Dear women in my life,
This might sound bitter, and angry, perhaps frustrated. But at this particular moment, its not about rationality or logic, because as I'm sure that you are more than well enough aware, emotions speak of a certain truth. Logic and reason are more often the facade for the primal forces that move us, and you know this.
M & K, thank you for being there for me in a time when I needed someone and making me realize how close and beautiful female friendship and sisterhood can be. M, in particular, you know that I eventually fell in love with you, but with a kind of purity that allowed me to be totally happy knowing that you were with someone who cared for you. You will never know how special you are - so many girls would like to think of themseves like you, but having a chronic illness and still being able to listen to me vent while offering me sympathies?Thank you, thank you, and thank you. You are a rare gem.
K, you were always the harsher one of the pair, but you were such an excellent counterpoint to M. You thrust me forward, and almost forced me ahead to make progress. I can trace much of my personal growth to you, and our almost daily phone calls where you monitored my progress. I guess I saw you as almost manlike at times, and certainly represented a much stronger version of feminity - but between you and M, you were awesome. I just pity your respective husbands to-be
I miss you both, but without painful yearning, but with fond thoughts. You both deserve blessed and wonderful lives with the men who've been fortune enough to win your hearts. I forsee more conspiriing betwixt you two, though
I can't say that I have kinder words for the rest of you, though.
C, how do I put this in simple terms? You're some combination of a total moron, made worse for your bombastic hypocrisy. You cry about your "vulnerability" and wonder why you get into emotionally abusive relationships, then whine to me? Goddamnit. You bring it to yourself. You know that I would have loved you, that I would have been good to you, and that I would have treated you with all the respect that you deserve. But I guess you're not very vulnerable to me, eh? Trust me on this: you're not as intelligent as you think you are, you're not as pretty as you think you are, and you're not as principled as you think you are. As much as I hate to assure suffering upon a fellow human being, I think you've won the jackpot. In this case, you literally make your own bed and then lie in it. You choose suffering. You choose pain. You choose betrayal. And not once, but CONSISTENTLY. Don't cry to me for your choices.
Oh yeah, and you wanted to help me feel better? All the intellectual frippery that you can reguritate isn't going to help me. Trust me, I do that far better. You know that all I need is to be loved. You're not willing to offer that, so at least be honest with yourself. You don't want to really help me, you just want to justify your own self-concept as an enlightened, principled person(of which you are neither). You're just a masochistic, delusional hypocrite.
Ch, unlike the girl above, you /are/ intelligent and you /are/ beautiful(and far more so for knowing it), which is why you've generally been healthier in your relationship choices. I like people who make good choices, so bravo for you. But likewise, you want to help me by reguritating logic. You know that isn't what I need. All I need is to be loved, and you, too, know that I would have been good for you. But you chose to chase after the ghost of perfection instead - which I guess is just as well. I can't fault you for wanting and just waiting for someone better. I just wish that you'll be a little bit more honest; you're not "helping me" by not loving me. I don't need this kind of "growth." Yes, I embarassed you into saying that you'll give me a chance. But you know that's not what I want. I just want to feel like I could be seen as desireable and worthy of love, and the only way that I could feel that, was through action, not words and certainly not through feeling like I emotionally blackmailed you.
And J, that's why you were so wonderful for me. I'm so sorry that I never loved you back in time. I'm sorry that I listened to the words of my friends instead of my own heart. They called you a brainless blonde cheerleader, and I felt ashamed of you. I'm sorry. You should know that you were the one woman, the only girl in the world who truly came close to truly saving me. You offered yourself, unhesitatingly, upon knowing of my flaws, and I don't think you ever realized how rare very action that makes you. You understood what I needed, and you acted immediately on it. Yeah, so you were a high school girl and you weren't always the smartest with the books. You were ditzy. You cried too much. Your mood swings were legendary.
But you truly, really did care. I'm sorry that I almost ignored you. I feel even worse for pursuing your friend but not you. In the end, I want you to know that I was never worthy of you, not the other way around. I lost you because I listened to stupid onlookers instead of my own heart. There's not a day that goes by when I don't regret it. I'm glad that you're with him now. You two deserve each other, and I mean that in the best possible way.
B, I loved you and not J because you seemed like the intelligent, refined version of your friend. A ballerina, instead of a cheerleader; college instead of high school; wine instead of beer. And so much more. You are the quintiessential lady, one that doesn't even have to try - it was all in your breeding and blood. But I must have found you too late, or perhaps you never were who I thought you were. The world had gotten to you first, crushed you, and though I really wanted to be the one who healed you and make you realize how precious you only got me assigned to becoming the best friend while you continued to find ways to hurt yourself. I love you, B. I always will. I'm sorry that I found you only after you've given up.
E...I was looking for a J in you. I was looking for all my answers in you. You have such innocence matched with intelligence - but I was wrong. I guess your heart was always that small. I don't know what to say. I'm glad that I was able to have that summer with you, when I truly got inside of your soul. There is something beautiful deep within you, but you don't cherish it. You'll rather surrender to fear than to trust, and I guess that doomed us. We could have been lovely together. But...I sigh. Just like every other girl except J I knew, you somehow seem to believe that you're protecting me by not loving me.
I sigh.
I need to be loved. That's all. That would cure me of everything. Why is it that all of you couldn't understand what J did? And I always thought that you were supposed to be more intelligent?
PS: And stop quibbling on the meaning of love. You know what I mean.