letters never mean to be read

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Dear X,
Even after all these years, I still miss you.
I will love you forever & I hope you are well.
I won't ever intrude upon your life, as that's how
you wanted it, but I carry you with me in my heart always.
Dear Eric,
I am sorry. I've been thinking about the way things are - between me and you and your family. I am sorry that I am so hurt and angry. I didn't realize that by being that way - I have put you in an impossible position. Your family has chosen not to accept me which is hard enough to deal with. On top of that - I have put you in a position to choose between them or your family here at home - me and our children. It wasn't fair to you to react the way I did. I just can't help it sometimes. I am so hurt and angry and I cannot get over it. I hate being treated like I am some bad person. For 7 years now - I have been rejected by your family. It hurts more today than it did when we first got together. Regardless of what they think - I am not a bad person. Yes it is true that I am not perfect - but I do my best to be a good Mom, friend and wife. I realize how very selfish it was of me to tell you that I didn't want our kids around your family. I am hurt and angry with them - but I took it out on you. I am sorry. I am also sorry for bringing up the past - the things you have done that hurt me. It was not fair of me to do that... especially since I talk about how I want to be accepted even though I am not perfect... I should have given you the same curteousy. Neither of us are perfect. But we are both good-hearted people. Yet I throw your short-comings in your face and always remind you of them. I do this because I am angry that your family can only see what I do wrong without ever acknowledging what you have done wrong. I want to be forgiven for my mistakes. I want to be able to forgive you as well - if you want to be. I love you so much. I still have the message you left me last August - telling me that we will get through this and that it doesn't matter what your family thinks. I guess I felt betrayed when you went over there with our kids - without me because once again - I wasn't invited. And to make it hurt worse - you refused to understand why I was so hurt. It felt like you blamed me - like it was my fault that they hate me. I have to learn to accept the fact that your family will never let me be part of the family. I just don't know how to deal with it. I always thought that as long as I was a good person - that people would see that and treat me accordingly. I never realized how unfair and cruel this world is. I am finding out that it is difficult to trust people. I need to be able to trust you. I need your support. I want to support you as well - I just don't know how. I have been in quite a few bad relationships. I have been lied to, cheated on as well as physically and mentally abused. Regardless of that - I have somehow managed to survive. Regardless of my personal life - I was always able to excel professionally. Well, I have no "fight" left in me. I feel angry, hurt and confused. I don't know who I am anymore. I have lost the desire to care about school and work. All I want to do is sleep. I feel like everything that I had hoped for - is gone. We used to be so happy together. I don't know what went wrong. We have been through this discussion many times. Things get bad - we try to make it better - but then it is only a matter of time before things get bad again. I feel like if I'm not perfect -then I'm not good enough for you. Even if I were perfect - I still would't be good enough for your family. I just feel so much pressure to be perfect- just to be accepted. I no longer get striaght A's at school. I cannot keep up with the house work. I don't get to do the things with my kids that I want to do. I am not the perfect Mother. I feel like I am failing on so many different aspects of my life. I have people who I considered friendsjust drop me out of their life - people who I accepted unconditionally. They drop me out of their life with no explanation. If I am doing something wrong - I'm not trying to do it on purpose. I have good intentions. I am tired of being judged and thought of as a bad person. It is very frustrating to deal with... people saying things about me that aren't true.. People thinking things about me that isn't true... People who know nothing about me - not giving me a chance - yet they feel that they can judge me. Although this is very painful to me - I could get through this as long as I had you by my side... I don't even have you anymore. All I have ever wanted was you.

I am sorry for hurting you. I love you.
dear xgf,
sometimes i wonder if you really think of me as you always told me. i carry you with me every day. there is not a single day without remembering our past.
Dear Eric
I can’t take this anymore. Why do you continue to punish me? What is it I did that was so horrible that you would end our relationship? I’m either at school, work or home taking care of the kids. I am not perfect – but I don’t cheat on you or lie to you. I love you and the kids. Couples fight. Couples have problems but work though them unless it is something severe. All I did was get upset because your family once again – invited you and the kids but not me. I apologized to your for being hurt and angry. I shouldn’t have said what I said… I still have the message you left me last year… Remember when I called you last year to tell you how worried I was that things would get bad between us? Remember I told you I was worried that I would mess up again and you would leave me again? You left me a message on my phone – telling me not to worry and that we would work through our problems. I still have it and I listen to it. Did you not mean it? Do you really think that little of me to just end things because we had a fight? How I reacted was not right – but I do feel I am not wrong to feel the way I do about your family. They have treated me like **** from day 1. But you know that. We can’t change it.

I cry everyday now. I can’t concentrate on work or school. I am having a difficult time keeping it together for the kids. Yet you go on with your life like it doesn’t affect you at all. I am devastated that you don’t love me anymore. I really just don’t even want to live. I have four beautiful children. I am starting a new career on Monday. I will have my Bachelor’s degree in just one more year – and then I go onto a Master’s degree after that. I had hopes and dreams of a better life for us. I thought we were going to be a family forever. It is killing me that you won’t say “I love you” back to me and that you won’t even sleep with me. It is killing me that you say it is over between us. I want to ask you what it is that I did that was so horrible to make you not love me anymore. It sucks to think that somehow I messed things up and I don’t even know how. I would ask you but I am terrified of what you might tell me. When I talk to you – all I hear about is how unperfect I am. I truly am doing the best I can. I don’t always make the best decisions. I am not a perfect Mom. I am not a perfect human being. I react when I should be responding. But I do try to do better. I just don’t know what more I can do. I get no credit for anything I do right… and I get condemned severely for everything I do wrong. What did I do that was so terrible to deserve to be treated this way?

Somebody please help me… I can’t take this anymore… I just don’t even want to go on… But I need to in order to make sure my children have a good life. I have so much to live for – but I don’t want to live anymore….

First, sorry for shortening your name so callously. Second, I cannot pretend to know what you are going through, but what I do know is that you are right when you say that you have a lot to live for. From your own brief description of your life--your aspirations to higher education, your children, your work--it really seems that you do have a lot to live for. Keep considering that and hang in there. This too shall pass.
It's not been long since we went our own separate ways.  We had a long and great relationship, though the long-distance was always a major factor for turbulence.  I have always loved you and yet you say that you need to move on.  Nothing's changed for you, but I feel like I have lost everything in the process.

When I finally decided to move away from my home, my family, and my friends to be with you, I thought perhaps I could finally find peace and we could figure things out... together.  Alas, it was not meant to be, for I knew you had no intention of making any sacrifice - of giving me a single inch.  I made myself open to working towards building a life with you, but you pulled away as soon as you got the sense that I knew I couldn't stay there.

Back when I moved out West, you would call me and tell me that you felt like you gave everything and it was I, who had to prove that I loved you somehow.  I took those words to heart (and still do) and found myself trying even harder to show you just how much I love you (and still do).  I do fault you for never once coming to visit me, though I could never tell you that, for fear of the argument that would transpire.  You made me regret my choice to travel and try new things before settling down, so I guess you'll forever win the argument.

Anyways, I do thank you for not leaving me in that strange place - for staying with me through the year so I could finish up school.  At least that was civil of you.  But you knew that the only reason I had to leave was that my family needed me.  I would have stayed.  Perhaps I should have stayed, but I lost my only brother and my family has collapsed.  I had never before seen my father cry and the look of terror and tears in his eyes told me that the world was no longer going to be the same.  My mother still cries and it's all I could do to not let them face their pain alone.  Your family is intact and happy and I pray that you never have to experience suffering.  But then in my darkest or perhaps most rational times, I wish that you could just get a sense of what real suffering is, so that you can know how intensely it can change your life.  It was not for lack of commitment to you that I chose to leave, but for reasons that I can't expect you to understand.

When we embraced and said goodbye, our eyes full of tears, our hearts overwhelmed with the compounding anxiety of separation that had been building up for so long, we promised to stay in touch (though neither of us knew what that meant).  You then turned and left and went to work.  You left me there in our empty apartment and I just cried, filled with uncertainty about what I would do next.  I knew I had to go home, but I had little to go home to but a devastated family.  But as you were so good to move on and go to work, so too have you found a way to move on without skipping a beat.  You lost nothing but me and looking at your success in this short time, I wonder if I ever mattered, or if I didn't have a negative effect.

So, I must try to move on myself, starting with writing you a letter that you'll never read.  You want to move on, and you have proven that our relationship was easy for you to dissolve, although for so long I tried to ignore that fact.  It's true - maybe not good or bad, but true.  And I will never tell you that I think you are controlled by others or that I gave you the courage to stand up for yourself only to see it used against me (though not your ******* of a father).  I will never tell you that yes, you are selfish for having asked me to give up everything and be with you, or that your selfishness makes you just like him.  I will never again tell you that I love you and miss you though it is here in my heart, for you need to move on.  I am good for you, but you are not right for me.  I know that you will never find anyone that can treat you with the respect and admiration that I showed you.  You'll never find anyone who can empower you to use your great potential or accept your inhibitions as part of who you are.  Your friends are poison and I fear they will bring you down.  These are the things you'll never hear me say.

I wish you success, but I can see these things manifesting in your life - perhaps in the near future, and I will not be there at all.  You may call, but I will pray for the strength to not answer.

dear forum,
thanks for writing your letters, your secrets couldn't be safer here. ;)
~Lost Leo
I want to contact you more than anything right now. E-mail, letter, phone call, text, doorbell.....it would be so easy.wouldn't you love that. I dream about you all the time, & I'm so grateful you don't know that. When does the time come where I can feel at ease? How do I make you one of those people I can't remember? I want to close my eyes and fall asleep without you being involved. How did you get such a hold of me?these words....this is all i can do to keep myself from finding you.
Dear Johnny.

You picked up the pieces when Lars committed suicide. You were there for me, my knight in shining armour. I will be eternally greatful for that. But what happened? What did I do wrong for you to abandon me and leave me to rot in my own self hatred?

All I ever wanted was to be loved. Someone who would look after me, no matter what, and not consider me as a burden. I know my friends have long since given up on me, but I thought I had you. Now I have nothing. Nothing stable in my life, without you, no place to live, no money, no life. No friends, no family, no-one who cares. Nothing.

I don't really know why I continue. I know you didn't ask to be put in this situation, but hell, how much is it to ask? All I want is to see you once in a while and feel like you like me. I wouldn't survive on my own.

I'm a disaster, I know. I'm overweight, underdressed and generally a messed up person. But please, I love you. I hate losing you. I'm losing everything I have, and it's not fair. None of this is fair, I'm only 21. What did I do wrong?

I love you, forever and a day

I know you told me not to write anymore.  You told me not to call, or come by anymore.  And I haven't.  I've done everything you asked.  But it hurts.  It hurts everytime I go to the store and see something I know you'd like.  It hurts when I can't buy it for you because I know you'd never accept it from me.  It hurts when I can't email you a link to a funny story or tell you about a book I think you'd like.  It hurts when I can't make your favorite cookies because you're not here to eat them.  And it hurts when I can't talk to you.  It hurts when I'm all alone at the end of the day and all I want is you, and I can't have you.

You told me to stay away, and I have.  But what am I supposed to do with all this energy and all the feelings that I have directed at you?  I don't know know what to do with this.  I don't understand why you had to cut me out of your life so completely.  I know you never wanted me, and I know you never will.  But isn't there some stage between lovers and complete strangers? I want to be able to send you a birthday card in September and a Christmas card in December.  I could make do with that.  I could pour everything I had into writing "best wishes" and signing my name.  I could do that, and it wouldn't hurt so much.  But I won't- because you told me not to.
YOu stupid bi**!

who do you think you are? How dare you even insult my intelligence? You cheated and lied to me, the only person who defended and took care of you.

I was mad but not I'm super glad that I'm not with you and your lame ass family.

What goes around comes around 10 times I promise you that. God punish those who do not punish themselves.

You will never find anyone even close to me, all your dreams will never come true. That is already happened since that you were complaining and being jealous of your own brother.

You are a liar not only to others but to your self and you can't even see that! How pathetic!

BTW you're a fat pig!
Hi! :) said:
YOu stupid bi**!

who do you think you are?  How dare you even insult my intelligence?  You cheated and lied to me, the only person who defended and took care of you.

I was mad but not I'm super glad that I'm not with you and your lame ass family.

What goes around comes around 10 times I promise you that.  God punish those who do not punish themselves.

You will never find anyone even close to me, all your dreams will never come true.  That is already happened since that  you were complaining and being jealous of your own brother.

You are a liar not only to others but to your self and you can't even see that!  How pathetic!

BTW you're a fat pig!

Read, confirmed, subscribed. This is exactly what I'd write to the woman who cheated and lied to me.

It upsets me that you won't give me your new phone number. It's even worse that you've apparently given it to the rest of our family but made them promise not to give it to me. Am I that much of a burden? We used to only talk 2-3 a year anyway; it's not like I was overloading you with calls. I just want to be able to wish you happy birthday or call you if there's some sort of emergency. Oh well. I hope you're enjoying your new place and that you're all settled in.
Dear Mom,

Why did you do that? Why did you go and get pregnant, when you had been plotting a divorce? Why did you forever bind yourself to him and his family? Why did you choose him of all people? Why did you have to do this now, right before my senior year? Why did you seem surprised when I didn't react with pleasant happiness and cheer?

Why did you even have to get pregnant with me when you were only 15...?

Dear stranger, I don't want to know you anymore, all is forgotton. Thankfully....i've moved on.
Dear Mom,

Another Mother's Day is here. Another one for me to feel how lost I feel without you. I past the blame game a long time ago. Yes I get angry but blaming and dwelling on what's passed does nothing. Just because I don't talk about you doesn't mean that I don't think about. I'm going to try to only remember the good times I had with you. There were a lot. They say to let go of the past and face the future. I tried to so many times, but the past keeps coming back to haunt me. How can I deal with it? I'm still so angry at you. If I was just a little older things may have been different. I didn't know what to do for you. I didn't know how to save you. You were the parent, not me. How could I be expected to take care of you and everyone when I was a child myself? If I feel the pain sometimes it helps. I keep telling myself that I'm not blaming you. I'm not. I just have a lot of bad memories. The way you looked in that casket still haunts my mind. Just because I didn't cry didn't mean I didn't miss you. You should be here. I shouldn't be an orphan. You knew how much we needed you and how much I needed you. Why? Why? Why?

Stranger in the night,
    please stop calling me, whoever you are. i have 2 questions......
1)why do you only call in the middle of the night, when i'm awake. i never have any missed calls in the morning, so how do you know I'm awake?
2)why don't you say anything when i pick up the phone? why do you whisper nonsense and make grunt noises but not say a word? i don't understand.
Your phone calls are terrifying me & pissing me off. I have a good idea of who you are, but i'm not sure. please just leave me alone. please.
Dear God,

I know your reading this, hell, you read it as i was writing it in my mind. well since you already know what i'm going to say why don't you tell me something, What the hell is your problem?? what have I ever done to you? i've lived the best life I knew how and I always have. No i don't get out to church as often as I should but I would think you could understand that. between work, family and um sleep! you should be able to understand. Sure you gave me a lot of intelligence, thanks for that, it makes my failures that much more poignant. Even after 15 years I still here about how I should have gone to medical school instead of the army. intellect is great but the crappy luck you sent me along with it just outweighs it everytime.

sure, I wanted to marry monica all those years ago, she was young, beautiful and most importantly, pregnant with my baby. no other woman i had slept with over all those years got pregnant, why her? why let me live 9 years with a woman who would only wind up making me feel like death. 2 beautiful kids i got out of the deal, it makes a lot of the hurt worth it. but after being cheated on 3 times it makes it hard to trust anyone else again. now after being divorced for 3 years we can talk to each other as friends. that's good i guess, except that now you god get to shove it in my face how happy she is with her new fiance, new baby, new life. while I get fired twice, beg and borrow money from my parents (at 33) in order to save my home and now just yesterday i find out that I still may have to file bankruptcy in order to save it from a foreclosure. yea i know, money is only worth anything in this life, not the after life but guess what....i'm still in this life! they offered to put my past due payments at the end of the loan, you could have let them approve me for that, GOD what a difference that would have made in my life. but oh no! you'd rather have them call me and tell me that i have to pay them 11,000 dollars in 4 weeks, 4 weeks! if i couldn't pay 2,500 on time every month how the hell do i get 11 grand in 4 weeks.. and i was just starting to feel safe again. i broke up with the g/f of 2 years because i knew she wasn't for me. i did the right thing and let her go so she could find what she was really looking for and things with my business i just started had FINALLY started to go well. but just like every other time I start to feel like things are getting better you shove a celestial foot up my ass.

If it wasn't for my kids god, i'd find a way to die and come up there and give you a taste of your own medicine. but they need me, for them i swallowed my anger for my ex, for them i'll file bankruptcy again so that at least on the weekends they can have a stable home to come to, for them i'll keep the women they don't like out of my life, for them i'll keep getting up when you kick my ass and spit in my face, for them i'll keep going to my ex's house and stand in front of her, the fiance and the brand new baby and hold back the tears.

because they need me

i think i've pretty much given up on you though........
I'm tired, frustrated,& i feel like a loser. life really hurts sometimes. I'm not where i want to be and I'm not doing what i want to do. it's been 4 years now and i haven't enrolled in college. I worry about everyone else during the important part of the day, and worry about myself at night. Everyone keeps telling me part of being an adult is taking care of your own responsibilities..i.e.doctor, dentist, car insurance, health insurance, loans, moving, it goes on and on. It feels like so much on my shoulders with work and upkeep of my apartment on top of all that other stuff. I feel like i can't handle it sometimes. I get really depressed. I'm just really afraid and worried all the time. I feel like I repel people and drive them away. all the friends i've ever had were 'fair-weather' at best. I'm just really scared i'll lose you too. Everybody has something or does something that other people recognize them by...for instance " the girl with the big chin & a mole on her lip...." or "the guy with the acscent that talks really loud...." most people don't know what theirs' is. I know i don't. I really wish i did though. maybe that would help me to start making friends......ya know if i could work on my character flaws. you're sleeping right now so can't wake you up to tell you this stuff. hey it's only important to me anyway. i love u babe more than everything. I'm yours....
to whom it may concern

I am a bit confused by it all, I realise I am menopausal and my emotions are all over the place, but how can I be sure that you love me? that you are not just here for an easy life? you get wages every week, you occasionally give me £20 or £40 here and there, but I am paying for it all. This is bollocks, now I have typed it, it's ******* obvious, but are you taking me for a mug or am I offering myself as an easy touch? tough call that one.

I am happy for you to do anything that pleases you, when do I get my turn at doing what pleases me........

enough said

this is not what I was expecting to type

but life without you ............

this is hard

too hard

may have to come back to this another day ..... so not what I thought ... I thought a little rant would clear my head but this is deeper than I knew.....

weird ... how could I not know?

gotta go

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