted on this site, Muse, possibly two of them. The one I remember more vividly is the one with long hair. If you want my advice I think you should cut it. It's not that I'm averse to long hair (I've had it myself) but some of us dudes just look better with short hair. In your case it looked like something coarse that was run through a straightener, an almost fake look. That probably sounds terrible, but I'm trying to help you, and the year-old memory could be a bit off (it might not even have been you, and I might be totally embarrassing myself right now). In fact, you should explore every possibility: contacts, facial hair, etc. Keep changing up your look and getting feedback until you have one that works. I think that everyone can look good if they just do the right things with their face, but the only issue is that others are too afraid to tell them what to change.
Secondly, since you're like me and you're into women who like good music, I know something you can try. When you're in a public place - coffee shop, bus/train stop, somewhere with people - blare your earphones so that the music is audible to those near you. This gives women a reason to look at you. More importantly, it makes you stand out from everyone else - makes you seem more interesting - and attracts the attention of whoever might be into similar music. It gives them something to be attracted to before they even speak to you, so it serves the same function as looks. I'm no Tom Cruise, but I've even had a cute blonde-type with very little in common hit on me out of the blue when I was doing this. Try it out, who knows, and go out as much as possible. Anyway, this is the only stuff I can add at this hour that hasn't been already said.